Giant cell arteritis

Giant cell arteritis

What is Giant cell arteritis? The terms “giant cell arteritis” & “temporal arteritis” are sometimes used interchangeably, because of the often involvement of the temporal artery. Nevertheless, other big vessels such as the aorta can be involved. Giant cell arteritis is also known as cranial arteritis & Horton’s disease. The name giant cell arteritis reflects…

Arthritis of knee
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Arthritis of knee

What is arthritis of the knee? Knee arthritis is inflammation & deterioration of knee joint cartilage. Cartilage is the slippery coating at the ends of bones that serves as a cushion & allows the knee to smoothly bend and straighten. Knee cartilage coats the end of the thighbone (femur), the top of the shinbone (tibia),…

arthritis of the temporomandibular joint
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Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint

What is arthritis of the temporomandibular joint? Arthritis of the temporomandibular joint is characterized by chronic degeneration of the various hard & soft tissues around the joint. This results in anatomical changes in the joint, & joint pain because of alterations in peripheral and central pain processing mechanisms. Stress-bearing joints of the body such as…

reactive arthritis
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Reactive arthritis

What is reactive arthritis? Reactive arthritis, also known as Reiter’s syndrome, is a form of inflammatory arthritis that occurs in response to an infection in another part of the body (cross-reactivity). Coming into contact with bacteria & develop an infection can trigger the disease. By the time the patient presents with symptoms, frequently the “trigger”…

Lyme arthritis
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Lyme arthritis

What is Lyme arthritis? Lyme disease frequently leads to Lyme arthritis. Although Lyme disease might affect many organs, such as the heart & nervous system, joint involvement tends to be the most common & persistent manifestation, resulting in joint swelling & pain. About 60 % of patients who are infected with Lyme develop arthritis unless…

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What is Periarthritis? Calcific periarthritis (perry-arth-ritus) is a condition that The crystals can rub against the tendons & muscles and can cause painful swelling around your joints. ‘Peri’ means that the swelling is around the joint, and not inside the joint itself. Calcium crystals happen naturally in the body & help make our bones &…

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What is polyarthritis? The name polyarthritis is derived from two Greek words: “poly,” meaning “many, much” and “arthron,” meaning “joint” Polyarthritis is a word used when at least five joints are affected by arthritis. Several different diseases ranging from rheumatoid arthritis to infectious conditions can lead to polyarthritis. Anamnesis, physical examination, laboratory findings, and imaging…

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What is oligoarthritis? In Latin, “oligo” means “few.” If you have oligoarthritis, you have fewer than five joints affected by arthritis. Oligoarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis formerly called pauciarthritis or pauciarticular-onset juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is defined as juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) including fewer than five joints. It is the most common subgroup, constituting approximately 50 %…

Pott’s Paraplegia
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Pott’s Paraplegia

What is pott’s paraplegia? Pott’s paraplegia resulting in severe spinal deformity is a disastrous complication, which is difficult to treat by chemotherapy alone and by surgical decompression. It is commonly accepted that Pott’s paraplegia in early spinal tuberculosis can be cured effectively through chemotherapy alone. Tuberculous spondylitis known as Pott’s disease refers to vertebral body…

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What is monoarthritis? Monoarthritis is inflammation of one joint identified by joint swelling, pain, warmth, & sometimes fever and periarticular erythema. Arthritis is frequently associated with joint stiffness and total loss or decreased range of motion. Often, monoarthritis can occur suddenly and cause joint discomfort that ranges from moderate to severe. The condition has several…