Glossopharyngeal Nerve
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Glossopharyngeal Nerve (9th Cranial Nerve)

What is a Glossopharyngeal Nerve? The glossopharyngeal nerve, known as the ninth cranial nerve (CN IX), is a mixed nerve that carries afferent sensory and efferent motor information. Sensory: Innervates the oropharynx, carotid body and sinus, posterior 1/3 of the tongue, middle ear cavity, and Eustachian tube. Special Sensory: Provides taste sensation to the posterior…

Lower Back Pain
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WHAT IS BACK PAIN? Back pain is pain that occurs in the back May Be Upper Back Pain Or Low Back Pain. The back is divided into middle back pain (thoracic), lower back pain (lumbar), or coccydynia (tailbone or sacral pain) based on the segment affected.Back pain can affect people of any age, for different…



The vestibulocochlear nerve (auditory vestibular nerve), known as the eighth cranial nerve, transmits sound and equilibrium (balance) information from the inner ear to the brain. ANATOMY: The vestibular and cochlear portions of the vestibulocochlear nerve are functionally discrete, and so originate from different nuclei in the brain: Vestibular component – arises from the vestibular nuclei…

Knee Pain
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Knee Pain: Physiotherapy Treatment

Knee Pain: Introduction Knee pain is a common problem with many causes, from acute injuries to complications of medical conditions.Knee pain can be localized to a specific area of the knee or be diffuse throughout the knee.Knee pain is often accompanied by physical restriction. Anatomy of Knee Joint The knee joint is one of the…

Facial nerve
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Facial Nerve: The Seventh Cranial Nerve

The facial nerve (also known as the seventh cranial nerve) is a nerve that carries signals from the brain to the muscles of the face. This nerve is responsible for the ability to move the muscles of the face, and it also carries information related to sensation in the face. Specifically, the facial nerve is…

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Sacralization : Physiotherapy Treatment & exercise

What is a Sacralisation? Sacralization is a common irregularity of the spine, where the fifth vertebra is fused to the sacrum bone at the bottom of the spine. The fifth lumbar vertebra, known as L5, may fuse fully or partially on either side of the sacrum, or on both sides. Sacralization is a congenital anomaly…

Petrissage Massage


                                                               KNEADING ( PETRISAGE ) MASSAGE DEFINATION: Petrissage is a moderately deep massage technique performed in a rhythmical manner attempting to manipulate the muscles beneath the superficial tissue layers. The petrissage techniques are executed using the palms, fingers or thumbs, or a combination of these. Some less used variants include using fists when executing. Scissoring…

Iliotibial band syndrome
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Iliotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band Syndrome) :

What is iliotibial band syndrome ? It is also known as iliotibial band friction syndrome or It Band Syndrome. Iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS or IT band syndrome) is an overuse injury of the connective tissues that are located on the lateral or outer part of thigh and knee. It causes pain and tenderness in those…

Swedish Massage


 What is a Swedish Massage? Swedish massage is the most popular type of massage in the United States. It involves the use of hands, forearms or elbows to manipulate the superficial layers of the muscles to improve mental and physical health. Active or passive movement of the joints may also be part of the massage….