Wrist Drop
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Wrist Drop

Introduction of the Wrist Drop Forearm anatomy Pathophysiology Which are the Causes of Wrist drop? Wrist extension is achieved by muscles in a forearm contracting, pulling on tendons that attach distally to (beyond) a wrist. If the tendons, muscles, or even nerves supplying these muscles are damaged or otherwise not working as they should be,…

What is the difference between flexion and extension?
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What is the difference between flexion and extension?

Introduction Flexion and Extension are joint movement and are opposite directed movement. Joints, as well as muscles of the human body, are involved in the movement. The straightening, as well as contraction of the muscles, perform the movement of the joints. Flexion, as well as extension, are two anatomical terms used to describe angular motion….

Hamstring Pain
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Semimembranosus muscle strain

What is Semimembranosus strain? A Semimembranosus strain also called a Semimembranosus muscle pull occurs when one or more of these muscles gets over-stretched and leads to tear. Semimembranosus strain can be mild, with less pain and related symptom’s and short recovery time. Or, they can be moderate to severe and need surgery and require rest…

kinesio taping for patellar tendenopathy

Taping technique for Patellar tendenopathy

Introduction: Kinesio taping for patellar tendinitis is an important technique to relieve pain and further support to patella, it also prevents further injury. This is most effective and supportive treatment to give static as well as dynamic support to the patella. kinesio taping gives dynamic stability to the joint while typical taping give static stability…


Sasangasana: Health Benefits, How to do?

What is Sasangasana? In Sanskrit, ‘sasaka’= ‘rabbit’, ‘asana’ = ‘posture/position’. Therefore the name Sasangasana or in common other words Rabbit Position, or Hare Position, or Shasangasana, or Shashankasana, or Prostration Position, or Naman Pranamasana. The name of Sasangasana is due to the position that the body achieves impersonates that of the rabbit. As in Sanskrit,…

Triceps muscle strain

Triceps muscle strain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is a triceps muscle strain? Triceps muscle strain generally does following an unexpected workforce or extent on the muscle. There’s instant pain and sometimes feeling a sharp pain in the muscle or a popping sound. This isn’t a common muscle strain, although may sometimes do in sports or weightlifters where rapid, forceful elbow extension…

Muscle Pain in the Back
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Muscle Pain in the Back

Muscle pain in the Back is common in most people.It is uncomfortable & debilitating.This muscle pain is due to injury, some activity & some medical conditions.This muscle pain is affect any age of people but has different reasons.Back muscle pain is released by to RICE principle, pain mediation & physiotherapy treatment. What are the types…

Hamstring strain
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Semitendinosus muscle strain

What is Semitendinosus strain? A Semitendinosus muscle strain also called a Semitendinosus muscle pull occurs when these muscles gets over-stretched and leads to tear. strains can be mild, with less pain and related symptom’s and short recovery time. Or, they can be moderate to severe and need surgery and require rest and supports for few…

Foot Drop
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Foot Drop: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment & Exercise

Introduction of the Foot Drop Pathophysiology Causes of the foot drop Foot drop is caused by weakness or even paralysis of the muscles involved in lifting a front part of the foot. It usually happens when there is a problem with the nerves in the lower spine, leg, or foot or the muscles of the…