why physical therapy is important

Why Physical Therapy is Important?

Physical therapy is an important treatment option that aims to relieve pain and help you to improve function, live and move better. You might help:

  • To Relieve pain
  • Prevention or speedy recovery from a sports injury
  • Avoid disability or surgery
  • Improve movement or abilities
  • Rehabilitation after stroke, accident, injury, or surgery
  • Adapt to the artificial limb
  • Recover after giving birth
  • Control your bowels or bladder
  • Learn to use assistive devices such as a walker or cane
  • Get a splint or brace

People of all ages benefit from physical therapy. It can treat various health problems.

Your doctor might suggest this type of treatment if you have had an injury or illness that makes daily tasks difficult.

Importance of Physical Therapy

Reduce pain

Let’s be honest, nobody wants to be in pain and often the cause may not be obvious. Anyone who has had or continues to suffer from pain knows the impact it can have on the quality of life. However, physical therapy has proven to be an effective way to deal with both acute and chronic pain.

The use of therapeutic exercise, soft tissue, joint mobilization, and other physical therapy techniques and methods have been shown to minimize or eliminate pain and also teach patients self-medication to help them avoid pain in the future.

Fixes faulty movement patterns

If you have an injury or chronic pain, physical therapy can help address the underlying pain-related issues. Not only can it provide pain relief, but it can also help you make repairs to prevent ongoing problems. Physical therapy is often enough to resolve the injury and get you back in the game.

Prevent injuries

Most people seek physical therapy to recover from an injury or pain. However, one overlooked aspect is the role of physical therapy in diagnosing areas of weakness and poor mobility that may make the patient vulnerable.

When physical therapist recognizes these impairments, they create a therapy regimen that targets these areas and potentially reduces the likelihood of injury. Unfortunately, not all injuries can be avoided, but as with everything in life, it’s always better to be proactive.

Avoid surgery

When patients experience pain or damage, surgery is often an option that quickly enters their radar. Although surgery is sometimes unavoidable, in many cases physical therapy can be an effective method to avoid surgery. There is growing research showing that physical therapy is the first line of treatment for many musculoskeletal injuries, and trying it before you go under the knife may be the secret to avoiding unnecessary surgery. In cases where therapy does not preclude surgery, there is strong evidence that preoperative therapy improves postoperative outcomes.

Return to activity after injury

During my time as a physical therapist, I have come to know many of my colleagues as enthusiastic fitness enthusiasts and athletes. Combine that with an education in physical rehabilitation and you have the right person to help you get back to the activities you love.

A physical therapist will consider both the healing process and the physical demands associated with the activity to create a customized plan using science-based methods to get you back on the move as soon as possible.

Improve balance and prevent falls

It is common knowledge that falls among the elderly are frequent, and dangerous and can have a catastrophic impact on their quality of life. Over 25% of seniors over 65 (this percentage only increases with age) will fall at least once this year, many times with significant consequences.

Physical therapists might help prevent falls by evaluating and developing custom treatment plans, including exercises to improve strength, mobility, and balance. Also, provide education to patients and their loved ones and highlight simple ways to reduce the risk of falling at home.

The overall benefits of physical therapy would be difficult to fit into a single short description, but I hope this was enlightening for those who may not have known about the importance of physical therapy. As someone who worked in the industry and was also a patient, I saw the benefits firsthand. If you would like more information about whether physical therapy is right for you. You can talk to your doctor, or orthopedist, or just come to one of our therapy clinics.

Prevent the accumulation of scar tissue

After an injury or surgery, it is natural for a scar to form. However, it is important to prevent the accumulation of this scar, as this tissue can cause pain and tension. Physical therapists use stretching and other manual techniques to prevent this build-up and ensure that scar tissue does not hinder rehabilitation.

Who is a Physical Therapist?

These licensed health professionals participate in specific graduate training in physical therapy. You may hear them called PTs or physical therapists.

As of 2016, to be eligible to take the national exam, you must graduate from an accredited higher education institution with a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree. It is also necessary to pass an additional state exam to obtain a license.

Physiotherapists will assess your condition and develop a care plan to guide your therapy. They can provide hands-on treatment for your symptoms. They will also teach you special exercises to help you move and function better.

If you have a serious illness or injury. PTs will not replace other doctors but will work with your doctors and other health professionals to guide treatment. You will feel better and more likely to return to full function in the treated area and in most cases faster than without PT guidance.

PTs often have assistants and they are also trained to perform many types of physical treatments. 

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