Axillary Nerve

Axillary Nerve

What is Axillary Nerve? The axillary nerve is one of the terminal branches brachial plexus, derived from its posterior cord (C5-6). It travels through the quadrangular space along with the posterior arterial blood vessel and vein. It is a mixed nerve, meaning that it’s both motor and sensory fibers that innervate important muscles of the…

Mixed Cerebral Palsy
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Mixed Cerebral Palsy

What is mixed cerebral palsy? What are the causes of mixed cerebral palsy? Brain damage can be caused by: Mixed cerebral palsy & types of brain damage What Is the most common type of cerebral palsy? What Is the most common form of mixed cerebral palsy? Medical Conditions Associated with Mixed Cerebral Palsy Additional Mixed…

Median nerve injury
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Median Nerve Injury Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise:

What is a Median nerve injury? It is the essential peripheral nerve in the upper limb. It passes on the medial side of the arm between the brachialis and the biceps brachii muscles. Most of the muscles in the forearm are supplied by the median nerve. For example, it controls movements like the abduction of…

gluteal nerve

Superior gluteal nerve: Origin, Course, Function

The superior gluteal nerve is a nerve that arises from the pelvis through the sacral plexus, which is formed by posterior (dorsal) division of anterior rami L4-S1. This nerve supllies the gluteus medius, the gluteus minimus, the tensor fasciae latae, and the piriformis muscle. It is a branch of Gluteal nerve which divided into superior…

Decerebrate posture vs Decorticate posture
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Decerebrate posture vs Decorticate posture:

Decerebrate posture vs Decorticate posture is a mostly an abnormal posture in which Body a typical rigid state mostly related severe damage to Brain related condition symptoms and treatment are vary depends upon cause, symptoms and Diagnosis of the condition. There may be Decorticate posture in one side of the Body and the decerebrate posture…

Pudendal nerve entrapment syndromes
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Pudendal nerve entrapment syndromes : Physiotherapy Treatment, Exercise

What is Pudendal nerve syndrome ? It is also known as the Pudendal neuralgia & Alcock syndrome. It is an unusual of the condition which is arises from to the compression of to the pudendal nerve (S2) . It is a chronic & severely disabling neuropathic pain syndrome. It is a presents in to the…

List Of Neurological Condition
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List Of Neurological Conditions Related To Physiotherapy Only

List Of Neurological Condition Related To Physiotherapy Only : (1) Cerebral palsy (2) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (3) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (4) Multiple sclerosis (5) Stroke (6) Trigeminal neuralgia (7) Guillain barre syndrom (8) Hemilegia (9) Quadriplegia (10) Paraplegia (11) Facial palsy (12) Epilepsy (13) Parkinsons disease (14) Aneurysms (15) Muscle dystrophy (16) Hydrocephalus (17) Attention…

hypoglossal nerve

Hypoglossal Nerve-12th Cranial Nerve

The Hypoglossal nerve is the twelth cranial nerve, and innervates all the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the tongue, except for the palatoglossus which is innervated by the vagus nerve. ANATOMY: The hypoglossal nerve arises from the hypoglossal nucleus. This is found the full length of the medulla, close to the midline. The roots of…