Hip adductor muscles strengthening exercises

Adductor muscle exercises

What are the hip adductor muscle Strengthening Exercises? What is the hip adductor muscle stretching exercise? What are the adductors muscles? The hip adductors include the following muscles: Adductor Brevis: The shortest muscle of the hip adductors, the adductor brevis is a triangular muscle positioned behind the adductor longus & anterior to the adductor Magnus….

Trapezius Palsy
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Trapezius Palsy

What is Trapezius Palsy? Anatomy of Trapezius Muscle Origin of the trapezius muscle The trapezius muscle has different starting points along the midline of the posterior neck and back.  Insertion of the trapezius muscle Nerve Supply Blood Supply The vascular supply to the trapezius varies depending on the level.  The action of the trapezius muscle…


Transverse abdominis stretching exercise

What is transverse abdominis stretching? The transverse abdominis stretching exercise is an essential exercise to increase the flexibility of the lower back & there are many health benefits if the patient does stretching regularly. A transverse abdominis is the deepest muscle in an abdomen region. This would not give you the much-desired six-pack look but…

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What is Trapezitis? Anatomy of Trapezius Muscle Origin of the trapezius muscle The trapezius muscle has different starting points along the midline of the posterior neck and back.  Insertion of the trapezius muscle Nerve Supply Blood Supply The vascular supply to the trapezius varies depending on the level.  The action of the trapezius muscle The…

kinesio taping for peroneal tendinitis

Kinesio taping for peroneal tendinitis

Introduction : kinesio taping for peroneal tendinitis is a most used technique to relieve pain and further support to involve the area and prevent further injury to the ankle. This is the most effective and protective treatment. kinesio taping gives static as well as dynamic support to the affected area. kinesio taping gives dynamic stability…

musculocutaneus nerve
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Musculocutaneous nerve injury:

Overview: The musculocutaneous nerve originates from- C5-C6 nerve roots and the terminal branch of the lateral cord of the brachial plexus. it has both motor and sensory fibers. It supplies the muscles of the front of the arm and the skin of the lateral side of the forearm. The nerve passes through the coracobrachialis muscle…