High Creatinine Levels

High Creatinine Levels

Introduction High creatinine levels can indicate a range of underlying health conditions, involving kidney infection and kidney failure. Doctors usually consider high creatinine levels to be above 1.2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) for males and 1.0 mg/dL for females. Muscles produce creatinine as a waste product. The kidneys remove creatinine from the blood and expel…

Tonsil Stones

Tonsil Stones

Introduction Small lumps that progress in your tonsils are known as tonsilloliths or tonsil stones. Bad breath is the primary sign of tonsil stones. Methods for tonsil stone removal at home involve using a saltwater gargle or a water pick. If the tonsil stones are coming back or bothering you, your distributor could recommend surgery….

Mastering Scapular Depression Exercises: A Step-by-Step Guide

Mastering Scapular Depression Exercises: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Scapular depression exercises are essential for improving the strength and stability of the shoulder girdle. These exercises primarily target the muscles that depress or lower the shoulder blades, which include the trapezius, rhomboids, and serratus anterior. By incorporating scapular depression exercises into your fitness routine, you can enhance your posture, reduce the risk of…

Leg Swelling

Leg Swelling

Definition Leg swelling can happen in any part of the legs, involving the feet, ankles, calves, and thighs. Leg swelling can result either from fluid collection (fluid retention) or from inflammation in injured or diseased tissues or joints. Many of the causes of leg swelling, such as trauma or prolonged standing or sitting, are common,…

Planter Warts

Planter Warts

Plantar warts are a type of skin infection on your feet produced by the human papillomavirus (HPV). The infection causes rough bumps to form, which are uncomfortable or painful. Treatment options involve home remedies, medications, and therapies. What are Planter Warts? Plantar warts (verruca plantaris) are mild (not harmful) rough bumps that form on the…



What is cheilectomy? Cheilectomy is a procedure where your physician removes extra bone from the first MTP joint, a joint in your foot. It could be done through a small incision or an even less forward method. It is used for hallux rigidus treatment or arthritis treatment and can elevate movement in your toe. What…

Cervical Plexus

Cervical Plexus

Introduction The cervical plexus is a complex network of nerves that originates from the spinal nerves of the cervical region of the spinal cord, specifically from the ventral rami of the first four cervical nerves (C1-C4). This intricate arrangement of nerves plays a crucial role in innervating various structures in the neck, head, and shoulders….

Subtalar Joint

Subtalar Joint

Introduction The Subtalar joint, also known as the talocalcaneal joint, is a significant joint in the foot that plays a crucial role in foot and ankle movement. It is formed by the articulation between the talus bone, located above, and the calcaneus bone, situated below. As a synovial joint, it allows for smooth gliding and…