Mixed Cerebral Palsy
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Mixed Cerebral Palsy

What is mixed cerebral palsy? What are the causes of mixed cerebral palsy? Brain damage can be caused by: Mixed cerebral palsy & types of brain damage What Is the most common type of cerebral palsy? What Is the most common form of mixed cerebral palsy? Medical Conditions Associated with Mixed Cerebral Palsy Additional Mixed…


Adductor canal syndrome

What is Adductor canal syndrome? Adductor canal syndrome (also known as adductor canal compression syndrome) is the rare, non-atherosclerotic cause of arterial occlusion & limb ischemia. There is the compression of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) in the adductor canal. Sports such as running, skiing && soccer are at risk for the development of this…

adductor tendinopathy
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Adductor tendinopathy

What is adductor tendinopathy? Adductor tendinopathy describes a number of conditions that develop in & around of Adductor tendon in response to chronic overuse. At a histopathological level, there are changes in the molecular structure of the tendon, typically collagen separation & collagen degeneration & at a macroscopic level typically see tendon thickening, a loss…

knee joint with muscles
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Knee joint with muscles

The knee joint with muscles plays an important role in the functioning of knee movement, such as quadriceps, Hamstring are the main muscles of knee joint which helps to perform day-to-day activity like walking, sitting to stand, running, and stair climbing. What is the knee joint? A knee joint is a synovial joint that connects…

Neck muscle strain
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Neck muscle strain

What is the neck muscle strain? Where is the neck muscle located? Anterior neck muscles include Lateral neck muscles include: Posterior neck muscles include Causes of Neck muscle Strain Some common causes of neck strain include: Neck muscle strain classification Neck muscle strain sing and symptoms Other symptoms of neck strains include: Neck strains complications…

Muscle spasm in the neck
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Muscle spasm in the neck:

This neck muscle spasm occurs when your neck muscles become tightened. In this condition, your neck becomes too painful & stiff, affecting the ability to turn your head. Stress-related muscle tension & and awkward neck movement is triggers of neck spasm.This muscle spasm is produce intense pain &this pain stays last for minutes, hours &…

Sternocleidomastoid muscle
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Sternocleidomastoid Muscle

What is Sternocleidomastoid Muscle? The sternocleidomastoid muscle is a 2-headed neck muscle, true to its name bears joining to the manubrium of the sternum (Sterno), the clavicle (cleido), & the mastoid process of the temporal bone (mastoid).  It is a lengthened, bilateral muscle of the neck, which functions to flex the neck both laterally & anteriorly, as well as rotate the head opposite…