
Exercise for Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Exercise for Osteoarthritis of the Knee is a great option to recover naturally and also helps to keep your knee fully functional. Osteoarthritis of the Knee is the most common condition seen in elderly people because as you age, your joints become weak to take your body weight, and exercise is a great option to make your knee powerful to take your body weight and do all your day-to-day activity.

Exercise helps to improve the range of motion of the knee, strengthen weak quadriceps and other knee muscles and also improve the flexibility of tight muscles specially Hamstring and calf muscles mostly become tight.

The goal of Osteoarthritis Knee Exercises

The main goal of Exercise for Osteoarthritis of the Knee is to reduce Knee pain, improve the function of the knee joint, and reduce the risk of disability, all with the important goal of improving quality of life.

There are many options that these goals can be achieved through exercise programs, as discussed below.

  • Strengthen your weak Muscles Around the Knee
  • To Improve, Flexibility stretches your Tight muscles mainly Calf and Hamstring Muscles
  • Maintain or Improve Knee range of Joint Motion
  • Improve Aerobic Functioning
  • Exercise also helps in Weight Loss if you are obese

In this article, we discuss a few best exercises you can easily do at home and also list which exercises you should avoid.

List of Exercises for Osteoarthritis of Knee

  • Ankle-toe movements(ATM)
  • Static Quadriceps exercise (SQE)
  • Straight Leg Raising (SLR)
  • Sitting Quads
  • Terminal Knee Extensions (VMO Exercise)
  • Active Heel Drag
  • Calf stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • Pendular Knee exercise

Ankle-toe movements (ATM)

ankle circles
ankle circles

ATM is an easy-to-perform home exercise you can do at any position where you can simply start as a warm-up exercise before starting another knee exercise.

How to do ATM?

To do this exercise you can start by lying down on a soft mat with keeping your both legs straight. Now gradually up your Ankle and toes towards you fully (Dorsiflexion of Ankle and toes) and then lower fully (Planter flexion of Ankle and toes). Repeat 10 to 15 times 2 times a day.

After that, you should rotate your Ankle Clockwise and anti-clockwise (Active ankle circles). Repeat 10 to 15 times 2 times a day.
Gradually increases the repetition as you improve after a few days.

Static Quadriceps exercise (SQE)

SQE is also an easy exercise you can do at Home. This exercise helps to maintain the strength of the Quadriceps muscles.

How to do SQE?

Quadriceps isometric SQE
Quadriceps isometric SQE

To do this exercise you should Lie down on your back with the keep your leg you want to exercise straight. You can also do both leg exercises simultaneously.

For that, you require a small rolled towel. Keep a small rolled towel under the knee. Slowly press the towel with the help of your

knee (tighten the muscle on top of the thigh and push the back of the knee down into the rolled towel.
Hold the contraction for 5 seconds and then gradually release, resting 5 seconds between each contraction.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, 2 times daily.
Gradually increases the repetition as you improve after a few days.

Straight Leg Raising (SLR)

Straight leg raising (SLR)
Straight leg raising (SLR)

SLR is also a simple exercise you can do at home to maintain the strength of your leg.

How to do SLR?

To do SLR you should Lie flat on your back on the soft mat or bed place your arms at your sides, and keep your toes up.
Make your one leg straight you want to do exercise while tightening your leg muscles, and slowly elevate from bed to a few inches. Another leg is bent for 90 degrees.
Tighten your Abdominal muscles to push your lower back flat.
Hold for up to 5 seconds, then gradually lower your leg.
Repeat, then perform on to the other leg.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, 2 times daily.
Gradually increases the repetition as you improve after a few days.

Sitting Quads:

Sitting Quads
Sitting Quads

This exercise maintains the strength of the Knee muscles which is an important muscles to perform Knee related Activities.

How do Sitting Quads?

For that, you should Sit on a chair or Bed with Keep both legs bent at 90Ā° on the floor.
Slowly raise your affected leg so that itā€™s parallel to the chair (straight from the knee), while the other leg keeps on the ground.
Hold for 10 to 30 seconds, then slowly lower the leg back to the floor, and repeat on the other legs also.
Perform 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, 2 times daily.
Gradually increases the repetition as you improve after a few days.

Terminal Knee Extensions (VMO Exercise):

Terminal Knee Extensions (VMO Exercise)
Terminal Knee Extensions (VMO Exercise)

This exercise is an important exercise for Vastus medialis activation also called VMO Exercise.

How do Terminal Knee Extensions?

To do this exercise you require one medium-sized ball. You are lying on your back on the soft mat or bed and placing the ball under your knee joint.
Then gradually lift one heel off the ground till the knee joint is straight.
Hold the straight knee for 5 to 10 seconds then gradually lower the leg.
Repeat this VMO exercise – 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, 2 times daily.
Gradually increases the repetition as you improve after a few days.

Active Heel Slide Exercises


Active Heel Drag is an important exercise to maintain the range of motion of the knee joint.

How to do Active Heel Slide?

To do this exercise Lie flat on your back on the soft mat or bed with place your arms at your sides
Now you can gradually Slide your heel as close to your buttocks. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds, Then gradually straighten the leg.
Only bend your knee to a limit that is pain-free range and comfort.
Repeat on the other leg.
You may feel a slight stretch in or around your knee, but it must be pain-free.
For each exercise, do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Rest for up to 2 to 3 minutes between sets.
2 times daily.
Gradually increases the repetition as you improve after a few days.

Towel Stretch (Calf stretch)

Towel stretch
Towel stretch

The towel Stretch exercise helps to stretch your tight Calf muscles which are located at the back side of the lower leg.

How do a Towel Stretch?

To do this stretch you need a hand towel.

For that, you should take a long Sit position on the soft mat or bed with both legs straight out in front.
Wrap the hand towel around the Ankle, and grab both ends of the towel.
Keeping the legs fully straight, pull the towel toward you until you feel a gentle stretch, & hold the towel stretch for 10-30 seconds. Then, relax.
Then do the same on the opposite leg.
For each exercise, do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Rest for up to 2 to 3 minutes between sets.
2 times daily.

Hamstring Stretch

Sitting hamstring stretch
Sitting hamstring stretch

Hamstring muscles most commonly become tight in osteoarthritis of the knee and require to do regular stretch. It is also an easy exercise you can do at Home.

How to do a Hamstring Stretch?

To do a Hamstring stretch you should take a long Sitting position on a soft mat or bed to keep your legs straight.
Now you should Extend both arms & reach forward by bending at the waist and try to reach towards the toes- as far as possible while keeping the knees straight.
You should feel a gentle stretch at the Back of the thigh (If you feel any extra pain, you should stop the exercise)
Hold for 10 ā€“ 30 seconds.
Relax back into the first position.
Repeat 2 to 5 times.

Pendular Knee exercise

This exercise is also a simple exercise you can do at Home.

Pendular Knee exercise video

How to do Pendular Knee exercise?

To do this exercise you should sit on a Bed or Chair that height is slightly high as compared to your leg and your leg is freely hanging on one side of the bed.
Keep your both hands on both sides of your bed to hold the position.
Now gradually swing your lower leg alternatively as you see in videos.
Exercise must be pain-free and fully relaxed position.
Do not do fully straight or flexed.
Do 2 to 5 minutes until you feel relaxed.
Repeat 2 times a Day.

Standing Knee Flexion Exercise:

Standing knee flexion
Standing knee flexion

This exercise strengthens your Hamstring muscles which are located at the back of the thigh.

For that, you should take a standing position with Hold a chair or wall, or any other support.
Gradually Bend the knee from the ankle towards your thigh as far as possible, Holds for a few seconds, and then lower the leg to starting position and relax.
Then do the same on the opposite leg.
For each exercise, do 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions. Rest for up to 2 to 3 minutes between sets.
2 times daily.

Knee osteoarthritis exercises to avoid

Following are the list of exercise that increases the symptoms of Knee osteoarthritis are:

  • Prolonged walking
  • Stair Climbing
  • Squatting
  • Treadmill walking / Running
  • Prolonged cycling

You should also notice which activities that are painful, and you should avoid these activities or exercises which are painful.

When you do not do Exercise for Osteoarthritis of the Knee?

  • When exercise is painful, you should avoid exercise.
  • You should gradually increase the repetition.
  • Avoid jerky Knee movement.
  • Also, avoid weight-bearing painful activity or exercise

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