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Lumbarization: Physiotherapy Treatment:

Definition: Lumbarization is a condition in which the first segment of the sacrum fails to fuse with the second segment so that it appears to be part of the lumbar vertebrae. Related Anatomy: The human spine is composed of vertebrae namely, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and the coccyx at the lower end. There are 5…

Cervicogenic Headache
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Cervicogenic Headache Physiotherapy Treatment

Definition: Cervicogenic Headache (CGH) is a chronic headache that arises from the atlanto-occipital and upper cervical joints and is seen in one or more regions of the head, Neck, and/or face. Introduction: Cervicogenic headaches can mimic migraines, so it may be difficult to distinguish a cervicogenic headache from a migraine headache. The primary difference is that…

MICE Principles For Sports Injury

MICE Principles For Sports Injury: Alternatives of RICE

MICE Principle Introduction Meaning of MICE How to Use MICE Principle? M – MOTION So between rest and normal motion use the M of MICE. I – ICE : So ice is important for reduce pain and swelling. C – COMPRESSION : So compression is important for reduce bleeding, swelling. E -ELEVATION So elevation is…

Elbow Pain
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Elbow Pain: Physiotherapy Treatment

What is an Elbow Pain? DEFINITION: ANATOMY OF ELBOW JOINT: OSTEOLOGY: There are three bones that comprise the elbow joint:-the humerus-the radius-the ulna. These bones give rise to two joints LIGAMENTS OF THE ELBOW JOINT: BLOOD SUPPLY AND INNERVATION: MOVEMENTS: Flexion Most of the muscles producing flexion are found in the anterior compartment of the…

Cervical Stenosis
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Cervical Stenosis: Physiotherapy Treatment

Cervical stenosis Definition Cervical stenosis is a narrowing of the cervical spinal canal. This narrowing of the spinal canal may result in compression of the spinal cord and/or the nerve roots and affect the function of the spinal cord or the nerve, which may cause symptoms associated with cervical radiculopathy or cervical myelopathy. Spinal stenosis…

Thoracic degenerative disc disease (TDDD)
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THORACIC DISC SYNDROME: Physiotherapy Treatment

What is thoracic degenerative disc disease ? Thoracic degenerative disc disease (TDDD) is a condition that causes the discs between the vertebrae in the upper part of the spine to wear out. It can cause pain, numbness, and other symptoms that affect movement. Thoracic degenerative disc disease is one of several types of degenerative disc…

Tarsal tunnel syndrome


What is Tarsul Tunnel Syndrome? Tarsal tunnel syndrome is condition in which posterior tibial nerve is compressed/Damaged in tarsal tunnel , is a part of ankle joint, narrow space is covered by with a thick ligament (the flexor retinaculum) that protects and maintains the structures contained within the tunnel—Nerves,arteries, veins and tendons. Anatomy Of Tarsal…