Abdominal diastasis recti
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Abdominal diastasis recti: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment & Exercise

Diastasis recti (rectus diastasis) or divarication of the recti is a stretching of the linea alba with abnormal widening of the gap between the 2 medial sides of the rectus abdominis muscle (increased inter-recti distance). “Diastasis recti” means belly sticks out because the space between your left & right belly muscles has widened. You might…

Deltoid muscle strain
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Deltoid muscle strain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is a deltoid muscle strain? Deltoid muscle strains are common injuries in people that do a lot of tough exercises or in athletes that use their shoulders and deltoid muscles constantly. The deltoid muscle can be overextended with some motion like throwing a baseball or lifting a heavyweight. Some people working on muscle strength…

Carpal tunnel syndrome
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Carpal tunnel syndrome: Physiotherapy Treatment – Exercise

Description: Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of the median nerve in the narrowing tunnel. in this condition, the patient feels tingling, pain, numbness, and weakness in the thumb and the other three fingers except for the little finger. this condition is seen most commonly in women because they have smaller tunnels compared…

Plantaris muscle pain
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Plantaris Muscle Pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel Sudden pain in the back of the calf & observe swelling & bunching of the calf muscle it is indicated to be plantaris muscle pain. this pain occurs due to many reasons like tear & strain in the muscle. this muscle pain also presents with swelling & spasms. This pain is relieved…

Ankle pain while walking
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Ankle pain while walking: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Exercise

There are too many causes of Ankle pain while walking and require proper diagnosis, and according to the diagnosis treatment plans are decided. The doctor will check your history of pain, and also require an imaging study for proper diagnosis. Diagnosis helps to make proper treatment. In this article, we discuss why Ankle pain occurs…

obturator internus syndrome
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Deep Gluteal Pain Syndrome: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Deep gluteal syndrome is a condition in which you have pain and numbness in your buttocks (gluteal) that can sometimes radiates at the back of your leg mainly due to compression of the sciatic nerve. Several body parts can leads to sciatic nerve compression within the gluteal space. Doctors will physically examine you the specific…

Wrist pain: Physiotherapy treatment and exercise
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Wrist pain: Physiotherapy treatment and exercise

What is wrist pain? Wrist pain is any type of pain or discomfort in the wrist joint. It is often occurred by sprain or fracture from sudden injuries to the wrist or surrounding areas. However, wrist pain can also result from long-term problems, namely repetitive stress, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. What is a wrist…

Ankle Pain
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Ankle Pain: Cause, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Physiotherapy Treatment and Exercise

What is ankle Pain? What is an ankle joint? What are the considerable causes of ankle pain? What are the signs and symptoms of ankle injury? Diagnosis: Some special test for ankle pain:- Anterior Drawer test – To find out any injury in anterior talofibular ligament: The patient is in the supine position, the ankle…