Physiotherapy Treatment for the knee pain : Electrotherapy modalities and Exercise
Physiotherapy for the knee pain is depends on Diagnosis and symptoms of the condition, Physiotherapist will assess your knee pain cause, onset of pain, aggravating and relieving factor and according to which treatment are decided.
Most common Physiotherapy for knee pain are Electrotherapy modalities which relieves pain and exercise that strengthen knee muscles with range of motion exercise and stretching of tight muscles, However treatment are varies in each and every condition related to knee pain.
Table of Contents
Electrotherapy Modalities for the knee pain :

- In the physiotherapy for the pain relief use to the many modalities .
- In starting face therapist follow the RICE principle. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
- After some days used to modalities for the pain relief .
- In the modalities used to the
- SWD = Short wave diathermy .
- TENS = transcutneos electrical nerve stimulation
- IFT = inferential therapy
- IR = infra red radiation
- US = ultrasound therapy

- All this modalities is apply for the pain relief & every condition of the knee pain .
Stretching exercise for the knee pain :
- Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch
- standing Quadriceps Stretch
- Hamstring Stretch in supine
- Wall Hamstring Stretch
- Iliotibial Band Stretch
- Side lunge
- Figure Four Piriformis Stretch
- Butterfly stretch
- Seated hamstring stretch
- Heel and calf stretch
Lunging Hip Flexor Stretch :

- Starting position is kneeling .
- Kneel on to the left knee & keep the right shin on to the ground.
- If the find to the ground tough onto the back leg, try to doing this stretch on to a yoga mat.
- Move to the right leg back to behind the body .
- Keep the right foot facing the ceiling.
- Put the both hands on the right knee & push the body forward.
- Keep the torso & head in to the alignment.
- Patient feel the stretch in to the hips and left leg.
- Hold this position for to the 20 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times
- Do the 3 session per day .
Standing Quadriceps Stretch :

- Starting position is standing .
- Raise the left arm straight out in front of the body .
- This helps to keep the balance.
- If it is challenging for patient so that modify this exercise with the holding onto the back of a chair or wall.
- Bend to the left knee & grab to the left ankle.
- Bring the left foot back behind the body .
- Try to pulling the leg up & back with the hand on to the ankle.
- Keep the torso & head in to the alignment.
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Hamstring Stretch in supine :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie down on to the back.
- Extend to the right leg in front of the body .
- Bend to the left leg.
- Wrap to the hands around the back of the left thigh
- Then pull to the leg slowly toward to as soon as patient can .
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Wall Hamstring Stretch :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the floor with the back facing to the wall.
- Scoot to the body so that the glutes touch to the wall.
- Place one leg on to the wall & try to extend the leg as soon as possible .
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times .
- do the 3 session per day .
Iliotibial Band Stretch :

- Starting position is Side lying .
- Lie on to the one side.
- Keep the bottom knee to bent.
- Reach to back & grab to the left ankle & bend the knee.
- Rest to the foot of the bottom leg on to the upper knee.
- Use the foot on to the knee to pull the upper knee of to the floor.
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Side lunge :

- Stand straight with to the feet far to apart.
- Move the feet to a 45 degree angle.
- Lunge to the one side.
- patient feel to a deep stretch into the thighs.
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times .
- do the 3 session per day .
Figure Four Piriformis Stretch :

- it is also called the Lying piriformis stretch
- Lie down on to the back.
- Keep the knees bent & feet flat on the floor.
- If to the find this hurts in this back, so that the use to yoga mat or towel.
- Place to the palms on to the floor & move to the arms away from the body.
- Move to the leg ankle onto the right bent thigh.
- Lift to the right foot off to the ground & clasp the hands behind to the right bent knee.
- Move to the legs toward to the chest as far as patient can .
- patient feel to this stretch in to the back of the right leg.
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times.
- do the 3 session per day .
Butterfly stretch :

- Starting position is sitting .
- Sit on to the ground & keep the torso & head up to the high.
- Move to the soles of the feet together to the form a triangle in to the legs.
- Drop to the knees to the sides as far as patient can .
- paientis also use to the arms to the push down on to the knees for to a deeper stretch.
- Then Lean to forward.
- Keeping to the torso & head aligned as best as patient can.
- Patients feel this stretch in the inner thighs.
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times.
- Do the 3 session per day .
Seated hamstring stretch :

- Starting position is long sitting .
- Then to try to the touch the knee with the help oh the help of the body lean.
- Patient feel the stretch .
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times.
- Do the 3 session per day.
Heel and calf stretch :
- Starting position is standing
- Then Stand facing a wall.
- Place to the hands on the wall & move the one foot back as far as patient can comfortably.
- Toes on the both feet to facing forward , heels flat & with a slight bend in to the knees.
- Lean into this stretch.
- Patient feel to the stretch in the back leg.
- Hold for the 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretch for the 3 times .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Exercise for knee pain:
- Straight Leg Raises
- Hamstring Curls
- Prone Straight Leg Raises [ hip extension ]
- Wall Squats
- Calf Raises
- Step-Ups
- Side Leg Raises [ hip abduction ]
- Leg Presses
- Ankle pump exercise
- Clam shell exercise
- Half squats
- Leg extensions
- Knee Flexion (standing)
- Hamstring curls on a weight bench
- Single-leg dip
- Static Quadriceps exercise [ SQE]
- Knee Extension over to Roll [ VMO ]
Straight Leg Raises :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back on to the floor & another to flat surface.
- Bend the one knee & place the foot flat on to the floor.
- Keep the other leg to straight or raise the leg to the height of this opposite knee.
- Make sure to the keep the pelvis still not to using the abdominal muscles.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Hamstring Curls :

- Starting position is prone.
- Lie flat on to the stomach.
- Slowly bring the heels as close to the buttock as to possible .
- Hold this position for the 10 second .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .

- This exercise also do in standing position .
- In the standing hold to a chair & lift the one leg at to time.
- Hold this position for the 10 second .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Prone Straight Leg Raises [ hip extension ] :
![Prone Straight Leg Raises [ hip extension ]](
- Starting position is prone .
- Lie flat on to the stomach.
- Keep the legs straight.
- Then Tighten to the muscles in bottom & the hamstring of the one leg .
- One leg is lift to toward the ceiling.
- Hold this position for the 10 second .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Wall Squats :

- Starting position is standing near to the wall .
- keep the feet on to the floor.
- Stand with the back against to a wall .
- Keep the feet about to shoulder-width apart.
- Slowly bend the knees & keep the back & pelvis against to the wall.
- Do not bend to the deeply.
- Hold this position for the 10 second .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Calf Raises :

- Starting position is standing .
- Stand facing to the to back of the sturdy chair .
- Also used to other support like as to the back of to the couch or to a wall bar at to the gym.
- It is also do on to the stairs, holding to the banister with to the heels .
- Then hanging off to the edge of this step.
- Slowly raise to the heels as high as possible then to lower.
- Hold this position for the 10 second .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Step-Ups :

- Starting position is standing
- Place one to the foot on to a platform, step bench or to the lowest step on to a staircase.
- Keep the starigth to the pelvis level.
- Bend to the knee & slowly lower to the opposite foot on to the floor.
- Lightly touch to the toe on to the floor, then rise to back up the position .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Side Leg Raises [ hip abduction ] :
![Side Leg Raises [ hip abduction ]](
- Starting position is side – lying .
- Lie on to one side with to the legs stacked.
- Bend to the bottom leg for the support.
- Straighten to the top of the leg & raise to 45 degrees.
- Hold this position for the 10 second & then brief to the relax .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Leg Presses :

- Starting position is sitting .
- Sit on to a leg-press machine with the back & head against to the support & the feet flat on to the foot plate.
- Adjust to the seat back for the comfortable.
- Slowly push to the plate away from until to legs are to extended.
- Bend the knees & return to the starting position.Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day
Ankle pump exercise :

- Sit or supine with to back straight against to a chair.
- legs are extended & spread slightly apart.
- Point the toes up so the soles are to flat.
- Pretend to pressing down on to the gas pedal of the automobile & point the toes to down.
- Hold t toes in this stretch position for the brief count of the 3 to 5 seconds.
- Then Slowly return to toes so that foot is to perpendicular on to the floor.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Clam shell exercise :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the side with of the bent knee & keep the affected leg on to the top.
- then Extend to the lower arm under to the head or bend to the arm & try to the make like a pillow for to the head & try to the rest on the hand .
- Place to the top hand on to the top of the hip for to the support.
- Engage to the abdominal & keep to the hips facing downward during the exercise.
- Slowly lift to the top leg as high up as to possible & try to keep to the feet together.
- Then Return to in to the starting position.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Half squats :

- It is excellent way to the strengthen the quadriceps, glutes & hamstrings without straining to the knees.
- Starting position is standing squat position .
- With to the feet shoulder-width to apart.
- Place the hands on to the hips or out for the balance.
- Looking to the straight ahead then slowly to squat down about to 10 inches.
- It is the halfway point to a full squat.
- Pause for to a few seconds, then stand up to by pushing through to the heels.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Leg extensions :

Starting position is sitting .
Sit up to tall in to the a chair.
Put the feet flat on to the floor & hip-width to apart.
Look straight to ahead .
On tract to thigh muscles & extend to one leg as high as possible without raising to buttocks off the chair.
Then return to the starting position.
Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
Do the 3 session per day .
Knee Flexion (standing) :

- Starting position is standing .
- Stand on to a 2 inch board or small step.
- Keeping the thigh in a straight line with to the upper body
- Then bend the knee to a 90 degree angle & slowly lower to down.
- Keep the foot flexed throughout to the movement.
- Keep the thigh pressed to against a table, & ensure to that thigh is stays in line with to the trunk.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Hamstring curls on a weight bench :

- Lie face to down on the bench with to the knees close to together.
- Grip the handles for the stability.
- Tuck to the feet under of the weight.
- The weight is must be sit just above to the heels.
- Slowly bend to the both knees .
- use to the force of the legs for raise to the weight up.
- Continue to the lift the weight in a smooth motion till the knees bend at to a 90-degree angle.
- Hold this weight up to 5 seconds & then slowly lower to back down.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- do the 3 session per day .
Single-leg dip :

- Starting position is standing .
- Hold the 2 chair for the support .
- Lift the right leg about to 12 inches from to the ground.
- All weight must be on to the left leg.
- Slowly bend down to a few inches, pushing the weight into the heel of the supporting leg.
- Hold to the 3 to 5 seconds.
- Then Slowly to straighten up.
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Static Quadriceps exercise [ SQE] :
![Static Quadriceps exercise [ SQE]](
- Starting position is long sitting or supine .
- Put the any pillow ,sand beg or fold of the towel under to the knee .
- Then push the knee into the bed .
- Hold this position for the 10 second & then brief to the relax .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Knee Extension over to Roll [ VMO ] :
This exercise is useful for strengthening exercise of Vastus medialis muscles.

- Starting position is long sitting or supine .
- Put the rolled of the towel under to the knee .
- Pull toes to up towards to the shin .
- Then fully straighten the knee.
- Hold this position for the 10 second & then brief to the relax .
- Repeat this exercise 10-15 times for one session .
- Do the 3 session per day .
Strengthening exercise :

- Straight Leg Raises
- Hamstring Curls
- Prone Straight Leg Raises [ hip extension ]
- Side Leg Raises [ hip abduction ]
- Clam shell exercise
- Leg extensions
- Knee Flexion (standing)

- All this exercise for to the strengthening exercise perform to same way in mention to the above .
- But all exercise is perform with to the theraband &weight cuff .
- In starting phase manual resistance is apply by the therapist for to all this movement .
- After that start with the theraband & weight cuff .
- It is used for the resistance .
- First start with the 1 kg then gradually increase to the weight .

Yoga poses for the knee pain :
- Camel Pose
- Hero Pose
- Twisted (or Revolved) Triangle Pose
- Lotus Pose
- Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
- Mountain Pose
- Supported Half Moon Pose
- Child’s Pose
- Easy Pose
- Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend
- Chair Pose
- Peaceful Warrior Pose
Camel Pose :

- Kneel on to the mat with to the knees shoulder-width to apart.
- Reach to the back & place hands on to the bottoms of the feet.
- Become a Arch into a back bend & so that to the head fall back & gazing to at the wall behind to body .
Hero Pose :

- Kneel on to the mat.
- Take to knees to out wide so that to pushing to feet out of the sides.
- Then sit to between the heels.
- After that to leaning to back as far as possible.
Twisted (or Revolved) Triangle Pose :

- Starting position is standing .
- Stand with to the feet wider than to hip-width apart .
- The left to toes pointing forward .
- Then right toes turned out of the 45 degrees.
- Reach to the right arm down & place it on to the floor outside of the left foot.
- Twist to the torso & reach to the left arm up toward to the sky.
Lotus Pose :
- Starting position is sitting .
- Sit on to the floor with the legs straight out in front of the body .
- Bend to the knees & place to the feet on to opposite thighs with the bottoms of feet pointing to upward.
- In This yoga pose use to a great range of motion & rotation from to the hip, knee, and ankle joint of both the legs
Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose :

- Starting position is standing
- In the standing lift to the right leg & bend to the knee in toward to chest.
- Grab hold of the right big toe with the right hand.
- Slowly extend to the right leg straight & then out to the side
- Till this time holding onto the big toe.
Mountain Pose :

- Starting position is standing .
- In The first step is to ensure to that the feet are placed close to together.
- Engaging with the core & feet then lift up through to the core.
- Press on to the floor to evenly distribute to body weight for engage to calf muscles.
- Use the quadriceps & rotate to the thighs for help to feel the stretch & tighten to the abs.
- Pull to the shoulders back & down to ensure to that it is stacked over to the ankles & hips while lifting the chin slightly .
- Then to chin is stay in parallel to the floor.
- Relax to the face muscles & take to the deep breaths for relax to the engaged muscles .
- Hold this posture for to the 10 breaths.
Supported Half Moon Pose :

- This Pose is also called to the Ardha Chandrasana.
- Starting position is standing
- Then stand with to the back of to the wall & rotate to the right foot.
- Make sure to the bottom of the foot is parallel to the wall.
- After that to place the block in the right hand & then bend to the right knee.
- Shift the weight so that person balancing on to the right leg.
- Set to the block on to the floor near of the front of the right foot & apply to pressure on to the right hand for to straighten to the right arm & leg.
- Rotate to the left side of the body into an upward direction so the back is in to the alignment with to the wall behind the body
- Then to The left leg do the parallel with to the floor & the left arm is create to a straight line with to the right arm.
- Hold the position for to the seconds .
Child’s Pose :

- Starting position is sitting .
- In The first step is to fold the a blanket & place to under to the knees for the protection.
- Then get on to the hands & knees ,keep the feet to together with the toes tucked & knees separated so that to belly is rest between to the thighs.
- Then try to bottom is touching to the heels & forehead is on to the mat with the arms are extended to outward.
- Hold this pose for to 10 breaths .
Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend :

- Starting position is sitting .
- In the first step is to the straddle the legs out in to the widest stance to possible.
- Then flex to the feet for to stimulate to the leg muscles .
- Place the hands on to the ground forward to in front.
- Then pull to the legs together & to the knees towards of to the chest.
Chair Pose :

- Starting position is standing .
- Stand with to the feet & legs together & the chest lifted.
- Sit to back & down .
- Keep the weight into the heels & raise to arms overhead.
Peaceful Warrior Pose :
Peaceful Warrior Pose

- Step to the right foot forward with the toes pointing of the straight.
- Turn to the left toes for the 45 degrees of to the side
- Extend to the arms out with to the palms facing to up.
- Bend the right knee at to a 90-degree of angle & keep it in the line with to ankle.
Exercise described here are too many, Each exercise are difficult to perform, however i can start with few exercise that easy to me and gradually difficult exercise i also want to start in future.