Sartorius Muscle Strengthening Exercise
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What is the sartorius muscle strengthening exercise?
- Sartorius muscle strengthening exercise is an important exercise to increase the power of the legs, if the patient performs this exercise regularly, there are many health benefits & such as improved performance in sports & other day-to-day activities and improved stamina and fitness level as well.
- The sartorius muscle is not as well known as, the gluteus maximus, but this ribbon-like muscle gets very much use. It is the longest muscle of the body wraps from the outside of the hip to the inner side of the knee, & is used every day for walking as well as jogging lateral slides, and lunges as well.
- The sartorius is involved almost every time the patient uses the lower limb to ambulate. A combination of these two actions allows the patient to sit in a cross-legged position such as an old-fashioned tailor which is why the sartorius is also sometimes called the “tailor’s muscle.”
Anatomy of the sartorius muscle
Origin and Insertion
- The patient has a sartorius muscle on both sides of the lower body, each originating on the anterior superior iliac spine of the pelvis.
- The patient can find these landmarks by feeling the bony protrusions on the hips anterior to the body. From its origin, the sartorius then crosses the anterior thigh, angling inward, ultimately inserting on the medial side of the tibia, the larger of the two bones in the lower leg.
- These muscles crossed two joints hip as well as knee, so sartorius act on both joints. Hip flexion, abduction, with external rotation, & knee flexion.
This muscle Action is
- Cross-legged sitting, the butterfly stretch, & the fire log pose are other examples of exercises that require all of the sartorius muscle use.
Health benefits of sartorius strengthening exercise
- Helps to increase the hip & knee range of motion.
- Helps to increase the strength of overall lower limb muscles.
- This muscle is used when the patient is walking, cross-leg sitting & jogging.
- Decrease the risk of sartorius muscle pain, strain & injury.
There have different types of Strengthening Exercises for the sartorius muscle
- Due to the sartorius being involved in so many lower-limb actions, this is fairly easy to strengthen the muscle with the standard, well-rounded lower-limb routine. Every time the patient does a squat or even lunge, & every time he goes for the walk or even jogs, the sartorius is put into action.
Lateral Step-Ups
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- Lateral step-ups done on the bench or plyo box are an excellent compound exercise that targets all of the major muscle groups of the lower limb. The patient can perform these using nothing more than the body weight, or he can use resistance-training equipment such as dumbbells or the loaded barbell to make the exercise more difficult.
- For this exercise, the patient has to stand on one side of the steady box or bench.
- Bend the hip & knee on the leg closest to the bench as well as abduct the hip to step up onto the box.
- Follow this exercise on the opposite leg to rise to stand on the bench. Reverse the movement & carefully step down from a box.
- Complete a set of 10 to 15 on the single side, then switch sides & lead the step up with the next leg.

Lateral Band Walks
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- Band walks are a great exercise to strengthen all of the abductors of the hips. Put the small, looped resistance band around the leg just above the ankles. To do this exercise the patient has to Stand with the feet, hip-width apart so a band is taut, but not tight.
- Flexed the hips & knees slightly so the patient is in the “ready position,” then take the step laterally to the left, pulling against the resistance of the band.
- Step the right foot toward the left foot, but do not let a band go slack.
- Continue stepping to the left, taking 15 to 20 steps, then reverse the motion, this time taking 10 to 15 steps to the right.
- If the exercise feels too challenging, place the band above the knees, instead of above the ankles.

Plie Squats

- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- For the pile squat set up the patient first abducts the hips by creating a wide base of support, stepping the feet out laterally from the midline. Then rotate the hips externally, so the thighs, knees, as well as feet, point toward the sides of the room.
- From here, the patient has to flex the knees as well as hips, lowering the glutes straight down while keeping the hips externally rotated so the knees remain aligned with the toes.
- The knees form a 90-degree angle, press through the heels, & come back to the starting position.
- Do 10 to 15 repetitions of 2 to 3 sets.
- The patient can perform this exercise by using body weight, or the patient can increase resistance with dumbbells or barbells.
Clam Exercise
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- The clamshell exercise looks simple, but when this is done correctly, it fires up the outer hips, putting the external rotators to work.
- Lie on the left side, the bottom arm extended upward to support the head and neck as well.
- Flex the hips & knees, so the thighs are positioned at a 90-degree angle to the trunk & the knees are also flexed at roughly 90-degrees.
- From here, make sure the shoulders & hips, and knees are stacked, and the body is perpendicular to the floor.
- Keep the big toes touching, engage the core, & externally rotate the top hip so the knees open, as though you were a clam opening up.
- Rotate as far as the patient comfortably can with proper form, then reverse the motion, internally rotating the hip back to its initial position.
- Do 10 to 20 repetitions of 2 to 3 sets before repeating on the next side.
- If having the hips flexed to 90 degrees does not feel good as you rotate, lower the hips to a 45-50 degree angle. To make the exercise more challenging, place the small looped resistance band around the legs, just above the knees. When the patient externally rotates the top hip, he will open the knees against the band’s resistance.

Cable Knee Raises

- How to do this exercise:
- The cable flexed-knee leg raise works the sartorius from the standing position & it involves hip as well as knee flexion. Hip flexion takes place when the thigh moves toward the tummy & knee flexion takes place when the heel bends backward.
- After fastening the ankle cuff to the left ankle & a low setting on the machine, stand with the back to the weight stack.
- Steadily lift the foot off the floor & pull the leg forward.
- As you perform this, lift the knee until the thigh is parallel to the floor. Slowly lower the foot, repeat for a set of repetitions, and switch sides.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 17 repetitions in one session. Do two sessions in a day.

- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- Squatting involves knee hip flexion, & this will utilize the glutes & hamstrings as well as the sartorius.
- For this exercise, the patient has to stand with the hips shoulder-width apart as well as lower herself down by flexing the knees.
- Once the thigh is parallel to the floor, stand back up & repeat.
- Keep the core engaged & back straight throughout.
- To increase the difficulties, support the barbell across the top of the shoulders or hold dumbbells in the hands.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 17 repetitions in one session. Do three sessions in a day.
Walking Lunges
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- This exercise works on the sartorius & lower limb muscles in a similar fashion to squatting, but with a different movement pattern.
- The patient has to stand with the feet together & hands on the hips, take a long step forward with the left foot as well, and lower the body down by flexing the knees.
- Once the left thigh is parallel to the floor & the right knee is 1 to 2 inches above the ground, stand up & lunge forward with the left foot.
- Alternate each leg for a set of repetitions.
- To increase the resistance, hold dumbbells at the sides or a medicine ball to the chest.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 17 repetitions in a session. Do two sessions in a day.

Standing Abduction

- How to do this exercise:
- This exercise targets the sartorius, gluteus medius, & gluteus minimus which are found in the buttocks.
- While standing on the right foot, extend the left leg slightly in front of the body, & then raise this laterally in the air to the left side.
- Slowly lower this back down, repeat for a 2 to 3 set of 10 to 20 repetitions, & switch sides as well.
- To increase the difficulties, wear ankle weights.
Roman Chair Sit-ups
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- For this exercise the patient has to lie on the back of the machine & do sit-ups, the patient will utilize the sartorius muscles.
- Sit on the upper padded support & hook the feet under the lower padded support.
- Either cross the arms over the chest or place the hands on the sides of the head & bend backward until the trunk is parallel to the ground. Rise to the seated position & repeat.
- This exercise also utilizes the rectus abdominis and hip flexors as well.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 20 repetitions.
Glute Bridges
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- The patient has to come in supine lying. Flexed the knees & shift the heels close to the hips.
- Put the arms rest by the sides & keep the feet placed on the ground.
- Keeping the head, neck, & shoulders on the ground, lift the back & hips as high as possible.
- The core should be tight & squeeze the glutes.
- The shoulders, hips, & knees should be in a straight line.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions in a session. Do three sessions in a day.

Single-Leg Squat

- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- Put the feet shoulder-width apart & extend the arms straight out in front of you for balance.
- Squat down as low as the patient can go, as though the patient sitting in an imaginary chair.
- The knees should be directly above the ankles & the thighs should be parallel to the ground.
- While the patient is in the squat, pause at the bottom for the 2nd & raise one foot off the ground.
- Shift the elevated leg up & back as the patient rises to the standing position.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 25 repetitions in one session. Do two sessions in a day.
Mountain Climbers
- How to do it?
- Firstly the patient has to take a plank position on the hands.
- The hands should be directly below the shoulders & the head, shoulders, hips, & heels should be in the same line, such as an arrow.
- Alternate bringing both knees in toward the chest, either slowly or quickly.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions in a session. Do two sessions in a day.

Low Lunge
- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- Take the left leg forward & go into the deep lunge. Place the right knee on the floor and the palms on either side of the left foot.
- Lift the right arm over the head & lean the body toward the left.
- Hold for ten seconds. Repeat on the next side. Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions in one session. Do three sessions in a day.

- How to do this strengthening exercise:
- This exercise targets almost the lower limb muscles, especially the sartorius.
- The patient can perform this exercise at the stairs, box, or even raised plank.
- All the patient needs to do is stand with the feet slightly apart in front of the raised surface.
- Place the right foot on a box & climb up. Stand with both feet on the box as well as step down using the left leg.
- Be careful during stepping down to avoid any kind of injuries.
- Repeat the same 15-22 times at least. The patient can also add weights or even dumbbells to add more challenges to the workout.

When did you not do this exercise?
- If the healthcare provider advises the patient to rest.
- If the patient feels any numbness or even pain then stop immediately & consult the therapist.
- If the leg bone is recently fractured then avoid these exercises.
- If the patient has back issues then avoid weight-lifting workouts.
Yet an overly tight sartorius can cause acute discomfort at the front of the pelvis. Like the iliopsoas, this can also adaptively shorten owing to sitting, which results in chronic dysfunction. This dysfunction can have concomitant far-reaching effects throughout the body.
The sartorius muscle can move the hip joint and the knee joint, but all of its actions are weak, making it a synergist muscle. At the hip, this can flex, weakly abduct, & laterally rotate the femur.
For individuals who sit for long periods, tight hips & tight hip flexors including the sartorius are common. As a result, hip pain or an uneven gait may happen. However, the anterior hip pain caused by the tight sartorius is often mistaken for issues with the psoas & iliacus.
The Sartorius is the longest muscle in the body & lies in the anterior compartment of the thigh. If this is tense or carries trigger points, it can trigger pain in the thigh as well as in the knee. With a self-massage, the patient can free themselves from these tensions & trigger points and thus often relieve the pain.
Function. At the hip it flexes, weakly abducts, & rotates the thigh laterally. At the knee, this can flex the leg; when the knee is flexed, it also rotates the leg medially. This muscle plays an important part in the stabilization of the pelvis, especially in women.
sartorius is able to successfully undertake both concentric & eccentric workloads. Rehabilitation should last from 20-30 days depending on the level & gravity of the strain.
Why Does the Sartorius Muscle Get Tight all the time As, with many other soft tissues, the sartorius muscle can become tight either as a result of an acute muscle tear or even through overuse, or perhaps owing to long periods spent in a specific position.
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