

Introduction The Bone tissue has both stabilizing and motor activity. In terms of supplying the body’s physical structure bones allow muscles, tendons, and ligaments to connect to them, facilitating movement. Bone is a fibrous substance that contributes to metabolism, aids in motion, improves structure, and protects crucial organs. There are 206 bones in the skeleton of an adult…


Cervical Spine

Introduction The cervical spine is comprised of the initial 7 vertebrae, alluded to as C1-7 (see the pictures underneath). It has the capability to give versatility and soundness to the head while interfacing it with the moderately stationary thoracic spine. The cervical spine might be separated into 2 sections: upper and lower. The cervical spine,…

carpometacarpal joints

Carpometacarpal joints (CMC joints)

Introduction The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints are five wrist joints that connect the distal row of carpal bones to the proximal bases of the five metacarpal bones. The CMC joint of the thumb is also referred to as the trapeziometacarpal (TMC) joint. The carpometacarpal (CMC) joints connect the carpal (carpo-) and metacarpal (-metacarpal) bones of the…

Lunate bone

Lunate Bone

Introduction The Lunate bone is another one of the eight carpal bones in the wrist. It is located between the capitate bone and the triquetrum bone. The lunate bone is roughly moon-shaped, which is where its name originates (luna means moon in Latin). The lunate bone plays a crucial role in wrist movement and stability….