
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

What is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)? What causes acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)? Causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) involve: Is acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) infectious? What are the symptoms of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)? Symptoms of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) depend on the cause and seriousness of the case,…

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What is Tuberculosis? The three stages of TB (Tuberculosis) are: How common is tuberculosis? Are there different kinds of tuberculosis? What causes tuberculosis? How is tuberculosis spread? What are the signs and symptoms of tuberculosis? Those with active TB (tuberculosis) can show any of the following symptoms: Symptoms suggestive of TB (tuberculosis) involve: Extra-pulmonary TB…



What is bronchiectasis? What is the difference between bronchiectasis and bronchitis? What are the types of bronchiectasis? Whom does bronchiectasis affect? How common is bronchiectasis? How does bronchiectasis affect my body? How mucus protects your body Epidemiology Clinically Relevant Anatomy Pathophysiology Medical History Objective Examination Is bronchiectasis a serious lung condition? What are the symptoms…



What Is Pneumothorax (Collapsed Lung)? Causes and types of pneumothorax Types of pneumothorax There are several types of pneumothoraxes. You could have 1 or more at the same time: One way of differentiating them is as follow trusted Source: Other subtypes with either traumatic (injurious) or nontraumatic (noninjurious) causes are: Traumatic pneumothorax Here are certain types…



What is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an infection of 1 or both of the lungs caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. It is a consequential infection in which the air sacs fill with pus & another liquid. What are the symptoms of pneumonia? The symptoms of bacterial pneumonia include: Before symptoms of viral pneumonia are the…



What is emphysema? Emphysema is a lung situation that causes shortness of breath. In people with emphysema, the air pouch in the lungs (alveoli) is damaged. Over time, the inner walls of the air pouch weaken and rupture — creating larger air spaces instead of many small ones. This decreases the surface area of the…

acute bronchitis

Acute bronchitis

What is acute bronchitis? Bronchitis is inflammation of the breathing tubes. These airways are also called bronchi. This inflammation causes increased mucus production and another change. Although there are several various types of bronchitis, the most common are acute and chronic. Acute bronchitis may be called a chest cold. Most symptoms of acute bronchitis last…

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Key facts Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the 3rd leading cause of death worldwide, causing 3.23 million deaths in 2019. Nearly 90% of Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and COPD deaths in those under 70 years of age happen in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). Early diagnosis & treatment, involving smoking cessation support, is needed…

chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis

What is chronic bronchitis? Bronchitis is inflammation of the breathing tubes. These are the airways called bronchi. This inflammation causes too much mucus production and another change. There are various types of bronchitis. But the most usual are acute and chronic. Chronic bronchitis is the condition of long-term inflammation of the bronchi. It is usual…



What is asthma? Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. It creates breathing difficult & can make certain physical activities challenging or even impossible. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), about of 25 million Americans, a trusted source has asthma. It is the most usual chronic condition…