Homan Sign

Homan Sign

What is the Homan sign? The Homan sign is a clinical finding of discomfort behind the knee when the foot is forcibly dorsiflexed. This sign was first published in 1994 by American physician John Homans and has usually been conducted as part of the physical examination in persons with suspected lower extremity deep vein thrombosis…

Ankle Dorsi Flexion And Planter Flexion
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Ankle Dorsi Flexion And Planter Flexion

What is an Ankle Dorsi Flexion And Planter Flexion? Ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion are two essential movements of the ankle joint that play a crucial role in various activities such as walking, running, jumping, and maintaining balance. These movements involve the bending and extension of the foot at the ankle. Dorsiflexion refers to the movement…