The Quadriceps Muscles : The King of Muscular System
The quadriceps Muscle (The quadricep Femoris or Knee extensor Muscle) is a large muscle group that are located at the Front Of Thigh and the four muscles Group That Makes One of the Strongest Muscle Of The Lower Limb (located on the front of the thigh).
The quadriceps femoris main function is a hip flexor and a knee extensor. It is the super extensor muscle of the knee, making a Bulky fleshy mass that located mainly in the front and sides of the femur.
Table of Contents
The Quadriceps muscles anatomy :
What are the 4 quadriceps muscles ?
The Quadriceps Muscles is subdivided into four Muscle portions :
- Rectus femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius.
Are there 5 muscles in the quadriceps ?
Yes, The tensor vastus intermedius (TVI) is a newly discovered muscle located in the anterolateral thigh (ALT) and is considered the fifth muscle of the quadriceps muscle group.
Tensor vastus intermedius muscle :
Tensor vastus intermedius is a muscle in the anterior compartment of thigh. It lies between the vastus intermedius and the vastus lateralis. The structure has been previously reported but has not been described nor illustrated in any textbook.
The muscle name tensor vastus intermedius was given by Grob et al. in 2016.
Origin :
The tensor vastus intermedius muscle originates from the proximal part of femur specifically from the anterior part of the greater trochanter.
The muscle lies anterior to the vastus intermedius but deep to the rectus femoris. The tendinous part of the muscle is closely related to, and sometimes fuses with, the aponeurosis of the vastus intermedius.
Insertion :
It joins the quadriceps tendon and inserts to the medial aspect of the patella.
Nerve Supply :
Femoral nerve.
Blood Supply :
The lateral circumflex femoral artery.
Action :
- The muscle tenses on the aponeurosis of the vastus intermedius and also medialises the action of the muscle. It also acts as a second tensor in addition to the TFL (tensor fasciae latae).
- Extension of the Knee.
Rectus Femoris Muscle :
Origin :
This Muscle Located At Centre Of The Thigh And Covers All Other Three Muscles. Origin Of The Rectus Femoris is On The Ilium, just superior to the acetabulum. It runs straight down the thigh (the Latin meaning straight is rectus).
Insertion :
Rectus Femoris Muscle inserts into the patellar tendon with other three quadriceps muscles.
Nerve Supply :
Femoral nerve .
Blood supply :-
Femoral, lateral femoral circumflex, superficial circumflex iliac arteries.
Action :
Knee extension; Hip flexion
Note : The only quadriceps muscle to cross both the hip and knee joints. It flexes the thigh at the hip joint, and extends the leg at the knee joint.
Vastus lateralis :
The vastus lateralis muscle is located on the lateral side of the thigh. also called the ”vastus
externus” is the largest and most powerful part of the quadriceps muscle in the thigh. Together
with other three muscles of the quadriceps group, it serves to extend the knee joint, moving the
lower leg forward.
Origin :
It originates from the,
- upper aspect of the intertrochanteric line,
- base of the greater trochanter and onto its anterior surface,
- from the proximal portion of the lateral lip of the linea aspera,
- lateral intermuscular septum.
Insertion :-
It inserts into the lateral side of the quadriceps tendon, joining with rectus femoris, vastus
medialis, and vastus intermedius muscles, enveloping the patella, then by the patellar ligament
into the tibial tuberosity.
Nerve supply :-
The Posterior division of the femoral nerve (L3, L4) supplies the muscle.
Blood supply :-
The superior medial artery, which is a branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery.
The inferior medial artery, a branch of the artery of the quadriceps.
The lateral artery, which is actually the first perforator of the deep femoral artery.
Action :
It work as an extensor of knee.
Vastus medialis :
The vastus medialis (vastus internus or teardrop muscle) is an extensor muscle located medially
in the thigh that extends the knee. It is located in the anterior compartment of thigh.
Origin :
It originates from the,
- Lower part of the intertrochanteric line,
- along the spiral line to the medial lip of the linea aspera
- the medial intermuscular septum and the aponeurosis of adductor magnus.
Insertion :-
It inserts into the medial side of the quadriceps tendon, joining with rectus femoris, vastus
lateralis, and vastus intermedius muscles, enveloping the patella, then by the patellar ligament
into the tibial tuberosity.
Nerve supply :-
The posterior division of the femoral nerve (L3, L4) supplies the msucle.
Blood supply :-
The femoral artery and branches from the profunda femoris artery supplies the msucle.
Action :-
It acts as an extensor of the knee.
Vastus Intermedius muscle :-
Vastus Intermedius is located centrally, underneath rectus femoris in the anterior compartment of the thigh and on each side of it: Vastus medialis and Vastus Lateralis respectively.
Origin :-
It originates from the upper two-thirds of anterior and lateral surfaces of the femur and the intermuscular septum.
Insertion :-
It inserts via Quadriceps femoris tendon to form the deep part of the tendon and then inserts into the lateral margin of the patella.
Nerve supply :-
The posterior division of the femoral nerve (L3, L4) supplies the muscle.
Blood supply :-
The blood supply to the vastus intermedius comes from the artery of the quadriceps and deep femoral artery.
Action :-
Together with other three muscles that are part of the Quadriceps femoris, it work as a knee extension.
Where are the quadriceps located ?
It is located in the front of the thigh (anterior compartment of the thigh). Quadriceps are Group of Four Muscles which are Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis and Vastus Intermedialis.
- Rectus Femoris muscle is Located At Centre Of The Thigh And Covers All Other Three Muscles.
- Vastus Lateralis muscle is located on the lateral side of the thigh.
- Vastus Medialis muscle is located medially in the thigh.
- Vastus Intermedius is located centrally, underneath rectus femoris in the anterior compartment of the thigh.
What is the function of the The quadriceps muscle ?
Function of quadriceps muscles :

All four quadriceps muscle are powerful extensors of the knee joint. They are crucial in performing Day To Day Activity like walking, running, jumping and squatting.
Rectus Femoris is also Hip Flexor With Other Hip Flexor Assistance. This action is also important to walking or running as it swings the leg forward into the ensuing step.
The vastus medialis stabilizing the patella and the knee joint during gait.
This Muscle is highly importance Because of our daily activity like walking, sit to stand, running, stair climbing depends mainly on This muscle, we highly uses Quadriceps. Physiotherapist and Orthopedic Give Prime importance to their Rehabilitation Program to train and strengthen Quadriceps as early as Possible.
This Muscle Require Regular exercise to strengthen and stretches regular intervals – to keep you Walk , Stand Properly and Live Healthy Life.

Quadriceps muscles exercise :

Quadriceps muscles exercise are divided mainly into 2 main types of Exercise, Stretching and Strengthening exercise.
Quadriceps muscle strengthening exercises :
Quadriceps muscle strengthening exercise, the muscles are trained by Too Many Way of exercises.
Effective exercises include the squatting and leg press.
Isotonic Exercise For Quadriceps is the leg extension exercise With Weight Cuff in High sitting position.

Isometric Exercise for Quadriceps is the Knee Fully extends position in long sitting position with keep folded towel beneath the knee and press the towel and Holds for 5 seconds and do this repetition 10 times.
Squatting Exercise :
Squatting Exercise is the Best and Easy to do Home exercise for Quadriceps strengthening where Body weight are used as a Resistance.
Here is steps to do Squatting Exercise :
In Squatting exercise place your feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the floor and your toes are either straight ahead or at a small, 7-degree toe-out position, your knees are straight, and your trunk is erect, starts by squatting down as if you’re sitting into a chair. Your ankles, knees, and hips will bend in unison while keep your spine straight.
As you starts to lower, your knees will travel forward over your toes, and your hips will travel backward to keep your center of gravity over your feet.
The Quadriceps muscle stretching exercises :
This Muscle Require Regular stretching exercise at regular intervals – to keep you Walk , Stand Properly and Live Healthy Life.
In Sport Person , Specially Footballers, Gymnastics, Hockey Player Other Forms Of Competitive Outdoor Games Require Bulky And Lengthening Quadriceps And That’s Why They Most Doing Regular Stretching And Strengthening Exercise.
Regular Strengthening And Stretching Exercise also helps avoid too Many Lower limb Disease eg. Knee Pain And Ligament Injury.

Side-Lying Quadriceps Stretch : :
The side-lying quadriceps stretching is a good stretching exercise to keep your quads flexible. Being on the floor in a soft mat – supported position can help you focus in on the stretch in your quads.
Here is the steps of the side-lying quad stretch:
- Supine Lie on your side.
- Bend the knee of your top leg as far as you are able.
- Maintain position for 10-30 seconds.
- Return to starting position.
- Repeat exercise 3 to 5 more times with alternate leg.
Prone Quadriceps Stretching Exercise :

You can also stretch your quadriceps while lying on you prone position as well. In this position, the floor helps to stabilize your pelvis, minimizing rocking and maximizing stretching effect.
Here is steps to do the prone quadriceps stretch:
- Supine Lie on your stomach (Prone Position).
- Bend your knee back as far as you are able. Grab your ankle in order to pull your knee towards your butt.
- Maintain position for 10-30 seconds.
- Return to starting position.
- Repeat exercise 4 to 5 more times with alternate leg.

Standing Quadricep Stretching Exercise :
Standing Quad. stretch exercise is simple for improving flexibility of your muscles, anytime, anywhere.
Here is steps to do the Standing quadriceps stretch:
- Stand on your Right leg, one knee touching the other. You can hold a chair or the wall to keep you steady Balance if needed.
- Grab your left foot, using your left hand, and pull it towards your left butt. Be sure to push your chest up and hips forward.
- Try not to worry about pushing your foot too close to your backside; your focus should be on feeling the stretch in your quad muscle and pushing your hips forward to get a good hip flexor stretch also .
- Hold the position for 10 to 30 seconds, then repeat, switching from your Right leg to your right butt.
What is the strongest quadriceps muscle ?
The vastus lateralis is the largest and most powerful muscle of the quadriceps, working in mid-range of Knee Extension. Together with other quadriceps muscles, it works as extension of the knee joint, moving the lower leg forward.
Which is the weakest quadriceps muscle ?
Vastus medialis is the smallest of the quadriceps muscles and is often weak as compare to other muscle mainly in women and runners.
Vastus medialis works in last 30 degree Knee extension, Helps keep your knee fully extends. Strengthen this muscle has many health benefits improving knee function and helping to heal and prevent Knee pain eg. OA Knee.
Vastus medialis oblique is a part of Vastus medialis muscles where oblique fiber helps to avoid knee lag deformity.
Clinical Importance :
Quadriceps muscles pain :

Quadriceps muscles pain are most common mainly due to it’s high usage in day to day activity, Higher the usage, higher the
chanches of Pain, related symptom’s and injury.
First choice of treatment is RICE Principle (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation). If Pain is persists then use of NSAID are
mostly prescribed by your doctor’s. After removal of pain, Stretching and strengthening exercise is highly important.
Quadriceps muscle cramps :
Quadriceps muscle cramps are a common problem that during that time sudden, painful, and involuntary contractions of a quadriceps muscle.
The causes are not due to underlying disease but may be due to dehydration, over exercise or lack of muscle use.
They often occur while a person is sleeping or resting or playing marathon game. They can be gone in a few seconds, but the average duration is 6-9 minutes. They can leave tenderness sometimes in the muscle for up to 24 hours after.
In most cases, there is no proper reason why they happen, and they mostly are harmless. Sometimes, however, they can indicate an underlying disorder, such as diabetes or peripheral artery disease.
Quadriceps muscle cramps treatment are mostly not required, if tenderness, muscle spasm is present after 24 Hours Ice or Hot Pack 2 times a day easily reduced the symptom’s.
Quadriceps muscle is highly important muscle of lower limb, we use this muscle highly in day to day activity like walking, standing, sit to standing, stair climbing, running.
Quadriceps exercise is the highly important for lower limb , very informative details specially fifth quadriceps muscle is new for me.