Knee pain treatment in Ahmedabad
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Knee pain treatment in Ahmedabad: Bapunagar, Vastral, Nava Naroda and Amaraiwadi area

If you are looking for Knee pain treatment in Ahmedabad then Samarpan Physiotherapy clinic is the best option for permanent solution of your knee pain. Physiotherapist in Samarpan Physio clinic helps you to make your knee joint more powerful and fully function to perform your day to day activity easily without any extra strain. Knee…

sciatica pain
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Disc bulge l4 l5 treatment : Physiotherapy treatment

Disc bulge l4 l5 treatment is mostly depends upon symptoms and severity. However, if you are looking for Disc bulging with level of lumbar spine l-4 and l-5 related treatment option in this article which is the best option you can select and how to relieve disc bulge pain. A Disc bulging occurs when the…

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Slip disc in Back: Cause, symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, Exercise

What is a slip disc? Slip disc means your disc which are located between two vertebrae are slip from their original position mainly during lifting weight or other related activity. Your spine is made up of a series of bones called vertebrae which are joined together onto each other. From top to bottom, spinal column…

Heel Pain
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Heel pain when i wake up (Heel pain in the morning) :

Heel pain when you wake up is more common now-days due to mainly increase workload and long standing and strain full activity, mostly Heel pain occurs mainly due to tightness of Planter fascia located at planter surface of the foot which become tight and weak due to overuse or age or any injury. If you…

Quadriceps tendinitis
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Quadriceps tendinitis :

What is quad tendonitis? Also known as jumperā€™s knee, quadriceps tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons that connect the quadriceps muscles to the kneecap. The condition is often caused by overuse, such as in intense athletic activities or repetitive squatting. Certain biomechanical factors such as having an excessive amount of forward lean in your…

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Introduction : Kinesiological tapping for wrist sprain is a rehabilitative cum protective use of stretcheble kinesiological tapes to provide relief of Anatomy of wrist joint : There are two types of wrist sprains, namely radial and ulnar wrist sprain.The radial wrist sprain is most common, with mostly an injury of the ligaments connecting the lunate…

Ergonomics for neck pain

Ergonomics for neck pain (Neck Pain Care):

Ergonomics for neck pain is a treatment part of Neck pain related condition such as slip disc at cervical area, cervical spondylosis. If you have neck pain, you are taking medical and Physiotherapy treatment but not followed ergonomics advice that suggested by your doctors, you pain won’t go away. It is important part of treatment…

Sciatica Pain physiotherapy
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Sciatica Pain Physical Therapy Treatment & Exercise, Yoga Position:

Sciatica pain is caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve is formed by the joining of the nerves from the spinal cord that run through the lower back, hips and buttock area to the legs. The sciatic nerve is responsible for transmitting signals…

Physiotherpy for the knee pain
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Physiotherapy Treatment for the knee pain : Electrotherapy modalities and Exercise

Physiotherapy for the knee pain is depends on Diagnosis and symptoms of the condition, Physiotherapist will assess your knee pain cause, onset of pain, aggravating and relieving factor and according to which treatment are decided. Most common Physiotherapy for knee pain are Electrotherapy modalities which relieves pain and exercise that strengthen knee muscles with range…

Pudendal nerve entrapment syndromes
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Pudendal nerve entrapment syndromes : Physiotherapy Treatment, Exercise

What is Pudendal nerve syndrome ? It is also known as the Pudendal neuralgia & Alcock syndrome. It is an unusual of the condition which is arises from to the compression of to the pudendal nerve (S2) . It is a chronic & severely disabling neuropathic pain syndrome. It is a presents in to the…