NSAIDs – Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs : Pain Killer
Table of Contents
Full from the NSAIDs :
- NSAIDs = Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Introduction :
- It is a Anti-inflammatory drugs.
- It is used for to reduce to minimizing to pain & inflammation.
- It is do the direct effect on to the pain-nerve stimulation and sensitivity.
- It is decreasing to the resulting form of inflammatory heat & swelling.
- It is also relive to fever.
- In the Every day millions of the people is choose to the an NSAID for relieve of headache, stiffness, body aches, swelling, painful periods & fevers, sprains and strains, colds and flu, arthritis, long-term pain.
List of the NSAIDs drug :

- Aspirin [ mostly high dose ]
- Naproxen sodium
- Ibuprofen
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol®) is not an NSAID.
- Diclofenac
- Etodolac
- Celecoxib
- Diflunisal
- Indomethacin
- Nabumetone
- Salsalate
- Oxaprozin
- Naproxen
- Sulindac
- Ketoprofen
- Tolmetin
- Ketorolac
- Etoricoxib
- Mefenamic acid
- Indomethacin
- This all drug is available in many brands by drug wise.
Use of the NSAID drug?

- It is used in many conditions :
- Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendonitis.
- Muscle aches
- Dental pain
- Backaches
- Menstrual cramps
- Gout pain.
- Bursitis.
- Primary stage of the inflammation
- Mild to moderate pain
- Fever
- Headaches
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Sports injuries
- Stiffness
- Swelling
- Sprains and strains
- Colds and flu
How do the NSAIDs work?

- Prostaglandins is a family of the chemicals that is produced by the cells of body and have to several important of the functions.
- This is promote to the inflammation is necessary for the healing, but it is also results in to the pain & fever
- Support to the blood clotting function of the platelets
- Protect the lining of this stomach from the damaging effects of the acid.
- Prostaglandins is produced of the body’s cells by the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX).
- COX enzymes is two enzymes
- COX – 1 & COX-2.
- Both enzymes are produce to prostaglandins for protect the stomachthis drug is block to the COX enzymes & reduce to the prostaglandinsthroughout to the body.
- As a consequence ongoing to the inflammation, pain & fever are reduced.
- Since to the prostaglandins is to the protect of the stomach & support platelets.
- Blood clotting also are the reduced
- This drug is block to the production of the certain body chemicals which is cause of the inflammation.
- This drug is work to like as to the corticosteroids , without many of to the side effects of steroids.
- Steroid is a man-made drugs which are similar to the cortisone which is a naturally-occurring form hormone.
- Like to cortisone which is drug to reduce pain & inflammation which is come with to the joint & muscle diseases
How long should I use an over-the-counter NSAID?
- Don’t use to the an over-the-counter of this drug continuously for this more than to three days for the fever & 10 days for the pain ,Over-the- counter of this drug is work well in the relieving pain, but it is meant for the short-term use.
- This drug is take to for a long period of time if the advice of the doctor and also check the side effect.
- If the notice to the any bad side effects you need to the changed of this drug .
Function of the NSAIDs drug :
- This drug is a broad group of the non-opioid of the analgesic drugs.
- Although to the chemical structures is a different
- Which have to several effects is in the common:
- Decreasing to inflammation
- Relieving of the pain
- Reducing to the high temperature & fever
- In the case of to the aspirin,which is help to prevent the blocked arteries of that which is cause of the heart attack/stroke.
How long does the NSAID drug take to work?
- This is a depends on to this drug type & the condition which is being to the treated.
- Some drug is work within a few hours, while others drugs take a week or two.
- Generally, for the acute or sharp sudden pain of muscle injuries for this recommend this drug which is work quickly.
- These drug is need to be take for the every four to six hours because of that this is short action time of drug .
- In the osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis that need to the long-term treatment so that the doctor is usually recommend of this drug is take to only once or twice to per day.
- However, it is the generally takes over to longer for the drugs is have to a therapeutic or healing effect.
How Is this drug prescribed?
- This drug is to a prescribed in to the different doses, depending on this condition.
- This drug is need to take in a one day is for one to four times.
- Do not increase to the dose without permission of doctor .
- Higher doses of this drug is prescribe in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) & moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis by the doctor .
- Lower doses of this drug is prescribe in osteoarthritis & acute muscle injuries .
- In the people which drug of NSAIDs is worked it is not to any single so that doctor try several types of NSAIDs for the patient and after that they find to right one for the patient.
How does to the doctor choose the NSAIDs that’s right for me?
- In planning of the patient treatment, first doctor looks to the effectiveness & the risks of this drugs.
- First doctor take to medical history, see the X-rays & blood tests , take to the physical exam this all part is decided to which NSAIDs drug will work for the patient .
- After start the NSAID drug program patient is must be meet with the doctor regularly for the check of the any harmful side effects & if any side effects occurs must be necessary to make the any changes.
Are there specific warnings associated with NSAIDs use?
- Food and Drug Administration is required to that the labeling of the NSAIDs to contain the specific warnings :
Warnings of the non-aspirin NSAIDs drug:
- This drug is increase the chance of a heart attack or stroke.
- This risk is greater if have to any heart disease in the patient,
- Risk factors of heart disease is diabetes , high cholesterol, high blood pressure & smoking, this factor is also a warning for this drug this drug is not to used right before or after the heart bypass surgery.
Warning of the all NSAIDs drug aspirin:
- This drug is increase to the chance of the serious stomach & bowel side effects like as the ulcers & bleeding.
- These side effects is occur to without warning signs.
Risk factor of the NSAIDs drug:

- When the patient is older.
- Have to previous history of the stomach ulcers or the bleeding problems.
- Are on to the blood thinners.
- Are on to the multiple prescription
- Patient have to over-the-counter of the NSAIDs.
- Drink to the three or more to alcoholic beverages in a one day.
What are common side effects of NSAIDs?
- Some side effects are to mild & go away when some others are to more serious & need to the medical attention.
Mostly side effects of this drug is gastrointestinal symptoms :

- Gas.
- Heartburn.
- Feeling bloated.
- Constipation.
- Vomiting
- Stomach pain.
- Diarrhea
- Nausea.
- Black stools — bloody or black & tarry stools.
- This all drug is prevented by the take to this drug with to food & milk .
- When this symptom is continue for the more than the few days so that the meet the doctor & need to the stopped or changed.
Other side effects of this drug is:

- Feeling of lightheaded.
- Dizziness.
- Difficulty in the concentrating.
- Mild headaches.
- Ringing in the ears.
- Problems with the balance.
- Blurred vision.
- Photo-sensitivity
- drowsiness.
- Bloody or cloudy of the urine
- Unusual weight gain.
- Jaundice.
- Possible allergic reactions & to other problems
- Inability to pass the urine or to the change in to the how much urine is passed.
- Severe rash or to red & peeling of the skin.
- Wheezing & trouble breathing or to the unusual cough
- Itching.
- Chest pain
- rapid to heartbeat
- Unexplained bruising and bleeding.
- Very bad back pain.
- Feeling to very tired & weak.
- Acute fatigue, flu-like symptoms.
- when this symptoms is continue for the more than the few days so that the meet the doctor & need to the stopped or changed.
Other important side effects are to :

- Liver failure
- Ulcers
- Prolonged bleeding after injury or surgery.
- Kidney failure (primarily with to the chronic use)
- This drug is cause to fluid retention which lead to the edema which is the most commonly manifested by the swelling of to the ankles.
Can I take to NSAIDs if I’m being to treated for high blood pressure?
- This drug is used to in high blood pressure or hypertension in to the some people.
- This drug is stop when the increase to the blood pressure during the use of the drug of NSAID, must be contionue to take the blood Pressure medications & following to the diet.
- Ask the doctor about the before start to taking to this drug .
In which the cases should I check with the doctor before take to use the NSAIDs?

- Pregnancy
- This drug is avoided to in to the third trimester & Consult to the provider use to the first or second trimester .
- Viral infections of the Children & teenagers Reye’s syndrome
- Who have to an upcoming surgical procedure including to the dental surgery.
- People who have to the three or more alcoholic beverages a day.
- Asthma that gets worse to taking the aspirin.
- If the patient have to 65 years of age or older.
- Diabetes it is difficult to the control.
- Liver disease.
- Kidney disease.
- Crohn’s disease or to the ulcerative colitis.
- Active peptic ulcer disease
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Heart and bleeding conditions
- Active congestive heart failure
Overdoses of the NSAIDs drug :
- Taking too much of this drug is become to dangerous.
- This condition is known as to the taking an overdose.
- Contact the GP or NHS 111 for the advice to immediately if to the take too much of the medicine & experience to problems such as the Feeling or being to sick & feel to stomach pain or drowsiness.
- Call to 999 for to the ambulance immediately if the or someone else to experiences of the serious effects of an to overdose, like as to fits (seizures), loss of consciousness or breathing difficulties
Alternatives to the NSAIDs drug :
- It this drug have to troublesome of the side effects so that the alternatives of the recommended to first.
- Main alternative of to the pain relief is paracetamol
- Which is available over to the counter
- It is safe for the most of the people for to the take.
- NSAID creams & gels also to the rub into the skin may be to worth trying to first if to have muscle or joint pain in to the particular part of the body, which is tend to the have fewer side effects than to tablets or the capsules.
- Doctor is also recommend to different medicines & therapies depending on to the health problem ,such as the physiotherapy is help to some people for the muscle or joint pain.