RICE VS MICE Principles for Sports Injury

RICE VS MICE Principles For Injury

RISE VS MICE Principle Introduction

RICE VS MICE Both are important for after injury on a primary basis.

  • In any injury starting phase of Physiotherapy, the treatment option is RISE or MICE.
  • Both are used in home treatment and primary treatment of any injury.
  • Both are most important for quick recovery and decreased pain.
  • Both are easy and good for health.

Meaning of RICE VS MICE

RICE Means

RICE Principle
RICE Principle
  • R -Rest
  • I – Ice
  • C – Compression
  • E -Elevation

MICE Means :

MICE Principles For Sports Injury
MICE Principles For Sports Injury
  • M – Motion
  • I – Ice
  • C – Compression
  • E -Elevation

Difference between RICE VS MICE

So the difference between RICE VS MICE is Rest or Motion.

Rest means no movement of the joint after injury or Motion means normal movement of the joint after injury.

Use of RISE principle

RISE procedure is follow direct after injury [ such as the first 24-48 hours after the injury, depending on the severity]
Because it is help the healing.

Use of MICE principle

MICE is also used in starting phase of injury but use in unaffected part of body , ex. when wrist injury occurs MICE is used in shoulder and elbow movement.
Because on that time unaffected part movement is important for healthy muscle and prevent the wasting of muscle .
After some time when the recovery occurs in the affected part means inflammation , redness , swelling reduce MICE procedure should be followed for affected part.


  • Rest means don’t use the joint after injury, no movement of the joint.
  • It is apply direct after injury as soon as possible.
  • It is help the healing and reduce the pain.
  • For rest use the pillow or any other things.
  • Sleeping position is mostly used in rest.
  • Rest is prevent the muscle damage further.
  • It is also gain the energy which is used in repair the injury.

So rest is important for healing the tissue.


  • Motion means movement.
  • Direct after of injury exercise of unaffected part :
  • ROM exercise [ try to full range of motion ].
  • Isometric exercise of joint .
  • For lower limb try to partial weight bearing without stress on affected part .
  • All exercise is repetition of 5 times in starting then gradually increase the repetition of exercise .
  • All this exercise is prevent the wasting of the muscle of unaffected part and prevent the stiff the joint.
  • If feel the pain dunning exercise , immediately on that time stop the exercise and rest for 20 or 30 seconds if pain disappears after 20 or 30 second exercise continue once again .
  • When the recovery occurs in the affected part after that start the affected part exercise :
  • First Isometric exercise of the affected part .
  • After that ROM exercise start [in partial ROM ].
  • When pain is reduced then try to full ROM exercise [ take to advice physiotherapist ].
  • All exercise is repetition of 5 times in starting then gradually increase the repetition of exercise .
  • If feel the pain during exercise , suddenly on that time stop the exercise and rest for 20 or 30 seconds if pain disappears after 20 or 30 second exercise continue once again.
  • If the pain is persist , rest for 24 hour and apply ice pack on sight of pain for 10 minutes .

So between rest and normal motion use the M of MICE.

Ice , Compression , Elevation is same for both principle .


  • Anything frozen used directly to the injury site as soon as possible [ such as ice, ice pack, frozen peas ].
  • Ice is reduces bleeding and swelling of the injury, because ice is reduce blood flow to the area means slowing down blood circulation, and also relaxes the area .
  • Ice is also reduce the pain.
  • Mostly use the ice pack because it is cheap and effective for injury.
  • Ice is wrapped in cloth to prevent skin burns .
  • Ice is applied for limited periods of time [ 5 minutes for small area and 15 -20 minutes for large area ] basically ice is used foe 10 minutes .
  • If the ice apply more time then body compensate temperature by pumping more blood into the injury area and sign of more blood in area is red or pinkish skin .
  • If u see the red or pinkish skin of injury area immediately remove the ice .
  • Ice can be re-applied once body temperature become normal.
  • Ice is also use after the exercise because it is reduced pain and give relaxation .

So ice is important for reduce pain and swelling.


  • Compression should be applied to the site of injury as soon as possible for reduce bleeding .
  • Compression is also help to reduce swelling and speed up the recovery time.
  • Compression is applied by firm pad over the injury site with a strapping around it for hold the pad in injury site .
  • We can also use tubi-grip type bandage for compression but it is apply compression all the limb .
  • Ideally compression is applied only for injury site.
  • Bandage or pad is not tight for body part because it is minimize the blood flow the other area .
TUBI – GRIP BANDAGE For Compression
TUBI – GRIP BANDAGE For Compression

So compression is important for reduce bleeding , swelling .


  • Elevation is help to decrease the swelling with the use of gravity.
  • Elevation is also reduced blood pressure to the injured tissues .
  • It is also applied direct after injury .
  • For elevation lifting the injured area help of comfortable support [ use the pillow ] .
  • Ideally elevation is above the height of the heart .
  • Ex. If the injury is in your ankle, put your feet up .
  • Best time of elevation is sleeping .
  • Elevation is removed after reduce swelling .

So elevation is important for reduce swelling .

So RICE OR MICE is important for reduce pain in home and help to recovery fast .

Comparison of RICE VS MICE :

RICE is applied immediately on the sight of injury but MICE is not applied immediately on the sight of injury .
In RICE patient in totally on rest but in MICE patient do the movement of unaffected part .
In RICE patient is not feel the pain on the sight of injury because patient in rest but in MICE patient may be feel pain pain on the sight of injury because patient move the unaffected part .

1Applied direct after injury on the sight of injuryNot applied direct after injury on the sight of injury
When recovery is occurs MICE is applied on the sight of injury .
2Patient in totally on restPatient do the movement of unaffected part
3Risk of the wasting of the muscle of the unaffected part .No risk of the wasting of the muscle of the unaffected part.
4Patient not feel the pain on the sight of the injury
Because patient is in rest
Patient may feel pain on the sight of the injury
Because patient move the unaffected part.
5Body gain the energy because of restNot gain any energy because of movement
Comparison of RICE VS MICE :

Conclusion: So RICE and MICE both are important for primary treatment and both are help to healing the injury.

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