Lower cross syndrome
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Lower Cross Syndrome

What is a Lower Cross Syndrome? The ‘Lower cross syndrome’ is sometimes referred to as the pelvic crossed syndrome, unterkreuz syndrome, or distal crossed syndrome. It occurs as a result of muscular strength imbalances in the lower body. These imbalances happen when muscles continue to shorten or lengthen in proportion to one another. Muscle weakness…

Hip Dislocation

Hip Dislocation

What is a Hip Dislocation? Hip dislocation is the femoral head displaced from the socket of the acetabulum. It is a ball-socket type joint. It is a significant traumatic and serious injury. A hip dislocation is a medical emergency. It causes acute pain and disables the leg until it’s corrected. It can other cause secondary…

Shoulder Abduction and Adduction

Shoulder Abduction and Adduction

What is a Shoulder Abduction and Adduction? Shoulder abduction and adduction are movements that occur at the shoulder joint, allowing for the movement of the arm away from or toward the body, respectively. These movements are essential for various daily activities and sports involving the upper extremities. Shoulder Abduction What is Shoulder abduction? When your…

Best Exercise to Improve Hip Mobility
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11 Best Exercise to Improve Hip Mobility

Hip mobility plays a crucial role in the overall movement and functionality of the body. It refers to the ability of the hip joints to move through their full range of motion without pain or restriction. Optimal hip mobility is essential for activities such as walking, running, squatting, and performing various sports movements. However, sedentary…

Test of the joint instability of the wrist joint

Test of the Joint Instability of the Wrist Joint

To assess the joint instability of the wrist joint, there are several tests that can be performed. These tests help evaluate the ligaments and structures responsible for providing stability to the wrist. It’s important to note that these tests should be conducted by a qualified healthcare professional, such as a physician or a physical therapist….

The palmar interossei

Palmar interossei muscle exercise

General information The palmar interossei muscles are a group of muscles located in the palm of the hand. They play an important role in hand function and are responsible for various movements and actions involving the fingers. Strengthening these muscles can improve grip strength, finger dexterity, and overall hand coordination. Information Origin Sides of metacarpals…

Best Exercises for Golfer’s Elbow

11 Best Exercises for Golfer’s Elbow

Introduction Exercise for a Golfer’s elbow is an essential part of your overall treatment program, that helps to strengthen your affected weak muscles and also improve flexibility and relieve pain. Golfers Elbow (Medial epicondylitis) is a type of tendinitis that affects the inside muscle tendon of the elbow joint. It develops where tendons in the…