Manual muscle testing of Neck

Manual Muscle Testing of Neck

Manual muscle testing of the neck involves assessing the strength and function of the muscles that control movements of the neck. It is commonly performed by healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or chiropractors, to evaluate muscle imbalances, weakness, or injuries in the neck region. Capital extension Testing muscles Patient’s position For grades 4 and…

Geriatric Diseases

Geriatric Diseases

What is a Geriatric Disease? Geriatric diseases, also known as age-related diseases or geriatric syndromes, refer to a group of health conditions that are commonly associated with aging. As individuals grow older, their bodies undergo various physiological changes, and these changes can increase the risk of developing certain diseases or conditions. Geriatric diseases often have…



What is Arachnoiditis? Arachnoiditis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the arachnoid, which is one of the membranes that surround and protect the nerves of the spinal cord. Neurological issues and intense stinging, “burning” pain are all symptoms of arachnoiditis. The lumbar (low back) and thoracic (middle back) nerves are most frequently affected. Your…

Carpal Compression Test of the wrist joint

Carpal Compression Test of the wrist joint

The Median Compression Test/Durkan’s Test is another name for this carpal compression test.This test is used in the clinic to examine a patient’s carpal tunnel syndrome.When a patient complains of wrist discomfort or other neurological symptoms in the hand, a neuro specialist or therapist can perform this clinical and neurological examination. What is the importance…

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of inherited conditions that harm connective tissues that support organs and other tissues throughout the body. What is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? What are the symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome? Each and every type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) has its own symptoms. The most usual type of condition is Ehlers-Danlos hypermobility, or hypermobile…

Manual Muscle Testing of Ankle

Manual Muscle Testing of Ankle

Manual muscle testing (MMT) of the ankle is a physical examination technique used to assess the strength and function of the muscles around the ankle joint. It is commonly performed by healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or physicians, to evaluate muscle weakness, monitor progress in rehabilitation, or diagnose certain conditions affecting the ankle. Ankle…

Wrist joint

Special test for the neurological dysfunction of the wrist joint

When it comes to assessing neurological dysfunction of the wrist joint, there are several tests that can be performed to help evaluate its function and identify any potential issues. Neurological dysfunction is mainly representative of a particular nerve lesion if it is positive, but they do not lead to the problem if it is negative.They…