What Helps for Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatic Nerve Pain
What is Splenius Capitis Muscle Syndrome? The splenius capitis is a large, broad muscle situated deeper within the back of the neck. The beginning of this flat, thick, and broad muscle begin at the vertebral column, especially from C-7 to T-3. It runs down the back of the neck. Its ending point is situated on…
Cyclist syndrome is a condition in which the Pudendal nerve is compressed in Alcock’s canal of the pelvis region. It is also called Alcock canal syndrome or Pudendal nerve entrapment syndrome (PNE). It is most commonly seen cyclist person who overuses cycle. It has rarely seen a condition in which chronic neuropathic pain in the…
Muscle spasm in hand occurs due to many reasons which is significant for discomfort in some people.Muscle spasms are described as uncontrollable & involuntary muscle contractions. Due to these muscle spasms or contractions not allowing the muscle to become relaxed & also become too excruciating in some cases.Hand spasm is extremely uncomfortable for any people…
What is a Psoriatic arthritis? Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic progressive inflammatory joint disease associated with psoriasis. A condition can affect both peripheral joints as well as an axial skeleton causing pain, stiffness, swelling, as well as possible joint destruction. The joint pathology progresses slowly & may be more of a nuisance than disabling. Psoriatic…
What is the Groin strain? Groin Strain is an injury to the muscle-tendon unit that produces pain on palpation of the adductor tendons or its insertion on the pubic bone & pain in the adductor region on resistance testing of the adductors. Groin muscle strains are encountered more frequently in ice hockey & soccer. These…
Muscle spasms in the leg are painful & involuntary muscle contractions that stay last seconds or minutes.This muscle spasm is affect your sleep, exercise routine & general quality of life. This leg muscle spasm occurs due to Sitting for long periods & overusing the muscles.It is produced by pain & swelling in the muscle spasm….
What is Adductor canal syndrome? Adductor canal syndrome (also known as adductor canal compression syndrome) is the rare, non-atherosclerotic cause of arterial occlusion & limb ischemia. There is the compression of the superficial femoral artery (SFA) in the adductor canal. Sports such as running, skiing && soccer are at risk for the development of this…
Lower Back pain is a most commonly seen painful condition affecting the lower lumbo-sacral portion of the spine. The low back also called the lumbar region which is the area of the back that starts below the ribcage. Almost everyone feels low back pain at some point in life.It becomes too uncomfortable & debilitating for…
What is Tennis Elbow? Tennis elbow, commonly known as Lateral epicondylitis, is swelling of the tendons that bend your wrist backward away from your palm.The tendon most likely involved in the elbow is called the extensor carpi radialis brevis. It is usually seen in both men and women between the ages of 30 to 50…