Hamstring muscles
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Hamstring muscles: Anatomy, Origin, Insertion, Function, Exercise

What are Hamstring muscles? How are the hamstring muscles structured? The three hamstring muscles are: Biceps femoris, closest to the outside of body. The function of this hamstring is to flex the knee, extend the thigh at hip and rotate lower leg from side-to-side when knee is bent. Semimembranosus, closest to the middle of body….


Cervical spine range of motion exercise

What is the cervical range of motion exercise? The cervical range of motion exercise refers to the activity aimed at improving the motion of the Neck (cervical). The movement is influenced by various structures, and configurations of the bone surfaces within the cervical joint, joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, as well as muscles acting on the…

Segmental breathing exercise
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Segmental breathing exercise: Health Benefits, Procedure, Indication & Contraindications

What is segmental breathing exercise? Segmental breathing exercise is performed in particular area of chest it is usually perform for ventilation and movement around particular area of lung.it will usually performed condition like hypoxemia, fibrosis around chest, pain after surgery, scar around chest, pneumonia, post mastectomy. it will necessary to expansion to particular area such…

Knee range of motion exercise
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Knee Range of motion exercise: Passive, Active & Active assisted exercise

What is the Knee range of motion exercise? A Knee range of motion exercise refers to an activity aimed to increase the movement of the knee joint. The motion is influenced by many structures, likely configuration of bone surfaces within the knee joint, joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, and muscles acting on the knee joint. A…

Gastrocnemius muscle pain
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Gastrocnemius muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel sudden pain in the back of the leg & difficulty in contracting the muscle/standing on tiptoe it is indicated to be gastrocnemius muscle pain.This pain is due to cramps/muscle strain.You feel Pain & observe the swelling or bruising in the area of muscle pain.This Pain increases during the resisted plantar flexion &…


Diaphragmatic breathing exercise

What is Diaphragmatic breathing exercise? Diaphragmatic respiratory could be a sort of exercise that helps to strengthen your diaphragm a vital muscle that helps you breathe because it represents eighty-fifth of respiratory. This Diaphragmatic exercise is additionally decision as ventilation technique. The diaphragm muscle has role because the primary muscle of breath and improvement is economical and also the…

Buteyko breathing exercise

Buteyko breathing exercise: Health Benefis, Types, & How to do?

What is Buteyko breathing exercise? Buteyko breathing technique was created by dr bk in 1950. this therapeutic breathing method involves the use of breath retention exercises to control acceleration and volume of breath. this therapy teaches slowly calmly and effectively the use of this breathing exercise is for asthma patients. it is also based on…