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We hereby declare that this dissertation titled “A STUDY TO INVESTIGATE THE PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTOR OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDER AMONG FOOD DELIVERY BOYS.” is a bonafide and genuine research work carried out by MITUL PATEL
This is to certify that the work contained in thesis entitled “A STUDY TO INVESTIGATE THE PREVALENCE AND RISK FACTOR OF MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDER AMONG FOOD DELIVERY BOYS.” has been carried out in physiotherapy department of samrpan physiotherapy clinic Ahmedabad by MITUL PATEL
Table of Contents
TITLE: a study to investigate the prevalence and risk factor of musculoskeletal disorder among food delivery boys.
BACKGROUND: With modernization, food delivery is increasing day by day and so are the jobs which majorly involve the use of bikes as mean of delivery, like an food delivery boy. These employees are required to work on the bike for more than 5 hours a day to deliver food. Hence, it involves prolonged hours of sitting without back and neck support. If these personnel do not adapt to proper workstation ergonomics, they are more likely to develop musculoskeletal issues, such as neck and low back pain, which is common among persons in this line of work. Not only musculoskeletal affection but they also have tremendous work-related stress as they have to deliver the food by time. Many food delivery boys have to ride a bike with less comfort which is due to hard suspension, sloppy driving seat, and long handles as a result, they suffer from pain and altered posture.
METHOD: This is an observational study (survey), in which a total of 100 food delivery boys tested for musculoskeletal disorders. All food delivery boys were given questionnaires and were evaluated using the Cornel musculoskeletal pain questionnaires scale. The question were simple and straightforward.
RESULT: 100 participants answered all the questions. In the upper limb region, majority of them complained of neck pain about 18%, 12% and 10% of them had upper back and shoulder pain respectively. Very few of them complained of upper arm, forearm, and wrist, around 7%,4% and 6% respectively. In the lower limb region, most of them had affection in hip 30% and lower back 38%. around 17% of them suffered from knee pain. Lower leg pain was less common about 14%. rare amount of them suffered from feet pain (4%). All the participants show some level of musculoskeletal distress, lower limb affection was more compared to upper limb.
CONCLUSION: This study revealed that food delivery boys suffered from musculoskeletal problems and pain frequently and the relaxation period plays a key role in it. Results suggest that almost half of them suffered from lower back and hip pain. Other regional pain were less common.
KEYWORDS : Food delivery boys, cornel questionnaire, musculoskeletal disorder, low back pain.
Food delivery boys are one of the most common means of transportation in India .small size driving sit, long handle, type of seat, duration of work are few reasons why (FDB) are prone to develop musculoskeletal disorder mostly due to their work environment (FDB) one of the most vulnerable group to develop musculoskeletal disorders.
Musculoskeletal disorders are a condition where a particular part of the body gets injured over a long period. It generally occurs when the body part is called on to work harder, stretches further impact more directly on a muscle for a long time. It may lead the trauma and may have major risk factors. Musculoskeletal is known as the most notorious and common cause of prolonged and severe pain. It may lead to temporary or permanent physical disability and it usually affects thousands of people in the world.
According to research the prevalence of low back pain vary from 50 to 84%. In this occupational low back pain is commonly seen. It increases the high cost of sciatica in terms of health care less productivity workplace and family stress, as well as gives pain and severe discomfort. Thus prevention of musculoskeletal disorders key research concern.
According to a study in japan they have researched that workers health has been deteriorating year by year. The examination they have conducted that around 50% of the workers had some kind of health problems has been increased further are more than 60% of workers are suffering stress and anxiety research says long term working overtime major reason of illness.
Not only the long working hours but the overdriving also could be the burden for food delivery boy and it affects their lifestyle and health commuting time as well as working hours is thought to compare the time available for shopping and leisure.
Under the rapid urbanization and industrialization then of the long commuting food delivery boy has been an increase in the large cities including India. We can not neglect the advanced effect of musculoskeletal disorders in food delivery boys.
Reduction in their duty timing is an issue of debate mainly it is countermeasures of unemployment but a part of it is the only way to decrease this effect of high workload which may eventually lead to musculoskeletal disorder, however, the effect of reducing the work hour on health and well being has not been investigated to any great extent. Early studies show a considerable reduction in fatigue after the reduction of the number of work hours from 56 hours/week to 48 hours.
WAFRSTEN and WESTGMARD found that part-time work would reduce the incidence of muscle pain in food delivery boys. The most dramatic effect of the decrease in working hours was the increased time for social activity for friends and family reduction in workload may improve sleep quality, mental fatigue, heart /respiratory symptoms, and improve health.
In a study by [OLSSON], it was found that decreasing daily work hours per day may lead to the less overall stress and high recovery of energy. Nowadays, society is working for 24 hours. It eliminates the need for flexible working hours and also night working hours and downside, the strategy is that working hours have been extended into evening, night as well as the weekend. After the economic crisis of 1998 in India, our countries have adopted provisions for daily or weekly overtime using the 12-hour shift system for 5 to 7 consecutive days per week.
It is widely eaten knowledge that night shift related to sleep disturbance and sleepiness in food delivery boys cause they are working in night duty too. The previous study has also noted that the 12 hours and double-duty may lead to prolonged fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder. Food delivery boys are associated with a high risk of CVD, self-related health problems, fatigue, shortened sleep. Several factors have been identified are being important occupational stressors contributing to the onset and it may develop back trouble but the two main ones are postural stress and long-term exposure to whole day vibration.
Most food delivery boys are concerned with the exposure of vibration, posture demand, and MMH. They are more problem have the tight part syndrome, sciatica, low back pain, trapezius, upper back pain, hip pain. The food delivery boy was investigated with and a survey by complicating patient assessment with directs observation of food delivery boys during that work. The direct way might be due to encouraging drivers to take regular breaks during duty service. They can teach stress-relieving exercises stretching and posture correction.
However, since some of the drivers who have reportedly noticed discomfort during sitting have been identified that they often used seats with no backrest, support there is also a suggested need for ergonomic evaluation in food delivery boys. Food delivery boys clock up considerable hours of daily work time and mostly spend 60% of the time arriving. After drive without support or backrest, they also experience discomforting shock and jerking vibration events. Taking regular breaks from sitting during driving and work may lead to relieving health-related risk factors.
The automotive industries strongly encourage research on the field of objective discomfort assessment and especially seat assessment and the related posture in drivers. Food delivery boy’s drivers’ posture is one of the most important issues to be considered in the design of the new vehicle-making process. It is not only for cars and other vehicles but also for the static or dynamic experiment procedure
- Most of the food delivery boys having back pain, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, ankle pain, thus the need of study is to investigate the prevalence and risk factor musculoskeletal disorders among the food delivery boys through coronel musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire.
- Also, as this study has previously not been undertaken, it is necessary to carry out the prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders among the food delivery boys.
- To investigate which body par
- It is more affect in food delivery boys.
- To determine the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders in food delivery boys.
- To find out the relationship between years of driving and body pain.
NULL HYPOTHESIS (H0): There is no prevalence of any pain in food delivery boy assessed by cornel musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire.
ALTERNATE HYPOTHESIS (H1): Any pain is prevalent in food delivery boy assessed by cornel musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire.
- MARINO NOMOTO, et al. 12th June 2015, conducted a study on the effect of a long time commuting and long hours working on lifestyle and mental health among school teachers in Tokyo 146 school teachers are included in this study. The outcome measures are general health questionnaire (GHQ) and sense of coherence (SOC) scores were examined. Mental stress is measured by (GHQ) and stress coping is measured by (SOC) score.They concluded that long–time commuters were more likely to sleep less, exercise less, and work a less long time and long hour workers were more likely to commute shorter, work on holidays more frequently, smoke more and their stress coping potentials were higher.
- MIA SON, et al. (28th November 2008) conducted a study on the effects of long working hours and the night shift in severe sleepiness among workers with a 12-hour shift system for 5 to 7 consecutive days in the automobile factories of Korea. A total of 288 randomly selected males workers from two automobile factories were selected for the study. The outcome measures are the Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS) and using questionnaires and sleep-wake diaries. They conclude that night shift and long working hours have a high degree of interactive effects resulting in severe sleepiness at work.
- Masabumi Miyamoto, et al. (1st march, 2000) conducted a study on an epidemiologic study of occupational low back pain in truck drivers. One hundred fifty–three truck drivers who work in large chemical industries corporation were selected for the study. The outcome measure is taken questionnaires including low back symptoms, personal factors, and occupational factors. They concluded that 81 out of the 153 drivers pointed out the relationship between low back pain and work especially work which moves vibration or road shock.
- Sami Abdo Radman al-Dubai, et al. (1st December, 2012) conducted a study on the prevalence and determination of low back pain among taxi drivers in Malaysia. A 200 full-time male taxi drivers were taken for this study. The outcome measures are taken self-administrated questionnaire. At included questions on socio-demographic data, work characteristics, low back pain, and awareness of ergonomic factors. They concluded that early detection and management of serious low back pain problem is important to avoid immobility and consequent disability among taxi drivers.
- B. Jain. A. R tony, et al . (14th February 2020) conducted a study on analysis of upper body ergonomic parameters on commuter motorbike users. Twelve male subjects were selected for the study. The outcome measures are objective and subjective measurements rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) and Borg’s scale used to assess. They concluded that awareness among the motorcyclist to maintain the posture while riding.
- Min-Heekim ,et al .(2019) conducted study on outcome of the lower trapezius muscle activities during various narrow–base push-up exercises. A total of 11 males participated in this study. The outcome measures are surface electromyographic response of the lower trapezius muscle was examined during the narrow base push-up exercise. The concluded that the narrow base push-up is considered a suitable exercise for strengthening the lower trapezius muscle regardless of support surfaces.
- Sam –ho park, et al.(23rd march,2020) conducted a study on the effects of lower trapezius strengthening exercise on pain, dysfunction, posture alignment, muscle thickness, and contraction rate in patients with neck pain. This study conducted on a total number of 40 neck patients were divided into experimental group and control group. Experimental group using screening test and control group using randomization program. Both groups received exercise three times per week for 4 weeks. The outcome measures are visual analog scale (VAS), neck disability index (NDI), and postural alignment used to assess pre and post of exercise. They concluded that a lower trapezius strengthening exercise program is an effective method with clinical significance for reducing the level of neck disfunction and improving the postural alignment.
- Study design: observational study
- Sample size: 100.
- Data collection: Questionnaires were distributed to FDB. The complained questionnaires were collected at the end of session from each food delivery boy.
- Sample design: Sample was collected as convenient sampling for this study.
- Study duration: This study was completed in a period of 1 month.
- Source of data: Food delivery boys of Ahmedabad.
- Follow up: one time study.
- Pen
- Paper,
- Concern form ,
- Scale.
- Food delivery boys who are willing to participate.
- Age is between 18 to 45 years.
- Food delivery boys traveling at least 60-70 km/day minimum.
- Only male participants were taken.
- Driving for more than 4-5 hours/day
- all other people who are not fulfilling the above-mentioned criteria were excluded.
- participants were excluded if they any of this medical condition [fractures, OA,RA, any neurological problem]
- females
- recent injuries.
100 food delivery boys will be screened to check the prevalence of the musculoskeletal disorder. A suitable time will be set up with the driver, to get informed consent and to distribute the questionnaires to all food delivery boys well-screened using the cornel musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaires scale. All the questions were explained to each food delivery boy in simple words. The complained questionnaires were collected at the end of the session from each food delivery boy. The data collected were based on complaints presented on their LBP, Upper extremity pain, neck pain, lower limb pain. They experienced, as a result, their traveling. This would be done by using valid and reliable questionnaires for particular regions to find out the difficulty faced respectively.
This study explained about region vise percentage by the number of subject. There are total 100 subject participate in this study with the concern individual.
The table shows region vise percentage of the subject.
1 | NECK | 18 | 18% |
2 | UPPER BACK | 12 | 12% |
3 | SHOULDER | 10 | 10% |
4 | UPPER ARM | 7 | 7% |
5 | FOREARM | 4 | 4% |
6 | WRIST | 6 | 6% |
7 | LOWER BACK | 38 | 38% |
8 | HIP | 30 | 30% |
9 | THIGH | 12 | 12% |
10 | KNEE | 17 | 17% |
11 | LOWER LEG | 14 | 14% |
12 | FEET | 4 | 4% |
Table 1. Region vise percentage of the subject
The pie chart below suggests region vise percentage for total 100 subjects.
Pie Chart 1.1. Region vise percentage
The pie chart 1.2 shows, there are 18% of subject having neck pain out of 100
Pie Chart 1.2. Neck pain
This table saws, there are 12% of subject having upper back pain out of 100
Pie Chart 1.3. Upper back pain
This table saws, there are 10% of subject having shoulder pain out of 100.
Pie chart 1.4. shoulder pain
This table saws, there are 7% of subject having upper arm pain out of 100
Pie Chart 1.5. Upper arm pain
This table saws, there are 4% of subject having forearm pain out of 100.
Pie chart 1.6. forearm pain
This table saws, there are 6% of subject having wrist pain out of 100
Pie chart 1.7. Wrist pain
This table saws, there are 38% of subject having lower back pain out of 100
Pie chart 1.8. lower back pain
This table saws, there are 30% of subject having hip pain out of 100
Pie chart 1.9. Hip pain
This table saws, there are 12% of subject having thigh pain out of 100.
Pie chart 1.10. Thigh pain
This table saws, there are 17% of subject having knee pain out of 100
Pie chart 1.11. knee pain
This table saws, there are 14% of subject having lower leg pain out of 100
Pie chart 1.12. lower leg pain
This table saws, there are 4% of subject having feet pain out of 100
Pie chart 1.13. feet pain
This study suggest that the common pain is lower back pain about 38% and hip pain about 30% according to scale in food delivery boy.
Other regional pain is less common compare to lower back and hip pain.
The study is about, “To investigate the prevalence and risk factor of musculoskeletal disorder among food delivery boys.” The food delivery boys are more likely to develop musculoskeletal issues such as neck & low back pain.
Total 100 participants tested for the musculoskeletal disorder. Data was collected based on complaint of patients like neck pain, LBP, UE pain, LE pain, etc.
Out of 100 patient 18% having neck pain, 12% having upper back pain, 10% having Shoulder pain, 7% having upper arm pain, 4% having forearm pain, 6% having wrist pain, 38% having LBP, 12% having hip pain, 12% having thigh pain, 17% having knee pain, 14% having lower leg pain, 4% having feet pain.
Marino Nomoto, in June 2015 found that longtime, long hours working lifestyle effect on mental health & Musculo skeletal problem.
Mia Son, November 2008 also suggests that long working hours and night shift severely affects sleepiness in workers.
This study saws that each of musculoskeletal part of food delivery boy is affected due to overtime, Long term bike riding, lifiting heavay bag .
The aim of this study was to determine the musculoskeletal effects on each part of food delivery boys. The sample size of this survey was 100 people who completed cornel questionnaire. The results were then measured using the scoring methods of these scales, revealing that food delivery boys had a moderate effect as a result
- To conclude this study, it can be said that food delivery boys experience various levels of musculoskeletal impact.
- Nevertheless, in the result it is quite evident that participants who are working have moderate levels of affection of musculoskeletal problems in lower back and thighs compared to other parts which are mildly affected.
- In the present study, a limited number of participants were selected and due to ongoing COVID 19 pandemic, participants were not assessed manually and they answered questionnaires based on their understanding of pain, stress, anxiety or depression they felt.
- Population of only food delivery boys selected for reserch purose
- Although this study included major aspects of musculoskeletal problems faced by food delivery boys, like neck and low back pain, shoulders,buttocks,thigh calf, hamstring etc. but only male candidates were taken in this research.
- Study can be done on both gender
- A larger sample size would be recommended in future research.
- The study covered approximately 5% of total food delivery boys in ahmedabad ,hence a combination of other scale and tools which can measure the musculoskeletal and psychological change more precise and accurate result.
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