Extensor Digiti Minimi Muscle
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Extensor Digiti Minimi is a long slender skeletal muscle located in the posterior compartment of the forearm. It lies in the middle of the Extensor Digitorum and Extensor Carpi Ulnaris and is usually associated with the Extensor Digitorum. The antagonist of the muscle is the Flexor Digiti Minimi muscle.
Origin of Extensor Digiti Minimi
It aries from the common extensor origin obtainable on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus by a tendinous slip and from the intermuscular septum.
It can or can not separate into two as it crosses the hand. It inserts in the base of the 5th proximal phalange on the dorsal side.
Posterior Interosseous Nerve ( C7, C8 ) A branch of Radial Nerve
A radial recurrent artery comes from the Radial artery and a Posterior Interosseous artery
comes from the Ulnar artery.
Function of Extensor Digiti Minimi
Extensor Digiti Minimi assists in extending the 5th finger along with Extensor Digitorum Communis. It also assists in the extension of the wrist.
Clinical relevance
The conditions including Extensor Digiti Minimi are Vaugh Jackson Syndrome and Tenosynovitis.
Vaughn Jackson syndrome
Vaughan-Jackson syndrome is a rare condition of gradual non-traumatic extensor tendon ruptures in the hand, usually in the seen in the rheumatoid arthritis of the distal radioulnar joint. Commonly affected digital extensor tendons with the extensor digiti minimi (EDM) and extensor digitorum communis (EDC)
- Tenosynovitis has too many causes, everything from overuse to traumas.
- If people have symptoms, see the provider right away to make sure it is not a serious infection. the person will probably be able to treat it with rest and over-the-counter medicines unless it is caused by an infection, which generally needs surgery.
- A person should expect to make a full recovery in 4 to 6 weeks after the symptoms go away.
Palpation, Manual Muscle testing(MMT), and Muscle Length Test are frequently used in the assessment of Extensor Digiti Minimi.
Isometric little finger extension

- Start with sitting upright in a chair.
- Place the injured arm on a table with the palm facing down.
- Use the thumb or the table to hold the index, middle, and ring fingers bent, keeping the little finger straight.
- Try and lift the little finger towards the ceiling, resisting the movement with the other hand.
- Keep the forearm and wrist on the table during the exercise.
Towel Wrings

- For this exercise, a person will require a towel—preferably a hand towel.
- Soak the towel in water so it is completely damp.
- Roll the towel up so it is a cylinder. Start with an overhand grip, and grab the towel with both hands.
- Wring the towel out by twisting it. Twist the towel with the left hand towards you and the right hand away from you.
- Complete the exercise, changing directions alternatively for 20 seconds.
- Complete 5 sets with a break in between.
Finger Extension Exercise`

- Muffle the rubber band around all the fingers, having it rest right above the knuckles.
- Have the elbow resting on a surface like the arm of a chair or a table.
- When the person is ready, open the hand against the resistance of the rubber band and then gently turn back into the closed finger position.
- Hold the motion at the open position for a moment before retracting back.
- Repeat for 5 sets of 15 reps.
- Be sure to change hands.
Stretching Exercise:-
Wrist Extensor Stretch

- Extend the right arm in front of you with the palm facing downward.
- Bend the wrist of the right arm, pointing the hand toward the ground.
- Using the left hand, bend the wrist in an even more downward direction.
- A person should experience the stretch through the top of the forearm.
- Hold the stretch for 20-25 seconds, repeating as required.
The important motion of the abductor digiti minimi is the abduction and flexion of the 5th digit
at the metacarpophalangeal joint, thereby moving it away from the 4th digit. At the
interphalangeal joint, this muscle also helps the flexion of the fifth finger because of its
attachment to its extensor expansion.
The extensor digitorum muscle (also identify as extensor digitorum communis) is a muscle of
the back of the forearm present in humans and other animals. It expands the medial 4 fingers
of the hand. The extensor digitorum is stimulated by the posterior interosseous nerve, which is
a branch of the radial nerve.
Hold the arm in front of you. With the other hand, slowly apply enough pressure to move the
wrist and hand down. Only give adequate pressure to obtain a muscle stretch, not enough to
cause pain or discomfort. Hold this position for 5 full seconds while breathing deeply then
remove the pressure.
It is possible to feel pain on the abductor digiti minimi, but infrequently. Pain frequently comes
from walking on hard ground in hard shoes, especially for fast walkers, or those with poor gait
biomechanics. Pain over this part should always find out against a fractured fifth metatarsal.
Extensor digiti minimi (EDM) muscle (also identify as extensor digiti quinti proprius) is a
muscle of the uppermost layer of the back side compartment of the forearm, and with other
extensor muscles originate from a usual extensor tendon attached to the lateral epicondyle of
the humerus.
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