Physiotherapy treatment of the Back pain: exercise, yoga, modalities & stretching:
Physiotherapy treatment of the Back pain is the highly recommended treatment option worldwide, Physiotherapist examine your Back and accordingly treatment are planned.
Most common form of treatment option in the Back pain is Electrotherapy modalities that helps to relive pain with lumbar traction machine is also used in sciatica pain while stretching and strengthening exercise that helps to improve function of the Back.
In this article we discuss the Most common form of treatment option Physiotherapist mostly recommended to the Back pain related patient.
Table of Contents
Electrotherapy Modalities for the Back pain :

- Physiotherapy treatment for the Back pain relief use the many electrotherapy modalities .
- In to the starting face therapist is follow to the RICE principle. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) with electrotherapy
- This electrotherapy modalities for the pain relief are
- IFT = inferential therapy
- IR = infra red radiation
- SWD = Short wave diathermy .
- TENS = transcutneos electrical nerve stimulation
- US = ultrasound therapy
Stretching of to the back pain :
- It is an important part of to the normal workout in daily routine.
- It is helps to the maintain normal range of to motion & prevent to the muscles .it to the patient is suffer from to the lower backpain .
- Do to the proper stretching because it is provides to the pain relief.
- It is loosens & activates to the tight muscles & help into the resolve spasms.

- Hip flexor stretch.
- Piriformis stretches
- Thread the needle
- Hamstring stretches
- Back runner stretch
- Back reach stretch
- Gluteal stretch
- Seated spinal twist stretch
- Sphinx stretch
- Lying Hamstring Stretch
Hip flexor stretch :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back with to the knees are bent & feet on to the ground in front of the body .
- Move to the right ankle above to the left knee & leave the knee on to the left thigh.
- Put to the hands are around to the left thigh & pull it toward to the body .
- Keep to the head & shoulders on to the floor.
- Hold this stretch position for to the 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this stretch on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Piriformis stretches :
- It is a strong stretch for to the backside.
- Starting position is supine .
- Place to the leg across over onto the other thigh in to the figure four of shape.
- Then gently lower to the buttock to the ground.
- Hold this position for to the 20 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Thread the needle :

- Starting position is downward dog position but on to the knees .
- Reach to the arm through to the give to the mid-back a to stretch.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Hamstring stretches :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lay on to the back.
- Then bent to the one leg & one leg in to the air with to the stretch band around to the foot.
- Hold for to this stretches 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this stretch on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Back runner stretch :
- Start in to the sitting position with to the legs are extended & feet to the together.
- With to the hands are flat against to the ground .
- then slowly extend to the forward as to the patient feel to the comfortably.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds & relax.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Back reach stretch
- Starting position is on to the all fours.
- Raise to the right leg backward & raise to the left arm for to the reaching in front of to the body .
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- After that return in to the starting position.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Gluteal stretch:
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie down onto the back then lift to the knees & cross to the right ankle over to the left knee.
- Grip to the left thigh gently & pull in towards to the chest.
- Hold on for to the 20-30 seconds in this position .
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Seated spinal twist stretch :
- Starting position is sitting .
- Sit on to the floor with to the both legs are extended out in front.
- Bend o the left knee & place to the foot to the outside of to the right thigh.
- Place to the right arm on to the outside of to the left thigh.
- Place to the left hand behind for to the support.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Sphinx stretch :
- Starting position is prone .
- Lie on to the stomach with to the elbows underneath of to the shoulders & hands are extended in front & palms to the facing down.
- Gently engage to the lower back, buttocks & thighs as to the lift of to the head & chest.
- After that Press to the pelvis into the floor.
- Then Gaze to the straight ahead or to the gently close to the eyes.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Lying Hamstring Stretch :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lay on to the back with to the legs are to the stretched straight out & flex to the feet.
- Then Exhale to the deeply & pull to the right knee towards to the body then , close to the chest.
- Try to the hold the right foot with to the left hand.
- Once when to the hold on to the feet
- Then try to the straighten the knee without to the losing of the grip of to the feet.
- Stay in the position for the 2 – 3 minutes.
- Replicate the same process for your left leg. Remind yourself to bend your knee and Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Exercises of to the back pain :

- Knee to Chest
- Knee Rotation
- Extensions
- Lower back rotation
- Foam rolling
- Pelvic Tilts
- Spiky ball roll on glutes
- Bridges
- Press-up Back Extensions
- Partial Crunches
- Wall Sits
- Superman position
- Cat / cow
- Back Dog Exercise
- Back flexion
- Hyper extension
- Extended Triangle
- Standing Forward Bend
- Pike-Up
- Circle plank
- Banded Clockwise Step
- Clam shell
- Hydrant
- Hip rise
- Side Plank Dip
- Push down
- Lean back
- Crescent Lunge
- Seated forward bend
Knee to Chest :
- Starting position is supine .
- Laying on to the back .
- After that gently pull to the one knees through to chest .
- Holding for to the 30 second .
- After that extending to the arms back out of to the straight.
- Repeat this exercise in opposite side .
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Knee Rotation :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lying With to the feet is put on to the ground.
- Then bend to the knees.
- Gently move the knees from side to side into the wiper motion.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Extensions :
- Starting position is prone .
- Lay down on to the stomach.
- Then gently press up & extend to the lower back.
- Don’t hold the position .
- If the patient is feels to stretch to strong then patient is adjust this position with to the rest on to the forearms.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Lower back rotation :
- Starting position is supine .
- Then Tuck to the one foot behind of to the other knee.
- After that gently pull to the leg across.
- Hold to the stretch for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Foam rolling :
- It is a great part of to the exercises for to the lower back pain.
- After that Place to the foam roller under to the mid back .
- Keep to the backside on to the ground .
- Gently extend to the spine backward.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds at to the time.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Pelvic Tilts :
- Starting position is supine .
- Laying on to the back.
- Then arch to the lower back .
- Flatten it into the ground.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Spiky ball roll on glutes :

- Starting position is supine .
- After that Use to the spiky ball to the roll out the tight muscles into the buttock.
- Roll to the ball around to the fleshy part of to the buttock for to the 30 – 60 seconds at a time.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Bridges :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back with to the knees are bent & the feet are touching to the floor.
- Raise to the hips.
- Then keep to the back into the straight line with to the knees & shoulders.
- Hold this position means bridge for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Press-up Back Extensions

- Starting position is prone .
- Roll over to the stomach & place to the elbows right underneath onto the shoulders & hands are flat on to the ground.
- Push down onto the hands & lift to the shoulders away from to the floor.
- Hold the position for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Partial Crunches :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back with to the knees bent & feet flat on to the floor.
- Place to the hands are behind to the head .
- Then cross to the arms around to the chest.
- Tighten to the abs & raise to the shoulders off into the floor as to breathe out.
- Hold to this position for to the 30 second then lower to the back down.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Wall Sits :

- Starting position is standing .
- Stand up with to the facing away from to the wall with to the back & heels to the foot away.
- Lean to the back flat against to the wall & slide down till to the knees are bent to the slightly.
- Gently press to the low back into the wall & stay in to the sitting position for to the 10 seconds .
- Then sliding back up to the wall.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Superman position :
- Starting position is prone .
- Raise to the shoulders & hold to the yourself up with to the arms are extended in to the front of body .
- Hold this position for to the 30 seconds .
- Then return to in the starting position.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Standing Back Extension
- It is do to the any place .
- Starting position is to the standing .
- Put the hands on to the low back.
- Then Slowly arch to the backward for to without the discomfort.
- Hold only to the for to the 3 seconds & return to in to the starting position.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Cat / cow :
- Starting position is kneeling
- Start on to the all fours.
- Then Create to the an arch into the low back by to the raising to the abdomen toward to the sky & do the head up .
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Back Dog Exercise :
- Do to the Arch to the back of the opposite direction by to the lowering to the abdomen toward to the ground .
- When to the same time raising to the head. Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Back flexion :

- Starting position is standing .
- Start with to the knees & hands are do the across the abdomen.
- Slowly do the lean forward & let the body curl to the forward.
- Then keep to the head off the ground.
- Hold for to the 10 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Hyper extension :

- Starting position is prone .
- Lying on to the stomach with to the hands are behind onto the back.
- Then raise to the chest & feet off to the ground.
- Hold for to the 10 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Extended Triangle :
- Starting position is standing .
- From standing, walk to the feet about to the 4 feet apart.
- Turn to the right toes to the face forward & the left toes out at to the an angle.
- Lift to the arms parallel on to the floor with to the palms facing to down.
- Tilt to the forward & hinge at to the right hip to the come forward with to the arm & torso.
- Bring to the hand to the leg with a yoga block / onto the floor.
- Extend to the left arm up toward to the ceiling.
- After that Look up, forward / down.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Standing Forward Bend :
- Starting position is downward-facing dog .
- Then slowly step to the forward on to the top of to the mat.
- After that Stand with to the feet shoulder width to the apart.
- Straighten to the legs out & let to the torso hang to the down.
- Tuck to the chin into toward the chest then relax to the shoulders.
- After that extend to the crown of to the head toward to the floor on to create to a long spine.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Pike-Up :

- Starting position is high plank position .
- This position with to the hands directly to the under shoulders & feet resting onto the ball.
- Engage to the core for to the balance.
- Use to the abs for to the lift the hips straight up till to weight comes over to the shoulders & ball to the rolls over forward to under the toe.
- Then do the body upside-down .
- Keep to the slightly bend into the knees .
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Circle Plank :

- Starting position is forearm plank .
- With to the forearm plank on to the ball with to the elbows directly under to the shoulders.
- Do the toes resting on to the floor.
- Then do the core engaged so that body maintains to the straight line from to the shoulders to heels.
- Engage to the abs & slowly make to the small clockwise circles with to the elbows on to the ball.
- Keep to the rest of the body as till as possible.
- Repeat to the counterclockwise for to the 1 rep.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Banded Clockwise Step :

- Starting position is standing .
- Then Stand with to the feet shoulder-width apart in to the mini squa.
- Knees are slightly bent with to the band around to the thighs.
- Then Clasp to the hands in front of to the chest.
- Step about to the 6 inches forward with to the right foot.
- Then placing to the whole foot on to the ground .
- After that Return to the starting position.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Clam Shell :
- Starting position is side -lying .
- Start with to the put the band around to the thighs just above to the knees.
- Lie on to the floor on to the one side with the knees are stacked & bent to the 90 degree.
- Put the elbow below to the shoulder & right hand on to the hip.
- Keep the core tight & hips still to rotate to the right hip.
- Then open to the splay knees & then return into the starting position for 1 rep.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Hydrant :
- Starting position is quadruped position .
- Begin with to the on all fours & hips are stacked over to the knees, shoulders are over to the wrists, with to the resistance band around to the thighs just above to the knees. Keeping to the a 90-degree bend into the right leg .
- Then lift to the knee up & out to the right possible with to the right hip.
- Once the patient feel to the tension then lower to the leg back to the start.
- Hold for to this position 30 to 60 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Hip Raise :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie face up with to the knees are bent & feet flat on to the floor.
- Brace to the core, then lift to the hips so body forms into a straight line from to the shoulders to knees. Slowly lower to the hips back down in to the starting position.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Side Plank Dip :

- Starting position is a side plank position with the left elbow is directly to the under left shoulder & right arm is extended up to ceiling.
- Feet is staggered & core is engaged.
- Keep to the feet staggered to the alleviate extra pressure onto the lower back.
- Brace to the core& lift the hips straight up.
- Slowly lower to the hips back down in to the starting position while maintaining to the tension in core for to the 1 rep.
- Hold for to this position 30 to 60 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Push Down :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie face up with to the knees are bent & feet flat on to the floor.
- Core are engaged so that lower back presses into the floor.
- Then Lift head off to the floor without to the straining neck .
- Place palms of hands on knees. Press hands into knees as you use them to give resistance. Hold, maintaining resistance, for 30 seconds.
Lean Back :
- Starting position is kneeling with to the arms resting at to the sides.
- Keeping to the straight line from to the shoulder to knee.
- Then slowly lean to back .
- Engaging to the core till patient feel the stretch in quads form tops of thighs.
- Hold for to this position 30 to 60 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Crescent Lunge :
- Starting position is standing .
- Bend to the front knee & keep to the back leg straight & heel lifted off to the floor.
- Try to the bend the front leg so that the thigh is parallel on to the floor.
- Square to the hips toward to the front.
- Extend to the arms toward to the ceiling on to the either side of the head .
- Stretch up as press in the mat & feel to the stretch in to the hips.
- Hold of this stretch for to the 30–60 seconds .
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Seated Forward Bend :
- Starting position is sitting .
- With to the legs in front of body .
- Reach the arms to the sides & then over to the head .
- Then reaching toward to the ceiling.
- During to the Inhale, stretching to the spine.
- During to the Exhale to lengthen to the spine.
- Then move to the forward into the bend.
- Keep to the spine long as to the hinge forward.
- Stay in the position for to the 30 -60 seconds .
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Yoga of to the back pain :

- Child’s Pose
- Bird Dogs
- AdhoMukhaShavasana
- Cobra Pose
- Locust Pose
- Half Lord of the Fishes
- Two-Knee Spinal Twist
- Knees to Chest With Slow Rock
- Reclined Pigeon Pose
- Reclined Supine Twist
- Upward-Facing Dog
- Pigeon Pose
Child’s Pose :
- Starting position is kneeling .
- Start with to the knees are to the apart & toes to the touch.
- Reach out in front of to the & sit down to the bum back towards to the heels.
- Hold the pose for to the 30 seconds .
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Bird Dogs :
- Get on to the hands & knees with to the both shoulder & hip-width apart.
- Keep to the back straight & ab muscles are tight.
- Lift to the right leg then extend it straight to the behind .
- Hold for to the five seconds before to the extension .
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
AdhoMukhaShavasana – Downward facing Dog pose :
- Starting position is quadriceps position .
- Place to the hands into the alignment under to the wrists & the knees are under to the hips.
- Press into the hands & tuck to the toes under & lift up to the knees.
- Bring to the sitting bones up to the toward the ceiling.
- Keep to the slight bend in to the knees & lengthen to the spine & tailbone.
- Keep the heels slightly off the ground.
- Press firmly into the hands.
- Distribute to the weight evenly between both sides of your body, paying attention to the position of your hips and shoulders.
- Keep to the head into line with to the upper arms or to the chin tucked into the slightly.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Cobra Pose :
- Starting position is prone .
- Lie onto the stomach with to the hands are under to the shoulders & the fingers are facing to the forward.
- Draw to the arms in tightly to the chest.
- Don’t allow to the elbows to go out on to the side.
- Press into the hands to the slowly lift to the head, chest & shoulders.
- after that Maintain to the slight bend in to the elbows.
- patient is let to the head drop back in to the deepen to the pose.
- Release to the back down to the mat on an exhale.
- Bring to the arms by to the side & rest to the head.
- Slowly move to the hips from side to side to the release tension from to the lower back.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .

Locust Pose :
- Starting position is prone .
- Lie on to the stomach with to the arms are next to the torso & palms to the facing up.
- Touch to the big toes together & turn out to the heels to the side.
- Place to the forehead lightly on to the floor.
- Then Slowly lift to the head, chest & arms partway, halfway or all to the way up.
- After that bring to the hands are together & interlace to the fingers behind to the back.
- It is deepen to the pose & lift to the legs.
- Look to the straight ahead / slightly upward as to the lengthen of to the back of to the neck.
- Remain in to the pose for up to the 1 minute.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Half Lord of the Fishes :
- Starting position is siting .
- From into the seated position , draw to the right foot in close to the body.
- Bring to the left foot in to the outside of to the leg.
- Lengthen to the spine as you twist to the body to the left.
- Take to the left hand on to the floor behind for the support.
- Move to the right upper arm to the outside of your left thigh, or wrap your elbow around your left knee.
- Try to keep your hips square to deepen the twist in your spine.
- Turn your gaze to look over either shoulder.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Two-Knee Spinal Twist :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back with to the knees drawn into the chest & arms are extended to the side.
- Slowly lower to the legs on to the left side while keep to the knees are as close as to the together .
- After that place a pillow under both to the knees or in to the between the knees.
- Patient is also use to the left hand on to the gently press down on to the knees.
- Keep to the neck straight / turn it in to either side.
- Focus on to the breathing & do to the deeply breathing in this position.
- Hold for to the 30 seconds.
- Then repeat this position on to the other leg.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Knees to Chest With Slow Rock :

- Starting position is supine .
- Lie onto the back.
- Hug the both knees are into your chest.
- Slowly rock to the torso back & forth while firmly into the holding onto the legs.
- Do the exercise for to the 1–2 minutes.
Reclined Supine Twist :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back.
- Hug to the knees into the chest.
- Then drop to the both are knees over to the one side as to the twist to the torso in to the opposite direction.
- Try to the keep the knees & hips in to line with to the each other as to the draw them toward to the floor.
- Then keep to the chest as square as to the ceiling as the patient possible .
- Hold of this stretch for to the 30–60 seconds & repeat on to the other side.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Reclined Pigeon Pose :
- It is also known as to the figure four stretches .
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie on to the back.
- Cross to the right foot over to the left quad & bend to the left knee.
- Hold to the back of to the left leg & gently pull it to the toward the chest.
- When the patient feel to the comfortable stretch.
- Hold of this stretch for to the 30–60 seconds
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Upward-Facing Dog :

- Starting position is plank .
- After that drop to the hips down on to the floor & flip to the toes over so that the tops of to the feet touch on to the floor.
- Tighten to the core & straighten to the arms to the push the chest up.
- Pull the shoulders back ; squeeze to the shoulder blades & tilt to the head toward to the ceiling.
- After that open up to the chest.
- Hold of this stretch for to the 30–60 seconds .
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Pigeon Pose :
- Starting position is in to the tabletop position / Downward-Facing Dog.
- Place to the right knee at to the angle toward to the front of to the mat.
- Place to the left leg back as far as possible.
- Do to the right ankle will positioned into the left groin.
- Open to the hips are the best .
- Keep to the hips are square.
- Keep to the body in to the upright position.
- Use to the hands for the support.
- Then fold to the upper body down.
- Placing to the head on to the hands.
- Do to the Breathe deeply.
- Stay in to the position for up to the 5 minutes.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Half Lord of the Fishes :
- Starting position is sitting .
- Get into the seated position on to the floor .
- Bringing to the right foot into the toward to the body.
- Bring to the left foot around of to the outside of to the right leg.
- Stretch to the spine as to the twist to the body of to the left.
- For to the support & place to the left hand on to the floor behind the body .
- Bring to the right arm across to the left thigh as to the twist.
- Keep to the hips are square.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Two-Knee Spinal Twist Pose :
- Starting position is prone.
- Lie on to the back with to the knees to the chest & arms stretched out to the sides.
- Lower to the legs on to the left side .
- Keeping to the held close to the together then creating to the twist motion.
- For To the enhance to the stretch.
- Turn to the head to the right.
- Keep to the both shoulders on to the floor.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .
Happy Baby :
- Starting position is supine .
- Lie onto the back & bend to the knees into the stomach.
- With to the inhale, grab to the outside of to the feet with to the hands.
- Open to the knees up toward to the armpits.
- Make sure the ankles are over to the knees with to the heels are flexed.
- Push to the feet into the hands as the pull to the hands down to the create pressure& resistance.
- Hold for to this position 30 to 60 seconds.
- Do the 10 times in 1 session & perform 3 session per day .