what is a physical therapy evaluation
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What is a Physical Therapy Evaluation?

A systematic physical therapy evaluation starts with a clinical examination that includes a patient history, system review, and objective data collection. The physical therapist then communicates their findings in an evaluation, which is followed by a prescribed plan of care (POC). Remember that an evaluation cannot be completed unless the patient is thoroughly examined. Preliminary…



Introduction Tinnitus fills your ears with noises no one else hears. It is a common problem harming more than 50 million people in the United States (US). Tinnitus can be serious, affecting people’s daily lives. Tinnitus is not a disease. It is a symptom of so many medical conditions. Healthcare providers can not cure tinnitus…

Gibbus Deformity
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Gibbus Deformity

What is a Gibbus Deformity? Gibbus deformity, also known as kyphotic deformity, is a spinal condition characterized by an abnormal, sharp angulation of the spine. It results in a hunchback appearance where the upper back becomes excessively rounded. This deformity is most commonly associated with tuberculosis of the spine, also known as Pott’s disease, although…