Sway Back Posture
Table of Contents
What is a Sway Back posture?
- The sway back posture — casually called the ‘lazy posture’, is identified by shoulders and chest leaning backward position, with hips turned in and pelvis and chin thrust forward.
- Swayback posture is a particular type of poor posture that frequently leads to lower back pain. People who exhibit swayback posture have exaggerated curves in their spine curve, forward-tilting hips, and the appearance of leaning back when standing position.
Signs to look for if you’re worried about swaying back posture:
- your pelvis may be tilted and positioned forward from your center of gravity(COG)
- hamstring muscles are tight in sway back posture
- the improper posture that over time, holds your body in the sway-back position
- forward head posture
- upper back curvature or ‘hunch’ like
- sunken chest
Why does Sway Back Happen?
- This posture is generally due to a lack of support for the hips and pelvis area, hinging at the back, thereby applying immense pressure on the lower back area, leading to pain. Weak abdominal muscles also contribute to the problem, as these muscles function to bring the upper body forward position.
Causes Of Sway Back Posture:
- Sleeping on your frontal side – The results of this may vary depending on how hard or soft your mattress is; but if you sleep on your front and have your head on a pillow, supported up with your arms, you are likely to push your hips forward and be reinforcing swayback posture. It would be better to try to sleep in your back area.
- Sitting in a posterior pelvic tilt position – If you sit with your buttock under you and with the front of your pelvis tilting up, you will reinforce the tissues to adapt and hold this incorrect shape or posture.
- Constant standing in the wrong position – make sure to stand properly at all times. Pull your hip bone until it is in alignment with your ankle bone. An incorrect standing position will only make your posture worse.
- Too much stretching of the hip flexors muscles – In swayback, your hips are already stretched so if you continue to do hip stretches you are overstretching which only makes them weaker.
- Weak muscles – when my swayback was at its worst point I was not exercising and had not done any exercise in time! After learning healthier habits and starting an exercise regime the muscles that were weak started to strengthen the muscles, naturally pulling my body into a better posture.
Who has this posture?
- Those with weak buttocks, quadriceps muscles, and lower abdominal muscles; people who adopt this posture often need external support, such as a wall or other grounded objects to lean against. The sway-back posture is almost the antithesis of the flat-back posture.
Specific Signs And Symptoms:
- The most notable point is that the hipsterism bone will be in an advanced position, in different words, the hips will be swayed forward posture.
- still, correct posture is where the head, caricatures, and pelvis are all piled on top of each other with the cognizance in alignment; imagine a long sovereign running through all these points If you imagine looking at ourselves from the side.
- With a swayback posture, the hips will be out of alignment in front of all these points.
- A quick way to check for swayback is to ask yourself where your hips are in relation to your ankle bone. If it is in front of the ankle bone( or observance) it is likely you may have a swayback posture.
- Most noticeably the upper reverse will round and the head will move forward to maintain a sense of equilibrium and equilibrium.
There are a couple of other effects to look out for:
- Posterior pelvic twist – this is a reduced curve in the lower back, or rather a flat back.
- Gluteal muscles will be shut off and not activated.
- Knees hyperextended
- Tight and short hamstrings muscles
- Weak hip flexors muscles
- Tight lower abdominal muscles – which will pull the pelvis up into the posterior pelvic tilt
- You may have lower back pain – since the body weight hinges on one or two points within the lower back
Assessment Of Sway Back Posture
- Side view of the backward movement of the whole thoracic spine. This area of the spine tends to lengthen,
- In the frontal view, the chest tends to sink
Muscles involved in Sway Back posture
- Weak Abdominal obliques muscle
- Glutes Maximus muscle
- Overactive- Erector spinal muscle
- Hamstring muscles
Risk Factors
- Because weight in the abdominal area pulls the pelvis forward, pregnant women and extremely obese people who carry their weight in the abdominal area may be at a higher risk for swayback than many.
- Teenagers with “ attitude ” may express that attitude through a swayback posture.
Physiotherapy Treatment for Sway Back Posture:
- The physiotherapist first does an assessment of muscles related to swaying back and makes a Treatment Plan substantially – Strengthening Of Weak Muscle and stretching tight Muscle, with posture awareness to the patient. another treatment is symptomatic. if pain occurs in the back area also control of pain by modalities is also needed.
- Swayback needs a corrective exercise schedule for balancing the imbalanced muscles
- Re-education for the patient.
- Strengthening the abdominal muscles to more support the spine. Also, maintaining a strong core is vital to a healthy upright posture. Strengthening your core posture muscles will probably give a foundation for the other exercises you do to address the swayback directly.
- Release the tight hamstrings muscles and back muscles either through deep tissue friction massage or a myofascial release technique.
- They are increasing the flexibility of the spinal joints with manual therapy techniques similar to mobilization or spinal manipulation techniques to restore regular joint movements.
Corrective Exercises for Sway Back posture
Stretching Exercises
Hamstring muscle Release Exercise
Stretch 1 – Hamstring muscle Release

- Before you start any of the other stretches you first want to use a small hard ball( softball works well) to release tension (pressure)and tightness in the hamstrings.
- With the ball under your hamstring press forcefully down and start to roll the ball down the butt and towards your knee. Repeat this exercise for one-two minute on both legs.
Stretch 2 – Hamstring Stretch

- Now that your hamstrings muscles have been loosened, get on your back, hold one leg up by the calf muscles and kick down with force.
- Relax and also pull your leg in closer. Do five- seven rounds on each leg.
Stretch 3 – Spine Mobilization
- People with swayback frequently find a stiff spine from the rounding posture of their upper back( kyphosis). By using a foam roller you can kindly do some spine mobilization maneuvers.
- First, put the foam roller on your upper back area, and with your hands beyond your head, lift upwards bending at the upper back. Keep your stomach in and remember to be gentle.
- Do 20reps.
Stretch 4 – Stability Ball Abdominal Stretch

- If you have swayback your lower and mid abdominal muscles are tight so you’ll need to stretch the muscles.
- Lie down across a stability ball and create as much length as possible between the rib cage and the pelvis. Hold this stretch for 1- 2 minutes.
Stretch 5 – Pectoral Stretch
- People with swayback frequently have rounded shoulders because their shoulders are being dragged forward by tight pectoral muscles.
- The exercise above stretches the pectorals muscles on the individual sides.
- still, known as a doorway stretch, If you don’t have a ball you can also do this exercise by standing in your doorway.
Strengthening Exercises
- Now that the muscles have been stretched, it’s time to strengthen the all weak muscles that are common with swayback posture. There are two effects you must do before attempting these exercises.
- Make sure you have done the muscle stretches.
- Make sure that when you do these exercises you are not in a swayback position i.e. pelvis forward.
- Exercise 1 The Plank
Plank Exercise

- Doing a plank may be difficult at first, but the patient should hold the pose for as long as possible, ultimately over 1 minute.
- The plank exercise helps to target the abdominal muscles and back muscles.
- Lie face down on an exercise mat.
- Place the hands on the mat, palms down. Keep the hands directly under the shoulder area.
- Tighten the abdominal muscles and the thigh muscles.
- Slowly lift the upper body and thighs off the bottom, moving into a push-up position. Keep the body rigid and straight. insure the stomach( abdominal) muscles are engaged throughout the exercise.
- Hold the plank exercise pose for as long as possible, working up to sixty seconds. kindly lower the body to the ground.
- still, you’ll only apply your swayback posture more, If you do this incorrectly. Do five sets of 30 seconds each.
Side Plank
- Make sure to add the side plank to your exercise regime.
- A side plank will activate the obliques which are likely to be underdeveloped in someone who has a swayback posture.
- Like the original plank in exercise 1, you will do five sets of 30 seconds( on each side).
Flapjack/ Karate Chop
- This is another exercise to strengthen the obliques, still, this exercise also activates the glutes and hip abductors.
- Lay on your side, raise your leg over, and karate chop down, also release. Do 4 Sets of 15 on each side.
Ball Jackknife
- This exercise trains the spine and pelvis to become more stable position.
- To do the ball jackknife exercise, draw the ball inwards without changing the position of your pelvis and lumbar spine. Hold it firm and in place, also draw the ball back outwards. Do 4 sets of 20.
Hip Circles
- For this exercise, you will need a thera band. Place the thera band around your legs and just above your knees.
- Lunge forward at 45- degree angles, one leg after another whilst walking forward.
- This exercise will produce some hip flexor activation. Do four sets of 20 on each leg.
Farmers Walk
Farmers Walk With Weight
- Hold a dumbbell in one hand and keep your core tight. This exercise aims to keep your torso as perpendicular, upright, and straight as possible. Don’t allow the weight to pull you down to one side.
- Keep your stomach sucked in. If done right you should feel some oblique activation.
- Do 5 sets of 30 seconds.
Ergonomics(prevention of sway back posture)
- Do not prevent swaying back posture
- Stand hanging off your hips and spine. Stand up tall using your muscles.
- Swim breaststroke or practice yoga poses like Superman, Cobra, or Upward Dog.
- Use back support accessories with an arched shape.
- Dos to help sway back posture
- Sit deep in your chair, with your back straight and your chin facing ahead.
- Train your butt and quad muscles with the correct exercises, similar to partial syllables.
- Strengthen your lower abdominal muscles with leg lifts and backward crunches.
Can yoga help sway back?
Because of its emphasis on correct posture, yoga can help reverse abnormal curves in the spine, correcting both the “ hunchback ” curve that occurs in postural kyphosis and the “ swayback ” curve that occurs in postural lordosis.
What’s another name for a swayback posture?
When the spine curves too far inward, the condition is called lordosis or swayback posture. Lordosis can cause pain that occasionally affects the capability to move. It’s generally found in the lower back.
What muscles are weak in swayback?
Tight hamstrings and weak abdominal muscles, back muscles, and laxity within the ligaments in the pelvis or back are frequently the cause of a swayback posture. prolonging Sitting for a long time can tighten these muscles. Over the moment, they can become rigid and weak muscles if they aren’t correctly stretched.
Is sway back painful?
When the spine curves extremely far inward, the condition is called lordosis or swayback posture. Lordosis can cause pain that occasionally affects the ability to move. It’s generally found in the lower back.
How do you sleep with a sway back?
Use a pillow under your knees area if you sleep on your back. Sleeping on your back is a relaxed position, it spreads out your body load unevenly and places your spine in a neutral position. still, for many of us, we’ve what’s known as a’ sway- back’ or increased lower back curve.