Best Exercises for Trapezius Pain

11 Best Exercises for Trapezius Muscle Pain

Exercise for Trapezius Muscle Pain is an important part of your overall treatment program that helps to strengthen your weak trapezius muscles and also improves flexibility. Introduction Trapezius muscle pain also called Trapezitis is described as a condition of inflammation in the trapezius muscle which further reason to pain and spasm in the neck. trapezius…

Manual Muscle Testing of Ankle

Manual Muscle Testing of Ankle

Manual muscle testing (MMT) of the ankle is a physical examination technique used to assess the strength and function of the muscles around the ankle joint. It is commonly performed by healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists or physicians, to evaluate muscle weakness, monitor progress in rehabilitation, or diagnose certain conditions affecting the ankle. Ankle…

Wrist joint

Special test for the neurological dysfunction of the wrist joint

When it comes to assessing neurological dysfunction of the wrist joint, there are several tests that can be performed to help evaluate its function and identify any potential issues. Neurological dysfunction is mainly representative of a particular nerve lesion if it is positive, but they do not lead to the problem if it is negative.They…

Phalen’s Test and Reverse Phalen’s Test:

Phalen’s Test and Reverse Phalen’s Test

Phalen’s Test and Reverse Phalen’s Test are two physical examination maneuvers used to assess for carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition characterized by compression of the median nerve at the wrist. These tests are commonly performed by healthcare professionals, such as physicians or physical therapists, to help diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. The Phalen’s Test Clinically Relevant Anatomy…

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

What is Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)? Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) refers to the formation of blood clots (thrombi) in deep veins, typically in the legs. It is a serious medical condition that can potentially lead to life-threatening complications if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Medicines, compression stockings, and surgery are all forms of treatment. Do…