Botox for Trigeminal Neuralgia
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Botox for Trigeminal Neuralgia

Introduction of botox for trigeminal neuralgia Botox is the name for Botulinum toxin type A, which is derived from a strain of bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum. Botox injections block certain chemical signals from nerves, most of the signals that cause muscles to contract. The most common use of these injections is to temporarily relax the…

occipital neuralgia
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Occipital Neuralgia

What is a Occipital Neuralgia? Definition Occipital Neuralgia Clinical relevant anatomy of the cervical spine Anatomy of Occipital Neuralgia Upper Cervical Spine Nerves SPINAL NERVES Pathophysiology Epidemiology Which are the Causes of Occipital Neuralgia? Medical conditions which can be responsible for Occipital Neuralgia are : Symptoms of Occipital Neuralgia Symptoms of Occipital Neuralgia may include…

adductor tendinopathy
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Adductor tendinopathy

What is adductor tendinopathy? Adductor tendinopathy describes a number of conditions that develop in & around of Adductor tendon in response to chronic overuse. At a histopathological level, there are changes in the molecular structure of the tendon, typically collagen separation & collagen degeneration & at a macroscopic level typically see tendon thickening, a loss…

Forearm muscle pain when lifting
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Forearm pain when lifting:

Every people commonly feel pain in the hand & arm during weight lifting because weight lifting is produce inflammation in the forearm muscle when You donā€™t allow for sufficient recovery time between workouts.Sometimes this pain is lead to serious medical conditions.Forearm pain also occurs due to other many causes like overuse of the forearm muscle.In…

Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
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Reflex sympathetic dystrophy

What is reflex sympathetic dystrophy? Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) is the type of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). It happens due to malfunctions in the sympathetic nervous system as well as the immune system. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy causes severe pain in one or even more limbs that last months or longer. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy is…