Running With Planter Fasciitis

A Runner’s Guide to Plantar Fasciitis: How to Prevent, Treat, and Manage the Pain

Plantar fasciitis is a common and often debilitating condition that affects the feet, particularly the heel and arch areas. It is characterized by intense heel pain, especially in the morning or after periods of rest, making activities like running a painful challenge. This condition can be frustrating for athletes and fitness enthusiasts, as it can…

ways to avoid joint Pains
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Acute Pain

What is Acute Pain? Acute pain serves as a crucial physiological response that alerts individuals to potential harm or injury. It is a transient and often intense form of discomfort, typically arising from various sources such as injury, surgery, or illness. Unlike Chronic pain, which persists over an extended period, acute pain is usually short-lived…

Plica Syndrome
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Plica Syndrome

What is Plica Syndrome? Plica syndrome is a condition where the plica, a fold of tissue in the knee joint, becomes irritated or inflamed, causing pain and discomfort. It’s typically due to overuse or repetitive motions and can lead to symptoms like knee pain, swelling, and a clicking sensation. Treatment may involve rest, physical therapy,…

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What is a Sesamoiditis? Sesamoiditis is a painful condition that affects the sesamoid bones, small, pea-shaped bones located within certain tendons in the body, most commonly in the feet. These tiny bones play a crucial role in weight-bearing and the functioning of specific joints, such as the big toe. When the sesamoid bones become inflamed…

deep infrapatellar bursitis
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Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis

What is a Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis? Deep infrapatellar bursitis, a condition affecting the knee joint, involves inflammation of the deep infrapatellar bursa, a small fluid-filled sac located beneath the patellar tendon, close to the tibia bone. Bursae are vital for reducing friction between tendons, muscles, and bones, facilitating smooth joint movement. When the deep infrapatellar…

Femoroacetabular Impingement
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Femoroacetabular Impingement

What is a Femoroacetabular Impingement? Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition where the bones of the hip joint are abnormally shaped, causing friction and limited movement in the hip joint. It can lead to pain, and discomfort, and potentially contribute to hip joint damage. FAI is often categorized into three types: cam impingement, pincer impingement,…