scheuermann disease
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Scheuermann’s Disease

What is Scheuermann’s disease? A radiologist from danish first discovered Scheuermann’s in the early nineties, & the condition is named after him. Scheuermann kyphosis, also known as Scheuermann disease, juvenile kyphosis, or juvenile discogenic disease, is a disease involving an abnormal, excessive curvature of the spine. It affects bodies & discs of the vertebra of…

anatomy of the hand bones

Hand Bones

Introduction The hand is made up of a lot of different bones, muscles, and ligaments, which give it a lot of flexibility and movement. There are three significant arrangements of bones in the actual hand, including: Phalanges. The 14 bones are situated in the fingers of a singular hand and the toes of per foot….


Carpal bone

Introduction The carpal bones are a group of eight small bones located in the wrist between the radius and ulna (forearm bones) and the metacarpal bones (hand bones). These bones are arranged in two rows, with four bones in each row. The names of the carpal bones, from lateral (thumb) to medial (pinky), in the…

Cryotherapy (ICE PACK)


Definition Cryotherapy also called ice application, is the easiest and ancientest method to treat injuries. It’s globally used to spread because of its effectiveness, convenience, low cost, and ease of transportation. Ice is supposed to control pain by instigating local anesthesia. It also reduces edema, nerve conduction velocities, cellular metabolism, and local blood circulation. The…

Best Exercise for Lumbar Spondylolisthesis

Best Exercise for Lumbar Spondylolisthesis

Exercise is an important part of your overall treatment program for Lumbar spondylolisthesis. Exercise is help to strengthen your lower back, and provides stability and flexibility. In This article we discuss what is a Lumbar spondylolisthesis, the Best exercise you can do at Home How to do it, which exercise you should avoid, and what…

Radius bone

Radius Bone

Introduction The radius is the lateral side long bone of the forearm and is related to the tibia of the lower limb. are upper end, lower end, and shaft. the radius is the thicker and shorter of the two protracted bones in the forearm. It is located on the lateral side of the forearm similar…

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Humeral Avulsion of the Glenohumeral ligament ( HAGL)

What is a Humeral Avulsion of the Glenohumeral ligament (HAGL)? Humeral Avulsion of the Glenohumeral Ligament (HAGL) is a rare injury that occurs in the shoulder joint. It is a type of Bankart lesion, which refers to any injury to the labrum (a ring of fibrous cartilage) or ligaments in the shoulder joint. HAGL occurs…