Fingers exercise
Table of Contents
What is Fingers exercise?
Fingers exercise is important to strengthen the wrist, hand, and finger muscles. It will be useful to fulfill your daily living of activities like pulling objects, groceries and opening the door, etc. This exercise will increase the blood circulation to the hand and increase the circulation of synovial fluid. this will helps to lubricate your joint during the movement.
These exercises are helpful after finger injury and pain affecting the fingers, hands, and wrists. Regular exercises can increase mobility and lower the chance of injury or re-injury. Wrist stretches are easy to do anywhere. If you do it properly, it can be an advantage for a person’s whole wrist and hand health.
It is a good idea to start slowly and build up gradually if you are new to exercise. Your hands are more susceptible to injuries than the other parts of your body.the hands are the most used part of the body, for holding objects and completing activities of daily living, for preventing hand injury you have to do regular exercise on your hands.
Which muscles are used for finger exercise?
Following is the list of Hand muscles that are strengthened when you are doing this exercise.
- Palmar interosseous
- Adductor policies
- Flexor digitorum superficialis
- Flexor digitorum profundus
- Opponents digiti minimi
- Opponens policies
- Flexor pollicus brevis
- Flexor digiti minimi
- Flexor pollicis longus
Health Benefits of finger exercises.
- Hand exercises can help to relieve the stiffness and pain associated with arthritis.
- Improve flexibility and help decrease the risk of injury.
- Increases the blood flow into your hands, which gives comfort to the muscles and ligaments and supplies them with the oxygen and nutrients they require to keep working.
- Grip strength improves speed and power which needs in throwing activities and other routine activities such as carrying groceries, opening jars, etc.
- Helps to relieve pain in the hand.
- Helps to improve the range of motion
- Helps to Reduce joint injury
- Helps to reduce the risk of injury by elongating the muscles
Different types of exercises for your fingers.
Make a Fist
How to do it?
- These exercises can help to strengthen your hands and finger muscles, improve your range of motion, and give you pain-free.
- Stretch only until you feel tightness. You should not feel pain. Start with this simple stretching exercise.
- Wrapping your thumb under your all fingers and making a fist.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds.
- Release and spread your fingers separately.
- Repeat this exercise with both hands at least 4 times.

Finger Stretch
How to do it?
- Try finger stretch to help with pain relief and to increase the range of motion in your hands.
- Put your hand palm-down on a table or other flat surface.
- Gently straighten your fingers as flat as you can against the surface without forcing your joints.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds and then release.
- Repeat at least 4 times with both hands.
Claw Stretch
How to do it?
- Claw stretch helps improve the range of motion in your fingers.
- Hold your hand out in front of you, palm is facing you.
- flexed your fingertips down to touch the base of all finger joints.
- Your hand should look like a claw. Hold for 30 to 50 seconds and release.
- Repeat at least four times on both hands.
Grip Strengthener
How to do it?
- Grip Strengthener can make it easier to open door knobs and hold things without dropping them.
- To perform this exercise you have to Hold a soft ball in your palm and squeeze it as much as you can.
- Hold for 5 seconds and relax.
- Repeat ten to fifteen times on both hands.
Pinch Strengthener
How to do it?
- This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles located at your fingers and thumb. It can help you turn keys, open food packages, and use the gas pump more easily.
- Squeeze a soft foam ball or some putty between the tips of your fingers and your thumb.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times on each hand. Do not perform this exercise if your thumb joint is damaged.
Finger Lift
How to do it?
- Finger lifts exercise to help increase the range of motion and flexibility in your fingers.
- Put your hand flat, palm is touching the table or other surface.
- Gently raise one finger at a time off of the table towards the ceilings and then lower it.
- You can also lift all your fingers and thumb at the same time, and then lower.
- Repeat eight to twelve times on both hands.
Thumb Extension
How to do it?
- Strengthening the muscles of your thumbs can help you hold and lift heavy objects like cans and bottles.
- Put your hand flat on a table.
- Wrap a rubber band around your hand at the base of your finger joints.
- Gently move your thumb away from your fingers as much as you can.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds and then relax.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times with each hand.
Thumb Flex
How to do it?
- Thumb flexion helps to increase the range of movement in your thumbs.
- Begin with your hand out in front of you, palm up.
- straighten your thumb away from your other fingers as much as you can.
- Then flexed your thumb across your palm so it touches the base of your small finger.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds. Repeat at least 4 times with each thumb.
Thumb Touch
How to do it?
- This exercise helps to increase the range of motion in your thumbs, which helps with everyday activities like picking up your toothbrush, fork, spoon, and pens when you write.
- Hold your hand out in front of you, with your wrist straight.
- Gently touch your thumb to each of your four fingertips, one at a time, making the shape of an “O.”
- Hold each stretch for 30 to 50 seconds.
- Repeat at least 4 times on both hands.
Thumb Stretches
How to do it?
- Hold your hand out, palm facing you.
- Gently flex the tip of your thumb down toward the base of your index finger.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds.
- Release and repeat 4 times.
- Hold your hand out, palm facing you.
- Gently stretch your thumb across your palm using just your lower thumb joint.
- Hold for 30 to 50 seconds.
- Release and repeat 4 times.
Making an “O”
How to do it?
- This is a very simple exercise for your finger joints to work properly.
- You can perform this exercise whenever there is pain or stiffness in your hands.
- Begin with your left hand pointing straight up.
- Slowly curve your index finger inward until it touches the thumb and forms the shape of an “O.”
- Hold this position for thirty seconds.
- Follow with your middle, ring, and pinky fingers. extend your fingers again.
- Repeat this exercise ten times with each hand.
Finger Walking
How to do it?
- This exercise is very beneficial for the person who is suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and cannot move their fingers without feeling a sharp pain.
- Put your right hand on a table with your palm facing down.
- Slowly raise the index finger and try to move it toward the thumb.
- Then place the finger down. raise the second finger and move it toward the index finger.
- Lift the ring finger and move it toward the middle finger.
- Lift the pinky finger and move it toward the ring finger.
- Repeat this exercise two-three times on both hands.
Finger Bends
How to do it?
- Finger bends are similar to the finger lift exercise. All you need to perform is to flex your fingers inward instead of lifting them.
- Put your hand out and slowly flexed the thumb down underneath your palm.
- Hold the position for about five seconds and then straighten your thumb back up.
- Do the same with every finger of the right hand. Repeat the sequence with your left hand.
- Repeat this exercise 10–12 times with each hand.
Stretching Wrist Flexors

How to do it?
- To perform this exercise you have to straighten in a chair and look directly ahead of you. Put the fingers and palms of your hands together.
- Slowly lower down your hands. your palms should be joined, and try to spread your elbows apart as much as you can.
- Hold for ten seconds.
- Relax your hands.
- do this exercise 15–18 times twice a day.
Fingers Extension/Abduction Elastic
How to do it?
- To perform this exercise you need an elastic band and you have to Split your fingers and thumb away against the elastic band without flexing them.
- do this exercise 15–18 times twice a day.
MCP Flexion
How to do it?
- Begin this exercise with your hand and fingers extended and in line with your forearm.
- Without moving your wrist joint or your interphalangeal joints, flex you’re metacarpophalangeal joint only to form a ninety-degree angle between your fingers and your hand.
- Straighten your hand and fingers back to the initial position.
- Do this exercise ten to twelve times twice a day.
Finger Extension Elastic
How to do it?
- To perform this exercise you need an elastic band and you have to Place it around the outside of your thumb and index finger.
- Pull these 2 fingers away from each other.
- Repeat with your thumb and other fingers.
- do this exercise 10–15 times twice a day.
Pronation/Supination Hammer
How to do it?
- To perform Pronation/Supination Hammer Put your forearm on a table or a chair’s armrest but with the wrist is non supported.
- grab a hammer by the handle, and rotate the forearm palm down and palm up.
- do this exercise 10-15 times on both hands twice a day.
Knuckle bend
How to do it?
- To perform this exercise you have to hold your hand and fingers straight and close together.
- Flexed the end and middle joints of your fingers. your knuckles should be straight.
- Moving slowly and smoothly, return your hand to the initial position.
- you can perform multiple repetitions of this exercise on both hands.

Finger stretch
How to do it?
- Take a position either sitting or standing. Bring your ring and pinky finger together.
- Now start the separation of the middle and index fingers from your ring finger. If you feel stretched then hold that position for 2-3 seconds and repeat this movement 10 times.
- Now do on other hand.
Isometric Hooks Exercises
- The right hand will be facing palm up and the left hand will be facing palm down.
- Once your fingers are clasped together, use your arms to pull in an outward position while maintaining your hook fists.
- Hold for 5 to 10 seconds then relax.
- You don’t need any equipment for this exercise, just your other hand.
- An isometric exercise is when you contract a muscle without moving your hand using the maximal voluntary contraction.
When did you not do fingers exercise?
- If your fingers are recently injured.
- If your doctor is advised to take a rest.
- If you feel any pain or tension in your wrist and hand then stop doing this exercise.
If your fingers and hands feel painful and stiff, try to warm them up before you do exercise. This can make it easier to perform exercises and stretch. Use a warm pad or soak them in warm water for about five to ten minutes. Or, for a deeper warmth, rub some oil on your hands, put on a pair of rubber gloves, and then soak them in warm water for 5-10 minutes.