Subtalar Joint

Subtalar Joint

Introduction The Subtalar joint, also known as the talocalcaneal joint, is a significant joint in the foot that plays a crucial role in foot and ankle movement. It is formed by the articulation between the talus bone, located above, and the calcaneus bone, situated below. As a synovial joint, it allows for smooth gliding and…

Metacarpophalangeal (MP or MCP) Joint

Metacarpophalangeal (MP or MCP) Joint

What is Metacarpophalangeal (MP or MCP) Joint? The metacarpophalangeal [ MP or MCP] joint, also known as “the knuckle,” is assembled by the articulation of the proximal phalanx & metacarpal head. This multiaxial joint permits flexion & extension as well as abduction & adduction movements. The MCP joint also dynamically corresponds with the interphalangeal (IP)…

Skeleton System

Skeleton System

What is the skeleton system? What are the functions of the skeletal system? The skeletal system has so many functions: Anatomy What are the parts of the skeleton system? The main part of your skeletal system is made up of bones, hard structures that create your body’s supporting framework. There are 206 bones in the…

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Elbow mobilization exercise

What is mobilization for the elbow joint? Introduction for elbow joint there are 4 joints in the elbow complex for mobilization of the elbow joint Humeroulnar joint Humeroradial joint Proximal radioulnar joint Distal radioulnar joint Conditions required mobilization of the elbow joint Goals for elbow joint mobilization pain, muscle guarding, and spasm Neurophysiological effect Mechanical…

Knee Joint Biomechanics
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Knee Joint Biomechanics

What is knee joint biomechanics? A knee joint biomechanics- studies the coordination of the bones, muscles, ligaments, as well as tendons in Knee joint motions. A complex interaction of these structures allows a knee to withstand tremendous forces while various normal motions. The knee joint is the largest & one of the most complex joints…

Knee joint with muscles
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Knee joint with muscles

The knee joint with muscles plays an important role in the functioning of knee movement, such as quadriceps, Hamstring are the main muscles of knee joint which helps to perform day-to-day activity like walking, sitting to stand, running, and stair climbing. What is the knee joint? A knee joint is a synovial joint that connects…