Tibialis anterior muscle Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise
Tibialis anterior muscle
Tibialis anterior muscle
What’s a Flat Back Posture? Flat back posture is when the lower part of your back flattens out, losing its normal curve in your spine and tipping your pelvis backward. The spine has a natural curve. It has 2 curves forming an “ S ” shape. When you have a flat back posture the spine…
What is slipped capital femoral epiphysis? The slipped capital femoral epiphysis is a disorder of adults in which the growth plate of the femoral is damaged and the femoral head slips(moves) with respect to the rest of the femur. The head of the femur stays in the cup of the hip joint, whereas the rest…
Exercise for Osteoarthritis of the Knee is a great option to recover naturally and also helps to keep your knee fully functional. Osteoarthritis of the Knee is the most common condition seen in elderly people because as you age, your joints become weak to take your body weight, and exercise is a great option to…
What is tensor fasciae lata stretch? A tensor fasciae latae is the muscle of a proximal anterolateral thigh situated between the superficial as well as deep fibers of the iliotibial band. A TFL muscle is around 15cm in length. The TFL works in combination with a gluteus Maximus, gluteus medius, as well as gluteus minimus…
What is electromyography (EMG)? Electromyography (EMG) measures muscle response or electrical activity in reaction to a nerve’s stimulation of the muscle. The test is used to assist detect neuromuscular abnormalities. During the test, one or more little needles (also called electrodes) are inserted through the skin into the muscle. The electrical activity taken up by…
What is calf muscle exercise? Calf muscle exercise is a great option to make your lower leg powerful, and flexible and has many health benefits. Calf muscle exercise includes different types of exercises such as stretching exercises and strengthening exercises. strengthening exercise helps to improve Joint flexibility, Increased muscle mass, Stronger bones, Weight control, &…
What is lumbar plexus? The lumbar plexus is a vital collection of nerves that arise from mostly the lumbar medulla spinalis. The term plexus refers to a “web” of nerves that’s created just lateral to where T12-L5 exit the neural structure via intervertebral foramina. The plexus exists bilaterally and allows nerves to mix with different…
What is Piriformis stretching? Piriformis stretching is an important exercise to increase the flexibility of the gluteal region, has many health benefits as well as decreases the risk of injury namely, sciatica pain, Back pain as well as Piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle is situated in a gluteal region below the gluteus maximus. The muscle…
What is a Central Pain Syndrome? Central pain syndrome can affect a large portion of the body or may be more restricted to specific areas, such as hands or feet. The amount of pain is usually related to the cause of the central nervous system injury or damage. The term for the specific subtype of…