Physiotherpy for the knee pain
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Physiotherapy Treatment for the knee pain : Electrotherapy modalities and Exercise

Physiotherapy for the knee pain is depends on Diagnosis and symptoms of the condition, Physiotherapist will assess your knee pain cause, onset of pain, aggravating and relieving factor and according to which treatment are decided. Most common Physiotherapy for knee pain are Electrotherapy modalities which relieves pain and exercise that strengthen knee muscles with range…

Pudendal nerve entrapment syndromes
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Pudendal nerve entrapment syndromes : Physiotherapy Treatment, Exercise

What is Pudendal nerve syndrome ? It is also known as the Pudendal neuralgia & Alcock syndrome. It is an unusual of the condition which is arises from to the compression of to the pudendal nerve (S2) . It is a chronic & severely disabling neuropathic pain syndrome. It is a presents in to the…

Nursemaid's Elbow
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Nursemaid’s Elbow : Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is a nursemaid’s elbow ? Nursemaid’s Elbow is a common injury of the early childhood. This injury means the elbow is slipped out of form to normal place at the joint. It is also called = pulled elbow Because in this condition child’s elbow is pulled & also partially dislocates. In The medical term…

Little League Elbow
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Little League Elbow: Physiotherapy Treatment, Exercise

What Is Little League Elbow? ANATOMY of the elbow: What Causes Little League Elbow? Who Gets Little League Elbow? Signs & Symptoms of the Little League Elbow? Various sides of injuries in Little League Elbow: Medial side injuries: Presentation depends on age: Signs/Symptoms: Lateral side injuries : Panner’s disease Signs/Symptoms: OCD Signs/Symtoms: Posterior injuries: Risk…

Frozen Shoulder
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Frozen Shoulder

What’s frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder is a common shoulder joint condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The cause of Frozen Shoulder is not known, but is generally thought to be due to the degeneration of the rotator cuff tendons and muscles. This condition can be painful and can affect many aspects of daily living….

MICE Principles For Sports Injury

MICE Principles For Sports Injury: Alternatives of RICE

MICE Principle Introduction Meaning of MICE How to Use MICE Principle? M – MOTION So between rest and normal motion use the M of MICE. I – ICE : So ice is important for reduce pain and swelling. C – COMPRESSION : So compression is important for reduce bleeding, swelling. E -ELEVATION So elevation is…