Occupational lifestyle diseases

Occupational Lifestyle Diseases

What is an Occupational Lifestyle Disease? Occupational lifestyle diseases are health conditions that are directly linked to the lifestyle and work environment of an individual. These diseases are caused by the conditions, habits, and activities that are associated with an individual’s occupation. They are often chronic conditions that develop over time due to repeated exposure…

Vertebral Artery Test

Vertebral Artery Test

Definition/Description Clinical Anatomy Purpose Technique Modification The alternative vertebral artery test is shown below, it may be used in specific cases. For example, in the examination of an individual with supposed BPPV. Evidence For the past 30 years, people have been using this test. A number of researchers have noted a decrease in the lumen, however many…

Scissior Gait

Scissor Gait

What is Scissor Gait? Scissor gait is a particular kind of aberrant gait that is characterized by the crossing of the legs while walking, much as how scissors cross each other. This posture is frequently brought on by spasticity or muscle weakness in the legs, especially the hip adductors and knee flexors. This particular form…

Special test for the vascular signs

Special test for the vascular signs

Description Vertebral and internal carotid artery testing is an important part of the cervical spine assessment in cases where end-range mobilization and manipulation therapy procedures are being evaluated, especially when the procedures include a rotatory component and the upper cervical spine. The vertebral artery has become more susceptible to damage when it leaves the cervical spine’s…

Physiology clotting mechanism

Physiology – Blood Clotting Mechanism (Coagulation)

Introduction The clotting mechanism, also known as coagulation, is a complex process that occurs in response to tissue damage or injury. The primary function of clotting is to prevent excessive bleeding and promote the healing of damaged tissues. The process involves a series of biochemical reactions that lead to the formation of a blood clot….

Activities of Daily Living ADL

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)

What are Activities of Daily Living? Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) are basic self-care tasks that individuals perform on a daily basis to take care of themselves and meet their personal needs. These activities are essential for maintaining an individual’s physical and mental health and well-being. The phrase “activities of daily living” (ADLs or ADLs)…