Quadriceps muscle exercises
Table of Contents
What is the quadriceps muscle exercise?
- Quadriceps exercises help reduce knee pain, keep muscles strong & flexible, & improve function after an injury.
- Quadriceps muscles exercise are divided mainly into 2 main types of Exercise, Stretching and Strengthening exercise.
- To help strengthen & condition the quadriceps, people can perform a variety of exercises to work for this muscle group. However, before exercising, it is advisable to perform a quick warm-up & stretch to help encourage blood flow to the area.
- For the quadriceps, this can include 5 to 10 minutes of walking then a standing quadricep stretch & prone squad stretch. This stretch involves bending the knee & bringing the heel towards the buttocks. A person then grabs their ankle, gently pulls it closer to the body & holds this for 30–60 seconds.
What are the Quadriceps muscles?
- The quadriceps Muscle (The quadricep Femoris or Knee extensor Muscle) is a large muscle group that is located at the Front Of the Thigh and the four muscles Group That Makes One of the Strongest Muscle Of The Lower Limb (located in the front of the thigh).
- The quadriceps femoris’s main function is a hip flexor and a knee extensor. It is the super extensor muscle of the knee, making a Bulky fleshy mass that is located mainly in the front and sides of the femur.
- Quadriceps exercises are divided into 2 types:
- Quadriceps strengthening exercise
- Quadriceps stretching exercise
The quadriceps muscle includes the following muscles:
Vastus medialis: The Vastus medialis muscle is a large quadriceps muscle situated on the inner side of the thigh, also known as the teardrop muscle. It is the most medial of the 3 muscles of the quadriceps (thigh) group. It is situated in front of the rectus femoris & behind the vastus lateralis. The muscle is responsible for the straightening of the knee joint. It is a portion of the extensor mechanism of the knee.
The muscle is more fully working when the knee is at a nearly 30 angle, especially when the leg is partially extended. Therefore, quadriceps exercises that involve a last 30 degrees of angle movement exercise are the best to strengthen this muscle.
Vastus lateralis: The vastus lateralis also known as the vastus externus, is the most significant & most powerful part of the quadriceps femoris, a muscle in the thigh. Together with other powers of the quadriceps muscle group, it extends the knee joint, moving the lower leg forward. It originates from a series of flat, broad tendons attached to the femur, & attaches to the outer border of the patella.
Vastus Intermedius: Vastus Intermedius is located centrally, underneath the rectus femoris in the anterior compartment of the thigh & on each side of it: Vastus medialis & Vastus Lateralis respectively. The vastus intermedius arises from the front & lateral surfaces of the body of the femur in its upper two-thirds, sitting under the rectus femoris muscle & from the lower part of the lateral intermuscular septum. Its fibers end in a superficial aponeurosis, which forms the deep portion of the quadriceps femoris tendon.
Rectus femoris: The rectus femoris muscle is one of the 4 quadriceps muscles of the human body. The others are the vastus medialis, the vastus intermedius & the vastus lateralis. All 4 parts of the quadriceps muscle attach to the patella by the quadriceps tendon. The rectus femoris is located in the middle of the front of the thigh; it is fusiform in shape, & its superficial fibers are arranged in a bipenniform manner, the fibers running straight down to the deep aponeurosis. Its action is to flex the thigh at the hip joint & extend the leg at the knee joint.
Health benefits of doing a quadriceps exercise
- Regularly doing quadriceps strengthening exercises may help to make it easier to extend the knee & flex your hip
- Helps to strengthen the quadriceps muscles
- Helps to improve the stability of the kneecap.
- Helps to protect the knee joint from injury.
- Helps to increase the jump height.
- Helps to improve the overall athletic ability.
- Helps to decrease the risk of developing knee osteoarthritis.
- Helps to improve balance & stability.
- Stronger quadriceps make everyday motion easy such as walking, bending, & sitting, and running.
Quadriceps muscle Stretching exercise:
- After the follow of electrotherapy for 2-3 days for release to muscle pain by physiotherapist then the therapist is advised to stretch for release to muscle tightness.
- This stretching is applied when your pain is released & when you feel comfortable.
- Quadriceps stretching is a great exercise to increase the flexibility of the thigh muscles, these exercises are easy to perform at home exercise & also have many health benefits.
- you can perform quad stretches as a warm-up before & after a lower-body workout routine, cardio session, yoga practice, or other wellness activity.
- The better quad stretches stimulate the muscles & improve blood flow to the area.
- It also reduces quadriceps muscle tightness.
- A good stretch will make the muscle used for many physical activities such as a run, a brisk walk, squatting, yoga, or other sports activities.
- Quad stretching exercises increase short-term range of movement, such as hip flexion & knee extension.
- This stretch helps you to avert injuries during leg workouts.
- It improves long-term flexibility & mobility.
- It relieves muscle soreness.
This all Stretching exercise helps you release Quadriceps muscle tightness
- The Lying Quad Stretch
- The Simple Quad Stretch
- The Kneeling Quad Stretch
- Vastus Medialis Stretch
![Side-Lying Quadricep Stretch](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/QUADRI-STRETCH.jpg)
- The Lying Quad Stretch:
- You are lying in a face-down position & propping the head on the left hand.
- Alternatively, you can lie on the side to perform this stretch.
- After some seconds, pull the right foot toward the butt & bend the left knee joint to stabilize yourself.
- Then Hold onto your ankle joint & maintain this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this Stretching exercise 3 times at 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
![The Simple Quad Stretch](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Quadriceps-stretching-1024x768.jpg)
2. The Simple Quad Stretch:
- You are standing on your left leg & one knee joint touching the other.
- You can hold a chair & the wall to keep the steady if needed.
- Grab the right foot & use your right hand & pull it towards your butt.
- Must Be sure to push your chest up & hips joint forward.
- Try not to worry about pushing the foot too close to your backside.
- But your focus must be on feeling the stretch in your quad muscle & pushing your hip joint forward to get a good hip flexor muscle stretch.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this Stretching exercise 3 times at 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
![The Kneeling Quad Stretch](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/The-Kneeling-Quad-Stretch.jpg)
3. The Kneeling Quad Stretch:
- The Kneeling Quad stretching exercise Start with a high lunge position, with the left foot forward.
- Then Carefully drop your right knee joint to the floor & take a moment the balance.
- When you are ready, reach back with your right arm & grab your ankle joint or toes.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds but must keep the body steady.
- Then Gradually come back into the lunge position & opposite from the left foot to the right foot.
- Repeat this Stretching exercise 3 times at 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
4. Quadriceps Stretch:
- You are Stand holding a chair & the wall for balance
- Bring your heel up behind you, grasp your ankle joint & pull your heel towards your buttock, till you are feeling a stretch, without bending forwards
- It is done the stretch all 4 of the quads muscles but for stretch, the vastus medialis muscle by moving the foot across the body towards the other buttock.
- You can Increase the stretch by pushing your hip joint forwards in this exercise.
- Repeat this Stretching exercise 3 times at 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
Quadriceps muscle Strengthening Exercises:
- After the follow of electrotherapy & massage for 2 -3 days for release to muscle pain by physiotherapist then the therapist is advised to you strengthening exercise for release to muscle weakness.
- This quadriceps strengthening exercise is always advised when you feel to release pain & when you feel comfortable.
This all-strengthening exercise helps you with muscle weakness & pain.
- Lying Pigeon Progression
- The Frog Pose
- Floor extension
- Lateral heel drop
- Step downs
- Leg extension
- Single leg raises
- Terminal knee extensions (TKEs)
- Vastus Medialis activation Exercise
- Ball Clench Extensions
- Twisted Leg Raise
- Ball Bridges
- Ball Wall Squats
- Isometric Contraction of the vastus medialis muscle
- Seated Isometric vastus medialis muscle & Adduction
- Externally Rotated ½ Squats
- Wall/Ball Squat
- Split Squats/Static Lunges
- Step-Ups
![Lying Pigeon Progression:](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Lying-Pigeon-Progression.jpg)
- Lying Pigeon Progression:
- In the first place, a mat on the floor & you are lying face down.
- Then must be Secure place a resistance band around the affected foot, with the excess band in a reachable area.
- Grab the band with the left hand & must keep the right leg extended or bend the left knee joint.
- Must keep your toes pointed toward the ceiling.
- Then use the resistance band to pull forward till you feel the stretch.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
2. The Frog Pose:
![Frog pose exercise](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/The-Frog-Pose-1024x682.jpg)
- The Frog Pose exercise is start by lying on your stomach means in a prone position & propping the torso up on your elbow joints.
- Bend both of your knee joints &, and reach back to hold onto your feet.
- You feel the stretching at this point.
- Then Adjust the fingers to point the same way as your toes, then carefully lift your elbow joint to point to the ceiling.
- Push the chest up as high as possible.
- This exercise is Stopped completely when you feel any pain in the hip or knee joint.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
3. Floor extension:
- You are sitting down on the floor with a tall posture.
- Your shoulder joint should be pulled down the back with your chest proud.
- Then Bend your left knee joint in toward your chest with your left foot flat on the floor.
- Extend your leg in front of you with your foot pointing slightly out to the side then.
- Hold under the left knee joint with both hands interlocked & must keep your muscle flexed for the duration of this exercise.
- Do the Exhale Without losing the posture & leaning away from the wall, lift the right leg in the air as high as possible.
- Hold this position for 10 seconds.
- Then Inhale & slowly lower down to your starting position.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
![Lateral heel drop](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Single-leg-heel-drop.jpg)
3. Lateral heel drop:
- You are standing tall with your left leg straight but not locked & your foot is resting on a small step.
- Do the right knee joint slightly bent & your left foot should be flat on the floor.
- Your right knee joint must be going over the toes.
- Then Squeeze your core muscle for balance.
- Exhale & push up off the right leg till both legs are fully straightened.
- Try to keep your hip joint level as you step up.
- Inhale then contract your left vastus medialis muscle & slowly return to your starting position.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
4. Step downs:
- You are standing with the right foot on the step & your left foot off to the side.
- Do the Inhale & Flex the vastus medialis muscle.
- Then bend your right knee joint till your left foot is flat on the floor.
- Must be Again, try to keep your hip joint level at all times.
- Do the Exhale & engage your core muscle.
- Then push off your foot & return to your starting position.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
5. Leg extension:
- You are sitting on a chair & scoot yourself to the front of the seat.
- Then Wrap a resistance band around your ankle joint & feed the band under the chair, which you reach back & grab with your hand.
- Do the Exhale & in one motion then slowly extend your leg to full extension out in front of you.
- Then do the Inhale & contract your muscle & slowly lower the leg back down to 30 degrees.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
![Straight leg raising (SLR)](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SLR.png)
6. Single leg raises:
- You are lying on the back with your knee joint bent & foot flat on the mat.
- Fully extend your right leg out in front of you must be placing an ankle joint weight on your thigh.
- Squeeze your core muscle &contract the vastus medialis muscle & lift the right leg about 2 inches off the mat.
- Must Keep elevated the leg duration of this exercise.
- Make sure you are not arching your back.
- You do not put any space between the back & the mat.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
7. Terminal knee extensions (TKEs):
- You Tie a resistance band around a sturdy anchor & slide the other end up to slightly above the back of your right knee joint, facing the anchor.
- Step back till the band is taut.
- Then Straighten your left leg & must keep your right knee joint slightly bent.
- Do the Exhale & push your right knee joint back to match your left knee joint & exaggerate the contraction in your vastus medialis muscle.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
8. Vastus Medialis activation Exercise:
- You are sitting upright in a chair, with your knee joint bent.
- Place the ball between your knee joint & your feet flat on the floor.
- Then Place your thumbs on the soft, squashy area on the inner side of the knee joint, just above your kneecap – patella & press down firmly
- Then Clench your glutes & gently squeeze the ball.
- Make sure the movement comes from your knee joint rather than the inner thigh.
- If you do not feel strech must be, try clenching your buttocks, clenching your knee joint & squashing the backs of your thighs down into the chair
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
9. Ball Clench Extensions:
- You are lying on your back with a rolled-up towel underneath your knee joint & place the ball between your knee joint.
- Then Clench your buttocks & gently squeeze the ball & lift one heel off the ground till the knee joint is straight.
- Must be Keep clenching the ball & hold for 10 seconds then slowly return to starting position.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
10. Twisted Leg Raise:
- You are lying on your back with one leg stretched out straight & the other knee joint bent.
- It takes the tension off the lower back as you work the straight leg.
- Turn your foot outwards about 20 into external rotation & lift the foot till your thighs are parallel.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
- Must be Keep the leg turned outwards in this exercise which is helpful to you activate the vastus medialis muscle.
![Bridge with the ball](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Bridge-with-ball.jpg)
11. Ball Bridges:
- You are lying on your back with your knee joint bent, feet are hip distance apart.
- Place the ball between your knee joints.
- Then Clench your glute muscles & gently squash the ball.
- Lift your bottom as high as possible without arching your back.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
12. Ball Wall Squats:
- You are standing with your back against a wall & squashy ball between your knees joint.
- Must be placed heels about 6? away from the wall & toes are pointing forwards.
- Clench your glutes muscle & gently squash the ball to activate the vastus medialis muscle then slowly slide down the wall, & bending your knee joint.
- Hold this exercise position for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
13. Isometric Contraction of the vastus medialis muscle :
- You are Sitting position on your bed & floor with the legs out straight & place a towel underneath your knee joint.
- Flex your quads muscle with the hip joint /leg slightly externally rotated.
- Hold this contraction for 10 seconds & place your fingers on your VMO to ensure your vastus medialis muscle is activating & firing.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
- Seated Isometric vastus medialis muscle & Adduction:
- You are sitting on a chair & platform where your feet hang freely.
- Place a ball between your thighs & squeeze the ball together activating your vastus medialis muscle.
- Hold this muscle contraction for 10 seconds.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
14. Externally Rotated ½ Squats:
- You are standing with your legs shoulder-width apart with the knee joint & feet are externally rotated.
- Squat halfway down & come up nice & slowly which is focusing on activating the vastus medialis muscle to bring you back up to a standing position.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
![squat with ball](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/squat-with-ball-1.jpg)
15. Wall/Ball Squats:
- You are placing a Swiss ball on your back against the wall.
- Then Slowly squat down into a near-seated position so that your thighs are parallel with the ground.
- Slowly come back up & avoid locking your knee joint.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
![Split Squats/](https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Split-Squat.png)
16. Split Squats/Static Lunges:
- Split Squats/Static Lunges: exercise is to Start with your feet shoulder-width apart & take one large step forward.
- You can place your hands on your hip joint.
- To make this exercise harder must hold dumbbells by your side.
- With an upright posture, lunge down & up without your knee joint at the front moving in front of your big toe.
- But Focus on putting most of the weight through your front heel &don’t let your knee joint buckle in.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day.
17. Step-Ups:
- You are Standing in front of a bench & chair.
- Step up onto a platform & drive from the gluteal muscle, not from your toe.
- Ensure your knee joint is not buckling inwards.
- It is forced/pushed out.
- Then Slowly step down making sure your knee joint is stable.
- Repeat this strengthening exercise 10 times in 1 time & do the 3 times per day
Why are safety precautions important in exercising?
- Start slowly. These are starting exercises. Ask the healthcare provider if you need to see a physical therapist for more advanced exercises. As you get stronger, you may be skilled to do more sets of each exercise or add weights.
- Stop if you feel pain. It is normal to feel some discomfort at first, but you might not feel pain. Constant exercise will help decrease the discomfort over time.
- Warm up before you do quadriceps exercises. Ride a stationary bike or walk for 5- 10 minutes to warm the muscles.
- follow the exercise program recommended by the healthcare provider. He or she will tell you which exercises are best for the condition. He or she will also tell you how many repetitions to do & how often you might do the exercises.
When did you not do the Quadriceps exercise?
- If your doctor advised you to take a rest.
- If the leg bone is recently fractured.
- If you feel knee pain during any exercise described it above.
- Stop doing exercise if you feel any knee discomfort.
- Avoid performing box jumps if you have knee pain.
- Avoid stepping so far that you feel discomfort in the groin.
- Avoid the jerky Knee movement.
How do you know if the quads are weak?
Tighten the straight knee to lock it out & lift the leg up to the height of the other knee. You might be able to complete this movement with the knee locked straight, if your knee bends a little & bobbles then you have some quad weakness.
Does walking strengthen quads?
Walking works several different muscle groups, including The quadriceps. Hamstrings. Glutes.
Are squats good for quads?
Squats also give the quads a great workout, and they work the glutes & hamstrings to a greater degree than leg presses. But if you are doing squats with free weights, you run the risk of injury by trying to squat too much or losing control of the barbell.
Is cycling good for quads?
Cycling improves overall function in the lower body & strengthens the leg muscles without overstressing the joints. It is the quads, glutes, hamstrings, & calves.
What causes weak quad muscles?
In many cases, weak quads will simply be a result of a lack of muscle-building exercises. However, it might be caused by an injury or condition such as patellofemoral stress syndrome, iliotibial band friction syndrome, & patellar tendinitis.