Distal Radius Fracture
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Distal Radius Fracture

What is a Distal Radius Fracture? A distal radius fracture, also called a wrist fracture, is a crack in the part of the radius bone which is near the wrist. clinical manifestations present of pain, bruising, and instantaneous-onset swelling. The ulna bone may even be broken. In younger individuals, these fractures commonly happen during sports…

Proximal Radial Head Fracture
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Proximal Radial Head Fracture

What is a Proximal Radial Head Fracture? A proximal radial head fracture is a type of elbow fracture that occurs when the upper part of the radius bone in the forearm breaks near the elbow joint. This type of injury is commonly caused by falls onto an outstretched arm or direct impact to the elbow….

Supracondylar Humerus Fractures

Supracondylar Humerus Fractures

Definition A supracondylar humerus fracture is a fracture of the distal humerus slightly above where the elbow joint is situated. The fracture is generally transverse or oblique in type and occurs above the medial and lateral condyles and epicondyles of the humerus. This fracture pattern is fairly infrequent in adults but is most common in…

Hook Of The Hamate Fracture

Hook Of The Hamate Fracture

Introduction Hook Of The Hamate Fracture is infrequent and underreported. These types of injuries are usually misdiagnosed or sometimes mistaken for simple wrist sprains. Delayed diagnosis is common. The hamate is a triangular-formed bone that forms a portion of the distal carpal row, communicating with the capitate (radially), triquetrum (proximally), and fifth and fourth metacarpals…