Triceps pain: Cause, symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Exercise
Table of Contents
What is Triceps pain?
If you have pain in the back side of your upper arm, you may have triceps pain, it is mostly due to overuse muscle pain or lifting heavy objects or it may be due you have overexercised in the gym.
- The triceps muscle is the large muscle that stays in the back of the upper arm which is straightened & extend the arm at the elbow joint.
- This muscle is known as the triceps because this muscle is made up of three parts.
- Pain/discomfort in the triceps muscle is the result of a number of the causes, but often means the tears of the muscle fibres. this pain occurs due to the causing soreness, micro-tears/larger tears & causing strains.
- The patient is also caused by muscle pain triceps tendinitis & tendinopathy.
- This triceps muscle tendon is the cord-like structure that connects the triceps muscle at the bone of the elbow joint.
- Tendinitis is a condition in the inflammation & pain of this tendon, which is happening with the repetitive motion against the resistance.
- Tendinopathy is a chronic condition that eventually damages the triceps muscle tendon.
- This triceps muscle tendon is also ruptured a more serious & painful triceps tendon injury.

What is triceps muscle?
- The triceps brachii muscle is a large & thick muscle on the dorsal part of the upper arm.
- This muscle appears as the shape of a horseshoe on the posterior aspect of the arm.
- The main function of the triceps muscle is the extension of the elbow joint.
- This Triceps brachii muscle depends on the three muscle heads points of the origin.
- The three heads include the: Long head, Lateral head, Medial head.
- This muscle represents the only constituent group of the posterior muscle of the arm & spans almost the entire length of the humerus.
- This triceps muscle originates with the respective attachments on the humerus & scapula bone & insert with a common tendon of the ulna.
What is Causes of the triceps muscle pain?
- The first cause is Overuse/overexertion of the elbow joint :
- In this condition occur to Triceps muscle soreness
- Triceps muscle soreness is caused by micro tears in the muscle fibers.
- This condition happens after the working out /activity like shoveling/a night of the axe-throwing.
- But it is a normal part of the healing process after the muscle is worked hard.
- Typically patients don’t feel sore till the next day within two days.
- Because of the soreness of muscle generally goes away in the just need to rest, light massage & do light stretching,
- Triceps strain:
- A triceps muscle strain occurs when the muscle tears in the triceps muscle, causing sudden & sharp pain.
- This muscle strain is painful depending on how many muscle fibres are torn.
- In the Treatment include rest initially along with the icing.
- When the patient feels the pain is tolerable, light movement &stretching help to avoid stiffness.
- If the pain is extreme & intolerable/lasts more than 1 to 2 weeks after the injury,& call the doctor.

- Tendonitis & tendinopathy:
- Tendinitis means an inflammation of the tendon, which is the cord that connects the triceps muscle at the bone of the elbow joint.
- It occurs after the repetitive movement at the elbow joint that causes the micro-tears in the tendon.
- Because the tendon cannot heal itself well, over time tendinitis develop into tendinopathy, which is a chronic degeneration of the tendon.
- Both tendonitis tendinopathy, pain is getting worse with the movements that require to straighten the arm, particularly against resistance, like doing push-ups.
- Triceps tendonitis is treated by rest, ice, compression & light stretching.
- Take to Anti-inflammatory medications, like ibuprofen/naproxen, also help with the pain.
- Because tendinopathy is a degenerative condition rather than inflammatory, these medications may not be effective, and heating the area with heat packs is more likely to help than icing.

- Tendon rupture:
- A tendon rupture is a large tear of the tendon which is seen with the naked eye.
- The rupture is partial, meaning some of the tendons of muscle is still attaching with the triceps muscle to the bone.
- Some tendon or muscle get to full rupture means complete tear where the triceps muscle is completely detached from the bone at the elbow joint.
- Triceps tendon rupture occurs when the tendon is already become too weakened, because of the chronic tendinopathy.
- In addition with the underlying medical conditions which is weakening the tendon of muscle for leading to rupture, including chronic steroid use, local steroid injections, endocrine disorders & prior elbow surgery.
- Treatment for the full ruptures of the tendon usually involves surgery to repair the tendon, while partial ruptures are not required for surgery depending on the pain & function.
- If the patient feels a partial/full triceps tendon rupture contact to doctor within a few days.
- Bruising:
- In high impact trauma, like car accidents/being hit with the baseball bat, bruising is a sign of a fracture of the humerus which lies the upper arm bone.
- If The pain becomes too severe, & any attempts to move the arm which is become more painful.
- There may also be a visible deformity.
- If the patient is suspect the arm is broken, that go to the ER immediately.
Other possible causes of triceps muscle pain:
- A number of the many conditions which is caused to triceps muscle pain, but this condition uncommon/triceps muscle pain which is lead to hallmark symptom:
- Cellulitis = local skin and soft tissue infection
- Compartment syndrome of the upper arm
- Cervical spine or brachial plexus injury
- Radial nerve injury
What is Symptoms of the triceps muscle pain?
- Patient feel the Dull achy pain over the triceps muscle
- Both the contracting of the muscle means straightening the arm & relaxing the muscle means bending the arm worsening the feeling of soreness.
- Soreness of muscle takes to 1 to 2 days to set in after overexerting it.
- This soreness usually lasts just too few days.
- Patient feel the tearing/ripping sensation in the triceps muscle
- Patient feel the worsening pain at the extending of the arm mostly against resistance.
- Patient feel a gap if the press just above the back of the elbow joint where the tendon is meet the bone
- Patient feel the Bruising near the back of the elbow joint
- Patient feel the tenderness at the bruise site
When to patient need to contact the doctor?
- If the triceps muscle pain does not get better in the 1 to 2 weeks with the at-home treatment/interferes with the daily activities.
- Pain is getting the worse with time
- If the experience pain in both the neck & the back of the upper arm.
- If the patient feels the gradual-onset tingling/numbness & weakness in the arm.
- If the patient notices a dent along with serious pain around the elbow joint.
- It occurs to tendon damage from falling on an outstretched hand.
- Spreading rash on the skin which is warm to the touch, mostly if the patient feels the fevers.
- The patient is also feeling sudden-onset arm pain/tingling which is a sign of the injured spinal cord from a herniated disc & other abnormalities in the neck.
What is Treatment for triceps muscle pain?

- In the starting phase of treatment used to RICE treatment:
- R – rest = When the patient feels the pain must do the rest for sometimes in work.
- I- ice = Applied to ice on the area of the pain for the 20 minutes, the patient is also used to ice pack & frozen peas for release to pain & swelling.
- C- compression = Applied compression bandage on the area of pain for release to swelling & spasms.
- E- elevation = Elevated to the upper limb with the help of pillow for reduced swelling with the correct blood flow.
- Pain medications = NSAIDs like ibuprofen – Advil, Motrin which is help with the pain & swelling.
- But do not take the medication for more than a week without seeing to doctor.
- Corticosteroid injections:
- Doctor suggest to Corticosteroid injections which are helping to reduce to pain & swelling.
- The doctor injects the medicine injection into the area around the triceps tendon.
- But this injection is not recommended for tendinitis because in this condition treatment is to longer than three months so it is receiving repeated steroid injections which possibly weaken the tendon & increase the risk for further injury.
- Platelet-rich plasma = PRP injection:
- The doctor is also recommended to platelet-rich plasma = PRP injection for the tendinitis.
- PRP = platelet-rich plasma involves taking a sample of the blood & then separating the out platelets & other blood factors which helps involve the healing.
- This injection is given to the area around the triceps tendon.
- Because the triceps tendon has to poor blood supply this injection is help to provide nutrients to stimulate the repair process.

- However, if the damage to the triceps muscle tendon is severe/other methods have not worked, that requires surgery for the repair of the damaged tendon.
- This surgery is typically recommended in cases where the tendon is partially/completely torn.
- Tendon repair:
- Triceps tendon repair aims to reattach the damaged tendon to an area of the elbow joint which is known as the olecranon.
- The olecranon is a part of the ulna, which is one of the long bones of the forearm.
- This surgery procedure is usually performed under general anesthetist, meaning the unconscious during the surgery.
- After the surgery, The affected arm is immobilized & the incision is made.
- So Once the triceps muscle tendon is carefully exposed, tools called the bone anchors/suture anchors are placed into the bone which is attach the injured triceps tendon to the olecranon with the help of the sutures.
- Graft:
- In the cases where the tendon is not repaired directly to the bone, a graft treatment is needed.
- When this condition happens, a portion of a triceps tendon from somewhere else in the body is used to help repair the damaged tendon.
- After the surgery, this arm is immobilized with the splint/brace.
What is exercise & stretching for triceps muscle pain?
- Elbow bend & straighten
- French stretch
- Static triceps stretch
- Towel resistance
- Overhead triceps stretch
- Horizontal stretch
- Dynamic triceps warmup
- Leaning stretch
- Triceps pull-down
- Standing bench triceps stretching
- Cross-body stretch
- Wrist pull

Elbow bend & straighten:
- Starting position for the Elbow bend & straighten exercise is sitting or standing position.
- Then Close the hands into the loose fists at the sides.
- Raise both hands to shoulder level.
- After that, Slowly lower your hands & straighten the elbow joint till the hands are again at the sides.
- Repeat this exercise for to 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day,

French stretch:
- Starting position of the French stretch is the standing position.
- The patient is in standing up, then clasp the fingers together & raise the hands above the head.
- Then Keeping the hands clasped elbows joint close to the ears, lower the hands behind the head, trying to touch the upper back.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching for to 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.

Static triceps stretch:
- The starting position for the Static triceps stretch is the standing or sitting position.
- Bend the injured arm so that the elbow joint is at 90 degrees.
- In this position use to hand which is become a fist with the palm facing inward.
- Then Use the fist of the bent arm to push down on the open palm with the other hand & tighten the triceps muscles in the back of the injured arm.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching for to 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.

Towel resistance:
- The starting position for the towel resistance is the standing position.
- Then Hold the one end of the towel in one hand of the patient.
- The patient is Stand with the injured arm over the head while the other arm is behind to back.
- Then Lift the injured arm toward the ceiling while using another hand of the patient is to pull down gently on the towel.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Repeat this stretching for to 10 times in 1 session & 3 sessions per day.

Overhead triceps stretch:
- The starting position of the Overhead triceps stretch is the standing/sitting position.
- Lift the shoulder joint toward the ears & then draw them down & back.
- Then Extend the right arm to the ceiling, then bend at the elbow joint to bring the right palm toward the centre of the back but resting the middle finger along the spine.
- Then use the left hand to gently push the elbow joint in toward the centre & down.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds in 3 repetitions on each side.
- Do the 3 repetitions in 1 session & do the 3 sessions per day.

Horizontal stretch:
- This starting position of the Horizontal stretch is the standing/sitting position.
- Bring the right arm across the body.
- Then slightly bend the elbow joint.
- Use the left hand to guide the movement as the press the arm into the chest & over to the left side.
- Hold this stretch position for 30 seconds & do the 3 repetitions on each side.
- Do the 3 repetitions in 1 session & do the 3 sessions per day.

Dynamic triceps warm-up:
- This starting position of the Dynamic triceps warm-up is the standing/sitting position.
- Then Extend the arms straight out to the sides so they parallel to the floor with the palms facing down.
- Then Rotate the arms in backward circles.
- After that Rotate the arms in forwarding circles.
- Turn the palms to face forward & feel the pulse of the arms back & forth.
- Repeat the same movement with the palms facing backwards, up & down.
- Do the 3 repetitions in 1 session & do the 3 sessions per day.
Leaning stretch:
- First Put the elbows joint on the chair, above the head.
- Then Bending the elbow joint so that supports the strain of the lower back.
- So that Look at the ground, head, neck & back in a line.
- Assure the elbow joint only the body part which is touching the chair.
- Then Guide the forearms towards the neck & place palms on the back of the neck.
- After that Press, the upper body toward the ground while exhaling.
- Hold this stretch for 30 seconds, then reverse the motion& back to a kneeling position.
- Do the 3 repetitions in 1 session & do the 3 sessions per day.
Triceps pull-down:

- The patient is Standing straight & put the feet should be shoulder-width apart.
- The patient is Grabbing one end of the resistance band with the help of the left hand.
- Then Place the left hand just below at the shoulder level & firmly hold the resistance band.
- Grasp the opposing end of the resistance band with the help of the right hand.
- Then Place this hand at a level of the hip joint.
- The patient is Inhale & stick the left hand against the chest throughout the motion.
- During this inhale patient draws the band down towards the ground with the right hand, till the right arm is completely straight.
- After that Pull the band as much as possible without snapping back & hold the position for 30 seconds.
- Exhale & slowly return the right arm to hip joint level, then relieve the tension which is created by the resistance band.
- Repeat this exercise & switch the arm.
Standing bench triceps stretching:
- The patient is Standing straight with the feet apart & the left leg should be straight & put behind the bent right leg.
- Place the right elbow joint on the bench.
- The patient is first to Breathe inhale as to incline towards the bench.
- When inclining, apply some pressure to the right elbow joint & bent right leg.
- Hold this stretching position for 30 seconds.
- Then Exhale as they drive away from the bench, correct the posture & return the right arm at its side.
- Repeat this exercise on the other arm.
- When the switch the arm, then switch the legs too.
Cross-body stretch:
- The starting position of the Cross-body stretch is the sitting/standing position.
- Raise the right arm to about the shoulder height, then reach across to the left side of the body.
- Bend the left arm at the elbow joint & use the left arm to gently pull the right arm toward the body, which deepens the stretch.
- Hold this stretching position for about 30 seconds, then repeat this stretch on the other side.
- Do the 3 repetitions in 1 session & do the 3 sessions per day.
Wrist pull:
- Extend the right arm in front of the body.
- Grab the right fingers with the left hand & gently pull the right arm down a bit till feel a stretch.
- Hold for the stretching position for 30 seconds, then repeat this exercise on the other side.
- Do the 3 repetitions in 1 session & do the 3 sessions per a day
Home remedies for triceps muscle pain?
- When the pain occurs must follow the RICE principle.
- Take the anti-inflammatory drug the release the pain.
- Do the same exercise which is taught by to physiotherapist & also do the stretching.
- Use the hot pack = A heating pad also helps relieve the pain in the chronic tendinopathy.