POLICE Principle
Table of Contents
Full form of the POLICE
- P – Protection
- OL – Optimal Loading
- I – Ice
- C – Compression
- E – Elevation
- This Principle is the modified or modern first aid method which is treating musculoskeletal injuries.
- Other treatment as the first aid method for treating musculoskeletal injuries is R.I.C.E, & P.R.I.C.E
- It is promote & guide to safe and more effective loading in the acute soft tissue injury management.
- It is help to in healing tissue injury .
- This principle is importance for the after the injury on primary basis .
- This principle is importance for an acute or recent injury of the initial period up to 72 hours .
- This principle therapy is the best way to treat milder joint sprains and muscle strains.
- This principle is the used for home treatment & primary treatment of the any injury .
- This principle is most importance for quick recovery and decrease the pain .
- This principle is easy and good for health .
Goal of the POLICE principle
- Goal is to during the injury time [first 48 – 72 hours ] is to control the amount of swelling to the injured area, prevent further injury, and reduce pain.
P – Protection
- For protection used to varies type of devices depending on the injured area.
- In devices include the ace bandage, aluminum splint, sling, protective tape, or over-the-counter brace.
- Those devices are applied on the injured part so that the injured structures are protect from the further injury.
- Those devices are support to limit the stresses on the injured area .
- Those devices is also help in for prevent movement of the joint [ such as in ankle sprain use of ankle brace prevent the movement of inversion eversion ]
- It is also reduce the weight bearing on the injured area .
- For ex when the injury in the leg ; crutches & cane is help for reduce to weight bearing on the injured area & prevent form further damage .
- In the primary basis of treatment used to splints , slings & brace , it is also used to in the conservative treatment of the fracture ; this treatment is also part of the protection .
- POP [ Plaster of Paris ] = it is the treatment of fracture which is also part of the Protection& POP is the most protective device for the protection in the serious injuries .
- Protection is used in 2 to 3 days of injuries rest but in severe ligament sprains, the resting period is up to 10 days.
So that protection is the most important for the any injury on starting phase .

O – Optimal Loading :
- It is stimulate to the healing process of the tendon, bone, muscle & ligament which is require to some loading to the stimulate healing.
- It is done by the utilizing to the therapy of Michonne intervention & include to manual techniques of the wide range of currently available.
- Crutches , Paradoxically & supports traditionally associated with the rest it is perform to a greater role in the adjusting & regulating to optimal loading in to early stages of the rehabilitation.
- The activity which is in [ right amount ] is help in manage to edema.
- Ex = in to the ankle calf muscles contraction is helps to the move swelling up in the body against to gravity.
- Rest [ complete] is prevent form this.
- In some causes, loading is not to be the necessary such as to severe fractures in that need to surgery.
- After a few days of the rest start to passive range-of-motion (ROM) , active range-of-motion (ROM) & strengthening exercises to the patient .
- So that the progressive loading is promote to optimal healing & prevent to delays in returning form normal joint movement .
I – ICE :

- Any frozen are used to directly to injury site as soon as possible [ like as ice, ice pack, frozen peas ]
- It is to the reduces of the bleeding & swelling of to the injury , because this is reduce to the blood flow of the area means slowing down to blood circulation & also relax to the area .
- Ice is also reduce to the pain .
- Ice is the effective for to the reducing to the inflammation caused by an injury.
- Mostly use to the ice pack because it is to cheap & effective for the injury & ice pack is made of the crushed ice & the crushed ice is more comfortable for the injury side
- A light barrier is placed between to the skin & the ice bag (paper towel) for prevent to injury of the skin during the application of the ice.
- But please check to the ice pack is closely in contact with the skin.
- If there is a small air-gaps you won’t get to the cold effect you are looking for.
- Ice is applied for the limited periods of the time [ 5 minutes for to the small area & 15 -20 minutes for the large area ] basically ice is used for the 10 minutes .
- If to the ice is apply for the more time then to the body is compensate temperature by to the pumping action of more to the blood into the injury area & sign of to the more blood in this area is red / pinkish skin .
- If u see to the red or pinkish skin of the injury area immediately remove to the ice .
- Ice is re-applied when the body temperature become to normal.
- Ice is also use to after the exercise because it is reduced to pain & give to relaxation .
- In all the day Cycles of to the 10 to 15 minutes on &1 to 2 hours off are generally agreed upon to the effective & safe than to the longer periods of to the continuous of ice application.
- So the Ice Pack (Cold Pack) is important for the reduce pain & swelling .

- It is applied to the site of injury as soon as possible for the reduce bleeding .
- It is also help to reduce swelling & speed up to the recovery time and also provides to mild support.
- The external force apply in the injured tissue by the Bandage .
- It is applied by the firm pad over to the injury site with a strapping around to it for hold to the pad in the injury site .
- We are also use to tubi-grip type bandage for compression but this is apply to compression in all the limb .
- We are also use to elastic bandage , Crepe bandages for the compression .
- We are use to the varies type of the number of sizes (2”, 3”, 4”, and 6”) elastic bandage which is depend on the injured part .
- It is to the applied directly on to the skin by to the starting of the few inches below of to the injury & wrap around into the figure of eight & spiraling manner of the few inches above to the injured area .
- Bandage is the medium amount of the tension which is applied for the provide ample, but does not to the constrictive compression.
- If to The bandage cause is tingling, numbness & color change of this soft tissue so on that time quickly release to the bandage
- Bandage / pad is not to tight for the body part because it is minimize to the blood flow at the other area .
- Best time to remove & loosen to the elastic bandage is during sleeping .
So that compression is important for the reduce bleeding & swelling .

- It is help to the decrease the swelling with to the use of gravity.
- It is also reduced to the blood pressure of the injured tissues .
- It is limit the loss of the ROM , possibly to speeding up form the recovery time.
- It is also applied direct after injury .
- It is most effective during of the initial 24 to 48 hours of the injury for to the reduce swelling .
- In the elevation lifting to the injured area for help of the comfortable support [ use the pillow ].
- Ideally elevation is to above to the height of the heart .
- Ex. If the injury is in the leg, put the pillow & foot up .
- Best time for the elevation is sleeping .
- It is removed after to the reduce swelling.
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