Obturator Internus muscle
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Obturator internus muscle: Origin, Insertion, Exercise

Obturator internus is a deep hip rotator muscle that arises from the medial surface of the ischium and inserts into the femur. It is used to abduct the hip and rotated the thigh laterally. It is innervated by the anterior division of the obturator nerve (L2, L3)a branch of sacral plexus. The obturator nerve also…

obturator internus syndrome
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Obturator internus syndrome : Physiotherapy Treatment

Obturator internus syndrome is a disorder that affects the inner thigh. It is most common in women who are pregnant or obese. The condition is caused by a problem with the muscles and tendons in your pelvis. The obturator internus muscle is one of several muscles that make up your Hip region. The obturator internus…

Nursemaid's Elbow
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Nursemaid’s Elbow : Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is a nursemaid’s elbow ? Nursemaid’s Elbow is a common injury of the early childhood. This injury means the elbow is slipped out of form to normal place at the joint. It is also called = pulled elbow Because in this condition child’s elbow is pulled & also partially dislocates. In The medical term…

Neck Pain Prolapse Disc
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Exercise for Neck pain relief: Easy to Do Home exercise

Neck pain is a common problem that can be caused by a number of factors. The neck, like the back, is a complex structure consisting of bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. Because of the neck’s mobility and flexibility, it’s also one of the most vulnerable parts of the body. The neck is particularly difficult to…

Little League Elbow
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Little League Elbow: Physiotherapy Treatment, Exercise

What Is Little League Elbow? ANATOMY of the elbow: What Causes Little League Elbow? Who Gets Little League Elbow? Signs & Symptoms of the Little League Elbow? Various sides of injuries in Little League Elbow: Medial side injuries: Presentation depends on age: Signs/Symptoms: Lateral side injuries : Panner’s disease Signs/Symptoms: OCD Signs/Symtoms: Posterior injuries: Risk…

Piriformis Syndrome
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Piriformis Syndrome: Physiotherapy Treatment, Exercise

What’s piriformis syndrome? Piriformis Syndrome is a condition whereby the sciatic nerve is pressed against the piriformis muscle and can cause pain and numbness in the back and buttocks. The syndrome is mainly characterized by pain in the buttock region and pain that radiates into the lower limb. There can be other symptoms such as…

Hip Flexors Tightness : Treatment, Exercise

“Hip Flexor’s Tightness” is one of the most common conditions in the hip region, by which the hip flexor muscles are tight causing stiffness in the joints of the hip region. The hip flexors are the muscles around the front of the hip, which include psoas major, psoas minor, iliacus, and iliopsoas. These muscles are…

Shoulder Pain
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Frozen shoulder :

What’s frozen shoulder ? Frozen shoulder is a common shoulder joint condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The cause of Frozen Shoulder is not known, but is generally thought to be due to the degeneration of the rotator cuff tendons and muscles. This condition can be painful and can affect many aspects of daily…

Pectoralis Major muscle

Pectoralis major muscles :- Origin, Insertion, Exercise

What is pectoralis major ? The pectoralis major muscles is a thick, fan-molded or three-sided focalized muscle, located at the chest of the human body. It builds up the majority of the chest muscles and lies under the breast. The pectoralis major is the pectoralis minor, a flimsy, three-sided muscle. The pectoralis major’s primary functions…