thoracic spine flexion

Thoracic spine mobilization technique

What is Mobilization for the Thoracic spine? Introduction to the Thoracic Spine What are the spine segments? Thoracic Spine ligaments of the thoracic spine costotransverse ligament Functions Anterior atlanto axial ligament Anterior longitudinal ligament animation posterior longitudinal ligament blood supply nerve supply muscle of the posterior longitudinal ligament variants of the posterior longitudinal ligament interspinous…

Cervical spine mobilization techniques

Cervical spine mobilization techniques

What is Mobilization for the Cervical spine ?? Introduction to the cervical spine What are the spine segments? Cervical spine ligaments of the cervical spine Anterior longitudinal ligament amination posterior longitudinal ligament blood supply of the posterior longitudinal ligament nerve supply of the posterior longitudinal ligament muscle attachment of the posterior longitudinal ligament variants interspinous…

thoracic spine flexion

Spine mobilization

What is Mobilization for the spine? Introduction for spine What are the spine segments? The 33 vertebrae compose five specific spine segments. Starting at the neck and going down toward the buttock’s rear end, these segments include Cervical spine ligaments of the cervical spine anterior longitudinal ligament innervation posterior longitudinal ligament blood supply of posterior…


Ankle mobilization Technique exercise

What is mobilization for the Ankle joint? Introduction for ankle joint Ligaments of the ankle joint Medial Ligament Lateral Ligament Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL) Posterior Talofibular Ligament (PTFL) Calcaneofibular Ligament (CFL) Function Anterior Tibiotalar ligament Posterior tibiotalar ligament Tibionavicular ligament Tibiocalcaneal ligament Blood Supply of the ankle joint Nerve Supply of the ankle joint Muscle…

Knee Mobilization exercise
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Knee Mobilization exercise

What is Mobilization for the knee joint? Introduction of knee joint The articular surface of the knee joint The tibiofemoral joint The patellofemoral joint The joint capsule of the knee joint Ligaments of the knee joint Patellar ligament fibular collateral ligament Medial (tibial) collateral ligament Oblique popliteal ligament Arcuate popliteal ligament Cruciate ligaments of the…


Hip Mobilization exercises

What is Mobilization for the Hip joint? Introduction of the hip Articular surfaces of the hip joint The joint capsule of the hip joint ligaments of the hip joint Pubofemoral ligament the ischiofemoral ligament Transverse ligament of the acetabulum Ligament of the head of the femur” ligamentum teres capitis femoris” Innervation Blood supply of the…

Wrist mobilization exercise

What is Mobilization for the Wrist joint? Introduction of the wrist joint Blood Supply of the radiocarpal joint Nerves supply the radiocarpal joint Muscles are for needed the movement of the radiocarpal joint Ulnocapal joint Midcarpal joint Ligaments of the midcarpal joint Diseases required mobilization of the wrist joint Procedures need mobilization after surgery of…

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Elbow mobilization exercise

What is mobilization for the elbow joint? Introduction for elbow joint there are 4 joints in the elbow complex for mobilization of the elbow joint Humeroulnar joint Humeroradial joint Proximal radioulnar joint Distal radioulnar joint Conditions required mobilization of the elbow joint Goals for elbow joint mobilization pain, muscle guarding, and spasm Neurophysiological effect Mechanical…

Scapular Dyskinesia

Scapular Dyskinesia

What is a Scapular dyskinesia? Scapular dyskinesia is an alteration of normal static or dynamic position or motion of the scapula during coupled scapulo-humeral movements that alter the scapulohumeral rhythm Scapular Dyskinesia is attributed to the loss of normal scapular mechanics, motion, and physiology. Scapular winging is a clinical observation where any part of the…