Knee Joint Biomechanics
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Knee Joint Biomechanics

What is knee joint biomechanics? A knee joint biomechanics- studies the coordination of the bones, muscles, ligaments, as well as tendons in Knee joint motions. A complex interaction of these structures allows a knee to withstand tremendous forces while various normal motions. The knee joint is the largest & one of the most complex joints…

Semispinalis muscle
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Semispinalis Muscle Anatomy

What is the Semispinalis muscle? The semispinalis muscle relates to the transversospinalis muscles. The transversospinalis muscle group is a very deeper layer of muscles situated on either side of the spine. The semispinalis muscle is: The most superficial/upper layer of this muscle part. The bigger muscle mass is in the posterior part of the neck. It is responsible for…

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Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD)

What is Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy (LGMD) ? Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) is not a single, but a rare group of inherited genetic disorders which are characterized by progressive weakening of the proximal muscles of the shoulder and hip. ( Distal muscles are farther away from the center — for example; the proximal muscles are those…

Muscle spasm in hand
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Muscle Spasm in Hand

Muscle spasm in hand occurs due to many reasons which is significant for discomfort in some people.Muscle spasms are described as uncontrollable & involuntary muscle contractions. Due to these muscle spasms or contractions not allowing the muscle to become relaxed & also become too excruciating in some cases.Hand spasm is extremely uncomfortable for any people…

splenius muscle
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Splenius Muscles Anatomy

What is Splenius Muscle? Splenius Capitis Muscle What is Splenius Capitis Muscle? In relation to its surrounding musculature, it sits: Relations Of Splenius Capitis Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve Supply Blood Supply Action The function of Splenius Capitis Muscle Clinical Significance of Splenius Capitis Muscle Splenius cervicis Muscle What is the Splenius Cervicis Muscle? Origin Insertion…