

What is atelectasis? What is the difference between atelectasis and pneumothorax? What does atelectasis indicate? Who is at risk for atelectasis? You are at a higher risk for atelectasis if you have: What are the three types of atelectasis? Compressive atelectasis Resorptive/obstructive atelectasis Contraction atelectasis Other types of atelectasis What are the symptoms of atelectasis?…

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What is monoarthritis? Monoarthritis is inflammation of one joint identified by joint swelling, pain, warmth, & sometimes fever and periarticular erythema. Arthritis is frequently associated with joint stiffness and total loss or decreased range of motion. Often, monoarthritis can occur suddenly and cause joint discomfort that ranges from moderate to severe. The condition has several…



What is psoriasis? However, they may create anywhere on your body, involving the: Less usual types of psoriasis affect the: Maintain to one study trusted Source published in 2021, around 7.5 million American (US) adults ages 20 and older have psoriasis — a 3 (three) percent prevalence rate (occurrence of a condition). By race and…

trigger points in fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Tender Points: What and Where Are They?

What Are Fibromyalgia Tender Points? If you want to know the tender points in fibromyalgia, the number, and locations of tender points when diagnosing patients that helps a lot in the overall planning of the treatment. The patient with fibromyalgia is normally more concerned about full-body aches and general tenderness than specific tender spots. What…


Crohn’s Disease

What is Crohn’s disease (CD)? How common is Crohn’s disease? Who might get Crohn’s disease (CD)? What are the types of Crohn’s disease (CD)? Crohn’s disease can harm various sections of the digestive tract. Types of Crohn’s disease involve: What are the symptoms of Crohn’s disease (CD)? If you have Crohn’s disease, symptoms you might…


Disability With Fibromyalgia

Definition/Description- Prevalence- Pathophysiology FMS systemically causes dysregulation- in neurologic, immunologic, endocrinologic, and enteric organ systems, Autonomic Nervous System- Immune System- Causes of fibromyalgia- Characteristics/Clinical Presentation- Symptoms- Symptoms are often aggravated by: Can a person qualify for disability with fibromyalgia? Keep in mind that the best chance of getting approved for disability is to have: What…

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What is Fibromyalgia?

Definition- Prevalence- Pathophysiology Autonomic Nervous System- Immune System- Causes of fibromyalgia- Characteristics/Clinical Presentation- Symptoms- Symptoms are often aggravated by: Associated Co-morbidities- Fibromyalgia Diagnostic Criteria- How is Fibromyalgia Diagnosed? Management and treatment- Medication- Physical Therapy Management & Exercise- Passive Physical Therapy Treatments for Fibromyalgia- Deep Tissue Massage: Heat Therapy: Hydrotherapy: Electric Muscle Stimulation: Ultrasound: Active Treatments…

Snapping hip syndrome
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Snapping hip syndrome

Introduction Definition Classification of the snapping hip syndrome There are three types of snapping hip syndrome External Snapping hip syndrome Internal Snapping hip syndrome Intra-articular Snapping hip syndrome Sign and Symptoms of Snapping hip syndrome What are the Causes of Snapping hip syndrome? causes are various according to their types Differential diagnosis Diagnosis Special test…


Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

What is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)? What causes acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)? Causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) involve: Is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) infectious? What are the symptoms of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)? Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) depend on the cause and seriousness of the case,…