Pseudo-bulbar palsy
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Pseudobulbar Palsy

What is Pseudo-bulbar palsy? Signs and symptoms of the Pseudobulbar palsy Signs and symptoms of pseudobulbar palsy involve: Causes of Pseudo bulbar palsy Rare causes of pseudobulbar palsy prevalence of the Pseudo bulbar palsy Pathophysiology of the Pseudo bulbar palsy Diagnosis of Pseudo bulbar palsy Treatment of pseudo bulbar palsy Dysphagia ( difficulty in swallowing…



What is Coma? Causes of Coma Many types of problems can cause a coma. Some examples are: Types of Coma Types of coma can include: Complications of Coma Signs & Symptoms of Coma The signs and symptoms of a coma generally include: Diagnosis Evaluation Then’s an example of a simple 5-point scale: 1 = Fully…

nail patella syndrome
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Nail patella syndrome

Nail patella syndrome is a rare genetic condition that may cause problems with the nails, bones, and kidneys. Symptoms of nail-patella syndrome Almost every people with nail-patella syndrome has abnormal nails, and so many people also have problems with their kneecaps (patellae), elbows, and pelvis. Some of the problems will be obvious from birth, but…

Multiple Sclerosis
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Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

What is multiple sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the nervous system characterized by inflammation, selective demyelination, and gliosis. Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease that affects mostly the central nervous system, which is the brain, spinal cord, or optic nerves. it can lead to a wide range of symptoms throughout the body….

turner syndrome

Turner Syndrome

What is a Turner Syndrome? Turner syndrome is a congenital ovarian hypoplasia syndrome and a genetic condition that occurs only in women when one of the sex chromosomes is missed or changed partially or completely causing medical and developmental problems like short height, failure of the ovaries to develop, and heart defects. It was reported…

Bulbar palsy
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Bulbar palsy

What is Bulbar palsy? Sign of Bulbar palsy Symptoms of Bulbar palsy Causes of Bulbar palsy Mechanism of the bulbar palsy Diagnosis of bulbar palsy Exercise of bulbar palsy Dysphagia ( difficulty in swallowing ) Effortful Swallow Dynamic Shaker Jaw Thrust Masako Maneuver Mendelsohn Maneuver Supraglottic Maneuver Hyoid Lift Maneuver Dysarthria Tips for speaking Strategies…

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Clubfoot (Congenital talipes equino Varus)

What is a Clubfoot? Clubfoot describes a range of foot abnormalities generally present at birth (congenital) in which the baby’s foot is twisted out of shape or position. In clubfoot, the tissues incorporating the muscles into the bone (tendons) are shorter than normal. Clubfoot is a fairly normal birth defect and is generally an isolated…

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What is Monoplegia? Monoplegia is one type of paralysis which is mainly affected any one limb, mostly it affects the arm. The most common symptoms seen in monoplegic patients such as unable to move limbs, numbness, muscle weakness, and pain in the affected limb. Monoplegia is different from hemiplegia in hemiplegia There is paralysis of…

Stiff person syndrome

Stiff person syndrome (SPS)

What is stiff person syndrome? Types of stiff person syndrome (SPS) There are several different subtypes or classifications for Stiff person syndrome (SPS), including: How does stiff person syndrome (SPS) affect? Stiff person syndrome (SPS) is also associated with the presence of other autoimmune conditions, such as: How common is stiff person syndrome? What are…