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Vastus medialis muscle pain at the knee: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel knee pain & difficulty in walking, running & or stairs activities, it is indicated to be vastus medialis muscle pain at the knee. this pain is produced for many reasons like muscle injury, strain & many reasons. This muscle injury produces pain with swelling & spasms. this pain is relived by RICE…


Plantaris injury: Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is the plantaris injury? Injuries to the plantaris muscle can either occur as a muscle strain or more commonly, a plantaris muscle rupture. Plantaris muscle ruptures have also been called “tennis leg”. A plantaris injury may happen as an isolated injury, in combination with a soleus and gastrocnemius tear, or an ACL injury. Damage…

Soleus strain
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Soleus strain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is soleus strain? A soleus muscle strain occurs due to muscle fibers are damaged by the loads placed on them by jerky activity. The soleus muscle is injured while the knee is in flexion. Strains of the proximal medial musculotendinous junction are the most general type of soleus muscle injuries. It crosses only the…

Calf muscle tightness
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Gastrocnemius strain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

What is a gastrocnemius strain? A gastrocnemius strain, also sometimes called “tennis leg”, is an injury to the calf muscle in the back of the leg. It occurs when the gastrocnemius muscle is stretched too far resulting in a partial or total tear or rupture within the muscle. Tennis Leg refers to an acute medial…

Trapezius Muscle Strain
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Trapezius muscle strain

What is a Trapezius Muscle Strain? Where is the trapezius muscle located? Classification of trapezius muscle strain Causes of trapezius muscle strain Signs and symptoms rely on the open intensity of the injury. How Is a Trapezius Muscle Strain Diagnosed? Assessment Subjective assessment Observation The upper trapezius is frequently included in neck injuries. Palpation Trapezius…

Gastrocnemius muscle pain
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Gastrocnemius muscle pain: Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise

When you feel sudden pain in the back of the leg & difficulty in contracting the muscle/standing on tiptoe it is indicated to be gastrocnemius muscle pain.This pain is due to cramps/muscle strain.You feel Pain & observe the swelling or bruising in the area of muscle pain.This Pain increases during the resisted plantar flexion &…

Carpal tunnel syndrome
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Carpal tunnel syndrome: Physiotherapy Treatment – Exercise

Description: Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by the compression of the median nerve in the narrowing tunnel. in this condition, the patient feels tingling, pain, numbness, and weakness in the thumb and the other three fingers except for the little finger. this condition is seen most commonly in women because they have smaller tunnels compared…