Vitamin A Deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency occurs when the body doesn’t get adequate vitamin A. Diet lacking in vitamin A & specific diseases can lead to vitamin A deficiency. Symptoms contain vision problems such as night blindness. Treatment involves accepting vitamin A supplements. You can prevent vitamin A deficiency by eating several foods that include vitamin A.
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What is vitamin A deficiency?
Vitamin A deficiency is when the body lacks the quantity of vitamin A it requires to function properly. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to the skin, heart, lungs, tissues, & immune system. It can also cause vision loss & blindness.
What does vitamin A deficiency affect?
Vitamin A implicates people with specific liver disorders & illnesses that affect how their bodies can absorb vitamins. In developing countries around the world, a considerable number of people don’t get adequate vitamin A. Infants, children, & people who are pregnant or breastfeeding are the most at risk. Vitamin A deficiency is the ultimate cause of blindness in kids around the world.
What is vitamin A?
Vitamin A plays an important role in many systems of the body. Vitamin A is crucial for healthy vision, cell development, and metabolism. It’s an essential factor in keeping the immune system & reproductive systems healthy. The body can’t make vitamin A on its own, so must get it via the foods eaten. Vitamin A is important for vision. Eyes require to make precise pigments for the retinas to work perfectly. A deficiency of vitamin A inhibits the eyes’ ability to make these pigments, which can cause night blindness. In other words, require vitamin A to be capable to see at night.
Eyes also require vitamin A to produce moisture to keep the corneas correctly lubricated. If the corneas get too dry, they can become injured, which can cause blindness. Vitamin A also keeps the skin & the lining of the lungs, intestines, & urinary tract in tip-top situations. Plus, it supports the immune system and protects against infections.
What are the different forms of vitamin A?
- There are 2 forms of vitamin A.
- Preformed vitamin A
Preformed vitamin A, or retinol, is found naturally in animal derivatives, including beef, poultry, fish, liver & eggs. Some grains & dairy products are reinforced with vitamin A as well.
Provitamin A carotenoids
Carotenoids are from plant origins & are the pigments in vegetables & fruits that give them their yellow, orange, & red colors. After they eat these fruits & vegetables, the body gradually converts the carotenoids into vitamin A. The most typical type of carotenoid is beta-carotene.
What causes vitamin A deficiency?
Vitamin A deficiency arises when don’t get sufficient vitamin A in the diet. While irregular in the United States, vitamin A deficiency occurs frequently in developing countries around the world. People in disadvantaged nations don’t get adequate food with vitamin A. Vitamin A deficiency also happens because of liver diseases. Your liver stores most of your body’s vitamin A, & liver diseases can interrupt vitamin storage. Disorders & conditions that damage your intestine’s ability to absorb fat can also lead to vitamin A deficiency. These disorders can decrease the body’s capacity to absorb vitamins such as vitamin A. Disorders or conditions that damage the body’s ability to absorb fat can also lead to vitamin A deficiencies. These infections can decrease the body’s ability to absorb vitamins involving vitamin A.
Conditions like:
- Chronic diarrhea.
- Celiac disorder.
- Cystic fibrosis.
- Liver cirrhosis.
- Crohn’s disorder.
- Certain pancreatic disorders.
- Bile duct blockage.
- Zinc or iron deficiency.
- Small bowel bypass or bariatric surgery.
- Alcohol use disorder.
- Intestine or pancreas surgery.
Signs and symptoms of vitamin A deficiency
One of the early symptoms of vitamin A deficiency is night blindness [ nyctalopia ]. If you have night vision loss, you have a problem seeing well in the dark, but you can see generally if sufficient light is present. A retinal disorder induces night blindness. As the vitamin A deficiency aggravates, the whites of the eyes & the corneas can become dry & you aren’t capable to produce tears [ xerophthalmia ]. Foamy places named Bitot spots may occur in the whites of the eyes. Open sores on the corneas [ corneal ulcers ] may arise, or drying or clouding of the corneas [ keratomalacia ], which can cause blindness.
Most common Symptoms of Vitamin A deficiency
- Dry & scaly skin
- Dry hair
- Brittle nails
- Night blindness
- Poor wound recovery
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
Dry Skin
Vitamin A is essential for the creation & repair of skin cells. It also aids fight inflammation due to specific skin problems. Not getting sufficient vitamin A may be a reproach for the development of eczema & other skin issues. Eczema is a disease that induces dry, itchy & inflamed skin. Many clinical studies have shown alitretinoin, a prescription medicine with vitamin A action, to be useful in treating eczema. In one 12-week analysis, people with chronic eczema who took 10 to 40 mg of alitretinoin/ day shared up to a 53% reduction in their signs. Keep in mind that dry skin can have many reasons, but chronic vitamin A deficiency may be the reason.
Dry Eyes
Eye problems are some of the most well-known issues linked to vitamin A deficiency, and in many cases, not getting sufficient vitamin A can cause total blindness or dying corneas, which are defined by marks called Bitot’s spots. The inability to produce tears is one of the first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. Immature children in India, Africa & Southeast Asia who have diets lacking in vitamin A are most in danger of producing dry eyes. Increasing vitamin A can improve this situation. One investigation discovered that high doses of vitamin A reduced the prevalence of dry eyes by 63%.
Night Blindness
Many vitamins A deficiencies can lead to night blindness. Many observational investigations have noted a high prevalence of night blindness in developing countries. The importance of this problem, individuals at risk of night blindness, and health professionals have worked to enhance the level of vitamin A. In one analysis, women with night blindness were provided vitamin A in the form of food or accessories. Both conditions of vitamin A enhanced the situation. The women’s capability to adapt to darkness increased by over 50% over 6 weeks of treatment.
Delayed Growth
Children who do not get sufficient vitamin A may experience restricted growth. This is because vitamin A is needed for the proper growth of the human body. Many investigations have revealed that vitamin A supplements, alone or with many other nutrients, can enhance growth. Most of these analyses were executed on children in developing countries. However, a study of investigations discovered that supplementing with vitamin A in combination with other nutrients may have a greater development on growth than supplementing with vitamin A alone. For instance, children with undersized growth in South Africa who obtained multiple vitamins & minerals had length-for-age scores that were half a point better than those who accepted just vitamin A.
Throat and Chest Infections
Frequent infections, particularly in the throat or chest, may be a symptom of vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A supplements may assist with respiratory tract infections, but research outcomes are mixed. An analysis of children in Ecuador revealed that underweight children who took 10,000 IU of vitamin A per week had rarer respiratory infections than those who acquired a placebo. On the other hand, a study of investigations in children found that vitamin A supplements may enhance the risk of developing throat & chest infections by 8%. According to one study in old people, high blood levels of the provitamin A carotenoid beta-carotene may protect against respiratory infections.
Poor Wound Healing
Injuries that do not recover well after injury or surgery may be related to low vitamin A levels. This is because vitamin A stimulates the creation of collagen, an important part of healthy skin. Research indicates that both oral & topical vitamin A can strengthen skin. An analysis of rats discovered that oral vitamin A improved collagen production. The vitamin had this product even though the rats were taking steroids, which can interfere with wound recovery. Additional research in rats found that treating skin with topical vitamin A occurred to prevent wounds associated with diabetes. Research in humans shows similar effects. Elderly men who treated wounds with topical vitamin A had a 50% decrease in the size of their wounds, approximated to men who did not use the cream.
Acne & Breakouts
Vitamin A promotes skin growth & fights inflammation, it may help prevent and treat acne. Considerable investigations have connected low vitamin A levels to the presence of acne. In one analysis of 200 adults, the level of vitamin A in those with acne was over 80 mcg lower than in those without the disorder. Topical & oral vitamin A may use to treat acne. Research indicates that creams including vitamin A can decrease the number of acne lesions by 50%. The most prominent form of oral vitamin A used to treat acne is isotretinoin or Accutane. This medicine can be effective at treating acne but may have several side effects, involving mood changes & birth defects.
Diagnosis of vitamin A deficiency
The healthcare provider can diagnose vitamin A deficiency based on the symptoms & a blood examination. If have night blindness, the healthcare provider may order an eye test called electroretinography. The healthcare provider will study the light-sensing cells [ photoreceptors ] in retinas. The examination measures the response of your retinas to flashes of light.
A serum retinol blood test can measure the amount of vitamin A in the blood. Vitamin A deficiency can be assured if the symptoms start to enhance after taking a vitamin A supplement.
Treatment of vitamin A deficiency
The healthcare provider will treat the vitamin A deficiency with high doses of a vitamin A supplement for many days. After some days, they’ll have to take lower doses of vitamin A until their vision & skin problems start to determine. Vitamin A supplements can cure night blindness & help lubricate the eyes again. However, vision loss due to scarring from corneal ulcers can’t be healed. Newborns shouldn’t take high doses of vitamin A because it can be harmful to them. However, juveniles can be treated with vitamin A supplements. The child’s healthcare provider will specify the correct dosage.
If have a retinol level over 30 mcg/dL, supplementing vitamin A won’t be helpful. Rather, just be certain to eat vitamin A-rich foods. Consuming high levels of vitamin A can cause toxicity.
Diet or Foods for Vitamin A Deficiency
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that helps keep our eyes healthy & our immune systems strong. Unfortunately, many people don’t get sufficient vitamin A in their diets. This can cause a deficiency, which can lead to many problems. The good news is that several foods are rich in vitamin A.
Here are some of the best:

Eggs: Eggs are an incredible source of vitamin A. One large egg has over 1,000 IU of vitamin A, which is over half the daily suggested amount.
Fish: Fish such as salmon, tuna, & sardines are also great authorities of vitamin A. A 3-ounce serving of salmon includes almost 2,000IU of vitamin A.
Dairy products: Dairy products such as milk, cheese, & yogurt all contain substantial amounts of vitamin A. For instance, one cup of milk includes around 500IU of vitamin A.
Dark leafy greens: Dark leafy greens such as spinach & kale are another significant source of vitamin A. Just one cup of spinach includes over 1,000IU of this nutrient.
Complications of vitamin A deficiency
Complications can arise due to vitamin A deficiency
Vitamin A deficiency can lead to many complications, involving:
- Eye problems: Vitamin A is an essential factor in many functions of the eyes. Vision loss & blindness can occur.
- Skin issues: A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to dry, scaly, and itchy skin.
- Infertility: Vitamin A plays an important role in the reproductive system. Vitamin A deficiency can cause trouble conceiving and infertility.
- Growth issues: Vitamin A deficiency can lead to delayed growth & development in children.
- Respiratory tract infections: Vitamin A deficiency can lead to issues with your immune system. This can cause infections in the chest & throat.
Prevention of vitamin A deficiency
The best method to prevent vitamin A deficiency is to eat a healthy diet that contains foods that contain vitamin A. Vitamin A can be encountered naturally in:
- Green vegetables like leafy greens & broccoli.
- Orange & yellow vegetables, like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes & squash.
- Orange and yellow fruits, like oranges, mangos, cantaloupe & papayas.
- Dairy products.
- Liver, beef & chicken.
- Specific types of fish, like salmon.
- Eggs
- Grains, rice potatoes, wheat & soybeans fortified with vitamin A.
Can also take a vitamin A supplement, if required.
What can anticipate if have a vitamin A deficiency?
If the increase the vitamin A intake, some of the results of vitamin A deficiency should start to reverse. Night blindness & dry eyes should enhance. However, corneal ulcers can’t be repaired. It’s important to eat sufficient foods that include vitamin A. In addition, take a dietary supplement that includes vitamin A. If don’t get sufficient vitamin A, complications like vision loss will be long-term.
It can get vitamin A by containing good sources of beta-carotene in the diet, as the body can reverse this into retinol. The major sources of beta-carotene are yellow, red, & green leafy vegetables, like spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes & red peppers. yellow fruit, like mango, papaya & apricots.
Sweet potatoes & carrots are incredible sources of provitamin A carotenoids that are good for the eyes. Vitamin A from animal-derived foods is named retinol. This “pre-formed” vitamin A can be used instantly by the body. Good nutrition sources of retinol vitamin A contain beef & chicken liver, whole milk & cheese.
A level of antioxidants, vitamin A not just is useful to a healthy functioning visual surface but also is required for the construction of the photoreceptor rhodopsin. This photopigment discovered in rod cells of the retina is most helpful in permitting the eyes to see at night.
Castor oil has antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory effects that make it safe for the eyes & boost tear film lipids. Another advantage of castor oil eye falls is how long they last. Investigations show that they may stay in the eyes for up to 4 hours.
If increase the vitamin A intake, some of the results of vitamin A deficiency should start to reverse. Night blindness & dry eyes should enhance. However, corneal ulcers can’t be repaired. It’s important to eat sufficient foods that include vitamin A.
Vitamin A capsules or tablets. Vitamin A pills prevent & treat low vitamin A levels. Vitamin A supports the eyes, skin, immune system & reproductive system healthy. A vitamin A deficiency can lead to symptoms like night blindness.
Swallow a vitamin A pill whole & do not crush, chew, break, or open it. Eating fatty foodstuffs can help your body immerse vitamin A. Never use more than the suggested dose of vitamin A.