Hand muscles strengthening exercise
Table of Contents
- Hand strengthening exercise is the best option to increase the performance of the hand. The described exercise assists to improve performance in day-to-day activity & also decreases the risk of injury.
What is hand strengthening exercise?
- Hand Strengthening exercises are designed to improve the strength of specific muscles of the hands. Hand Strengthening exercises overload a muscle until the point of muscle is fatigued. The force as well as the overload of the muscle encourages growth, increasing muscle strength.
- The hands are more susceptible to injuries as compared to the other parts of your body.
- The hands are the most used part of the body, for holding objects & complete activities of daily living, for preventing hand injury you have to perform regular exercise on the hands.
Which muscles are utilized for hand-strengthening exercises?
Following is the list of Hand muscles that are strengthened when the person is doing this exercise.
- Palmar interosseous
- Adductor policies
- Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Flexor digitorum profundus
- Opponents digiti minimi
- Opponent policies
- Flexor pollicus brevis
- Flexor digiti minimi
- Flexor pollicis longus
Health Benefits of performing Hand strengthening exercise
- Assists to strengthen the muscles around the joints for better support
- Give assistance to Increase the circulation of synovial fluid (lubricates & helps cushion the joints to keep them moving smoothly)
- Helps to improve blood flow to the hands.
- Assists to warm your muscles as well as ligaments
- Helps to improve the oxygen & nutrients that circulate through the joint’s membranes, triggering a process of removing cell debris from joints.
- Assists in increasing flexibility
- Assists to increase range of motion
- Helps to decrease joint injury
- Assists to decrease the risk of injury by elongating the muscles
- Helps to Relieve pain in hand.
Hand Exercises To Strengthen A Hand muscle as well as Maintain its Flexibility
Using the Squeeze Ball
- How to do this strengthening exercise: First, you need softball. After that, hold the softball in your palm & squeeze this exercise as hard as you can without feeling pain.
- Then, hold the squeeze for five seconds, after that release grip. Do this exercise five to ten times for each of your hands, three times a week, then rest approximately fifteen to thirty hours before you are going for the next session.
- This exercise will improve the ability to grip things without dropping them, & help you to comfortably open doorknobs throughout the day.

Gripper strengthening exercise
- How to perform this strengthening exercise:
- First of all, you just sit on the plinth. After that, you can hold the gripper with the affected hand. Then, you can stretch the gripper with the use of all affected fingers. Hold the end position for nearly ten seconds. Perform this exercise ten times in a session, and perform three to four sessions in a day.

Making A Fist
- How t do this strengthening exercise: Do this on a single hand make a gentle fist then wrap your thumb under the fingers.
- After that, hold this fist for one minute, after that release a fist by spreading as well as opening all of your fingers as wide as you can.
- Do the strengthening exercise ten times with each hand.
- This exercise will help to increase your range of motion.

Lifting Your Fingers
- How to do this strengthening exercise: Start this with the right hand, & place this flat, as well as palm down on the table.
- After that, start with the thumb, and gently lift each finger off a table.
- Then, hold each of the fingers for ten seconds & then take the finger down.
- Do these moves with the left hand after that repeat ten times for each hand.
- This exercise can assist to increase the range of movement of your hands, & your finger mobility.

Pinch Strengthener
- This exercise assists to strengthen the muscles of your fingers as well as your thumb. This can help you turn keys, open food packages, & use a gas pump more easily.
- How to do this strengthening exercise: First of all, pinch a soft foam ball or even some putty between the tips of the fingers as well as your thumb.
- After that, hold for ten to twenty seconds.
- Next, repeat ten to eleven times on both hands in one session. Do this exercise in two to three sessions a day, but rest your hands for three hours in between sessions. Do not do the exercise if a thumb joint is injured.

Thumb Extension
- Strengthening the muscles of the thumbs may help you grab as well as lift heavy things such as cans as well as bottles.
- How to do this strengthening exercise: Put your hand flat on the table. After that, wrap the rubber band around the hand at the base of your finger joints.
- Next, you may Gradually move your thumb away from the fingers as far as you can.
- Then, hold for ten to twenty seconds and then release.
- Repeat ten to twenty times with both hands in one session. You can do this exercise in two to three sessions in a day, but rest your hands for two hours in between sessions.
Play With Clay

- Playing with putty or even clay is a great way to increase the range of motion in the fingers as well as strengthen the hands at the same time.
- And this will not even feel like exercise. Just follow the kids’ lead, squish clay into the ball, roll this into long “snakes” with the palms, or use the fingertips to pinch spikes on the dinosaur. Do this exercise ten times in a set. Do three sets in a day.
- Repeat this exercise on other hand too.
Strongly fist making
- Making the fist first & then releasing this is a good exercise for your muscles are tight. You may do this easy exercise anywhere & anytime to get relief from hand stiffness.
- How to do this strengthening exercise: First, hold your left hand out flat.
- Then, gradually bend the fingers into a fist, keeping the thumb outside. Be gentle as well as avoid squeezing the hand too tightly.
- Unfurl the fist strongly until your fingers are straight once again.
- Do the exercise five times with each hand with a hold of ten seconds. Do the exercise ten repetitions in one session. Do three sessions in a day.
Finger Walking

- How to do this strengthening exercise: First of all, put one hand on the table with the palm facing down.
- After that, gradually lift an index finger up as well as try to move this toward a thumb. Next, place the finger down.
- Then, lift your middle finger & move this toward your index finger.
- Lift your ring finger as well as move this toward your middle finger.
- Lift your pinky finger & move it toward your ring finger.
- Repeat this exercise ten times in a session. Do three sessions in a day.
Finger Lifts
- How to do this strengthening exercise: First, place your right hand flat on the table, as well as palm down.
- Next, lift a thumb slowly off the table.
- Then, hold a position for about ten seconds & then lower the thumb.
- Perform the same with every finger of the right hand.
- Repeat the sequence with the left hand.
- Repeat the exercise ten to fifteen times with each hand.
- You can also lift all the fingers as well as the thumb at once & then lower them.
Tennis Ball Squeeze

- How to do this strengthening exercise: First of all, squeeze the soft tennis ball as hard as you can for ten seconds.
- After that, release the grip.
- Repeat this exercise ten to fifteen times with each hand.
- Do the exercise two to three times per day.
Pinch Strengtheners
- First, to do this strengthening exercise: Hold the softball in one of your hands.
- Next, pinch a bit of a softball between the tips of the fingers as well as your thumb.
- Then, hold a pinch for ten seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise ten to fifteen times in a session.
- Repeat the exercise with the other hand as well.
- Do this two times per day, & make sure to rest the hands for two hours in between sessions.
Fingers Extension/Abduction With the Elastic

- How to do this strengthening exercise: First of all, split your fingers as well as your thumb apart against an elastic without bending them. After that, hold that position for nearly ten seconds.
- Do this exercise fifteen times in a set. Do three sets in a day.
MCP Flexion (Table Top)
- How to do this strengthening exercise: Ebark with the hand as well as fingers straight & in line with your forearm.
- After that, without moving the wrist or your interphalangeal joints, flex the metacarpophalangeal joint only to form a 90° angle between the fingers & your hand.
- Next, straighten your hand and your fingers back to the embarking position.
- Do this exercise ten to fifteen times twice a day.
Tracing objects or letters
- How to do this strengthening exercise: First of all, use the tripod pinch (using thumb, index, & middle fingers to hold a pen) to trace letters in print as well as cursive while maintaining this grip.
- Tip: Use the vibration pen to trace letters that require increased pressure around a pen in order to control & stabilize. Can also, add a shoulder-strengthening component by tapping a piece of paper on the wall as well as tracing letters during standing.
China balls

- How to do this strengthening exercise: First of all, hold a China ball in one hand & rotate them around one another in a clockwise direction.
- Do this exercise ten times in a session. Perform three sessions in a day.
- Tip: Reverse the direction of the balls in the counterclockwise direction for added challenge.
Elcro object board

- How to do this strengthening exercise: Purchase a sticky back hook and loop Velcro. After that, attach loop Velcro to different objects (I like to use various-sized buttons) then “stick” them on a hook Velcro board & pull them off.
- Do this exercise fifteen times in one session. Perform two to three sessions in a day.
Use games as well as toys
- Constructing Legos, rubber band loom board, or even pop beads
- Tip: Encourage pulling &pushing objects together as well as pulling apart with the use of different fingers. Embark with using the thumb & index then progress to using other fingers.
Use an activity
- such as cooking (stirring, kneading dough, cookie cutters, rolling pen) or even wood constructing (holding the nail & hammering) or the craft (cutting, coloring, painting, squeezing glue)or even playing the instrument (piano, horn, or wind instruments)
- Tip: The key is to find the interest to you to make hand strengthening fun.
When did you not do Hand strengthening exercises?
- If the wrist is injured.
- If your physician is advised to take rest.
- If you feel any pain or even tension in your wrist after that do this exercise.
Hand weakness can happen to owe to a variety of conditions, namely carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy,
as well as ganglion cysts. A weakened hand or even grip would make everyday tasks much more difficult to complete.
Hand exercises may improve overall fitness by increasing grip strength. Many guys notice that one of the limiting
factors when trying to lift heavy weights or even bang out a bunch of pull-ups is actually a lack of adequate grip strength to
However, if a person has had nagging hand weakness, this is usually not related to a serious medical problem & is rarely
life-threatening. Hand weakness lasting for weeks or even months is typically caused by a treatable medical condition. If left
untreated, the weakness may worsen along with an underlying proper form throughout the duration of the set. Ganglion cysts.
A weakened hand or even grip may make everyday tasks much more difficult to complete.
Poor grip strength may be a sign that the muscles are wasting or even shrinking. In most cases, it is mainly caused by the disuse of
the hands as well as fingers but this can also be a sign of peripheral neuropathy, cervical compression, brachial plexus
syndrome, MS, Parkinson’s, & arthritis.
Hand function reduces with an age in both men as well as women, especially after the age of 65 years. Deterioration in hand
function in an elderly population is, to a large degree, secondary to age-related degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal,
vascular, as well as nervous systems.
Grip strength has been found to be associated with numerous factors namely demographics (age, gender), body construct
(height, weight, bone mineral density [BMD], hand size, upper arm circumference, hand dominance), socioeconomic variables
(occupation, social status, lifestyle) as well as physical & psychosocial variables.
The grip is something that you may & should be training every day. Chad Howse, trainer & owner of ChadHowseFitness.com,
adds that every time you are in the gym pulling or even lifting anything is an opportunity to train the grip. Incorporate pulling as
well as lifting in every routine.